Peanut Butter Banana Cottage Cheese

I’ve been trying to teach myself to like cottage cheese because it has such an awesome macro breakdown (yay protein!!!) and is a billion times cheaper than protein powder ($2 for 1.5 lbs instead of $10/lb…unless I find it on sale; hooray for manager’s specials <3 ). Anyway, I tried it once upon a time at Adam’s last year and hated the texture, but I’ve found that if I throw a bunch of other stuff into the mix, it makes it better!

While we’re at it, we should probably just note that the concoction tends to look absolutely disgusting, which is why the picture I included shows it before I mixed it all up. :]

Peanut Butter Banana Cottage Cheese

184 calories, 24g CHO’s, 5g fat, 28g protein, 1g fiber, 404mg sodium!

-1/2 cup nonfat, small curd cottage cheese
-3/4 tbsp Peanut Butter & Co. White Chocolate Wonderful
-1/2 banana, sliced

1) Slice half a banana into a bowl with the cottage cheese. Add peanut butter and mix. Top with cinnamon, to taste.

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  1. I’ve never been a huge fan of cottage cheese, but maybe I just need to try it again like you did! I do have a lactose sensitivity so I try to stay away from dairy products, but hey… if something’s got peanut butter in it… ;)
    genevieve @ gratitude & greens recently posted…Almond Butter Brownies With Sea SaltMy Profile

    1. I never was either, but when you put enough other stuff in it (oh, peanut butter, how I adore you *-*), it masks it pretty well! :P I may be somewhat lactose-intolerant too, but…everything in moderation? :P Some more than others, haha.

  2. Bananas + peanut butter = perfect combo! I tried it once with some cottage cheese and I also liked it but peanut butter flavour was not very strong.
    Agness Walewinder recently posted…5 Travel Tips for People with AsthmaMy Profile

    1. Agreed! I feel like I need to add extra PB when it comes to cottage cheese, haha. It just isn’t my favorite! :P
      Farrah recently posted…Vegan Momofuku Milk Bar Birthday CakeMy Profile

  3. I love cottage cheese! I like it savory with lots of pepper or sweet with berries or pineapple…but I’ve never tried peanut butter and banana! sounds like a new favorite!

    1. I haven’t had it in the longest time, but I may need to go grab some of that again, hehe. I love the sound of it with a bunch of berries! <3 Can't possibly go wrong there!

  1. […] days, it’s been a variation of this! To be honest, I tried cottage cheese for the first time somewhere during my first year of med […]

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