Pumpkin Vegetable Soup

Here’s another recipe from 6F feasting (this one’s also pilfered from Jun)!

I know the weather’s warming up in most parts of the world, and I tend to enjoy warm soups on cold nights, but I’ve been caught in severe thunderstorms for the past couple nights and it’s really making me want to just not leave my study room, since, I’ve pretty much moved in. (More on that later on in this post. In any case, hope you enjoy! :]

Pumpkin Vegetable Soup

pumpkin vegetable soup

  • 1/2 kabocha, chopped
  • chicken stock, water or dashi stock
  • carrots, chopped
  • daikon, chopped
  • ginger, sliced (~1-2 inches, thinly sliced, but it depends on how gingery you like things)
  • sea salt, to taste
  • freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • miso paste (optional)
  1. Boil everything until cooked.
  2. Add bokchoy or Napa cabbage at the end if you want leafy greens!
  3. If using miso, add it to your bowl when serving and not when boiling it, because it loses flavor if boiled for too long.
Here’s Round 2 of JVKom’s Fitness 5 on Friday! :]

1. What is your least favorite exercise and why?

Hands down, long-distance running. :[ It’s at least partially due to the fact that I suck at it, but for the most part, I just vastly prefer activity that calls for the utilization of my type II muscle fibers. They function a lot better than my type I’s. :P

2. What is your resting heart beats per minute? (to calculate count your pulse for 15 seconds and multiply by 4)

76. :[ This makes me sad because I’m pretty sure I was along the lines of 62 last year.

3. Do you prefer to exercise alone or with company?

If I’m lifting weights, I tend to like going it alone because it’s way more efficient. (My type A tendencies shine through here, har har.) I used to run/jog with Mekala and/or Sylvia while we caught up on life, before we effectively ended up in 3 different time zones (thanks, school/life). I miss that quite a bit. :[

4. What is your go to exercise outfit?

If I could have it my way, I’d exclusively wear workout clothing for pretty much every day of my life. That being said, on days where I don’t have to look nice, I can invariably/ideally (the latter is because winters here kinda suck) be found in a tank top and shorts. Depending on the activity, this may or may not include a pair of heels.

JUST KIDDING. I’m just modeling them (a girl at our studio blinged em’ out). I can’t walk in heels to save my life.

5. Think about this time last year. Are you more or less active than you were a year ago?

Ah, this also makes me very sad. :[ About this time last year, I was fresh out of my very first powerlifting competition and not feeling endless bouts of study guilt for being at the gym (“But Farrah, you should be studying! Get out of here!”), so I was definitely a lot more active. I sincerely hope that by mid-summer, I’ll be done with this madness forever.

I had a dream the other night that I asked my brother to punch me in the stomach (this is a regular occurrence when I’m home) and he did, but I no longer had the abs to block him like I usually do. It was fairly disheartening. He sent me a list of badass quotes, and I want this to be talking about me someday:

“Just remember, somewhere, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max.” – Jim Conroy

This is what I mean when I say that I’ve “moved into my study room.”

…And this is what my current life has been reduced to, except multiply this by about 3 filled-up notebooks.

If you’d like to join in on the linkup, answer the following questions and link up your post on Friday (it goes live at 7 a.m. EST!). (On social media, the hashtag will be #F5onF. :)

JVKom Chronicles

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/pumpkin-vegetable-soup/


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  1. That soup looks yummy,
    your dream about your brother made me laugh HAHA
    You have a lot going on no worries you’re still killin’ it!

    1. Not gonna lie, I woke up a little sad, haha. But hooray for it just being a dream! I’m learning (/trying to learn) that sometimes it’s okay to sacrifice a couple things for the greater good (e.g. my future). I will hopefully get back to kickin’ butt after boards! :]

  2. I hate running too. I’m hoping some day soon I can live in my workout clothes. I could live in my gym clothes too.

    1. I’m maximizing on that right now because my life just consists of studying, which means having all the excuses in the world to dress as comfortably as I want to. <3 …I'm gonna miss that very dearly soon though, haha.

  3. You’ll get through all this school work and be back to your normal activities soon! I hate long distance running too. However, I am contemplating a half marathon. We’ll see. Thanks for linking up!

    1. If you do decide to do one, let me know how it goes! :] I ran one a couple years ago and think it was fun to just be able to finish it and say that I’ve done one in my lifetime. I can’t fathom ever being able to complete one now though, haha. It also definitely made me realize that my love for lifting weights (and pretty much everything else) far outweighs my like of running. (Sprinting’s fun though? :D)

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