oral pathology

I’m not sure I ever want to kiss anyone again after going through the oral pathology lecture. If someone had been watching me reading through it, they’d probably see me progressively pushing my notes away with a really horrified expression as I turned each page. :[ It was bad.

The notes on the right are what I took on the different spinal tracts, haha. But the left. Ohhhh, the left. :[

For the record, you can tell the difference between thrush and hairy leukoplakia by whether or not you can scrape it off. ;_; If it’s leukoplakia, it stays there.


Just to end on a good note, here’s one of my latest lunches from church!

This is why Saturdays at church are always my cheat meals. :]!

I’ve probably actually gone to church more times this year than I have in the past 5 years. Part of it is due to the fact that I have a car and a church nearby, but it’s also because the people there are just so genuine and such good people. :D I like letting them know I’m still alive and stuff so they don’t worry about me.One of the moms there has a son going to school in Kentucky, so she was asking how I was last weekend, and if there was anything I needed (food, help on anything, etc.). She’s super sweet! She asked me what I liked most out of the potluck foods (um, everything. you cannot go wrong here, seriously.) and if there was anything I would/wouldn’t eat, since she was trying to figure out what she could make for me so I wouldn’t have to worry about cooking. (“I can’t do it for my son since he’s so far away, but I can do that for you!”) <3

My church, Please Save A Cat, and this town in general are all major factors as to why I want to stay in this region for my third-year rotations. People may say there’s not much to do here, but I’ve found way more than I have time for and I honestly really love it here. It doesn’t matter where I go in WV (or in any of the neighboring states)–I’ll still be 3000 miles away from my family–but I’ve kinda adopted the people here as my family away from home. I knew nothing about West Virginia before I came here for school; if you want my honesty, I wouldn’t even have been able to point it out on a map until I got an interview here. Maybe this place is a bubble, but the people here are so kind, friendly and just altogether amazing that I really don’t want to leave. Linda asked the other day that if she adopted me and we were considered family, would it mean that I could stay here?

I wish, I wish! :[ That unfortunately does not count as a “dire circumstance” though.

There are apparently a grand total of 5 spots for the rotation site in this town, so I’m going for one in a neighboring town about an hour away (that is also very likely go to lottery ;_; ) in hopes that I’ll at least get to stay in this region. All my limbs are crossed and I guess I’ll just keep praying about it. If I can get the teaching position, it’d honestly be the best of both worlds.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/oral-pathology/


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  1. I hope you get the teaching position in the town that is your first choice. When are you going to find out? I liked how you transitioned from hairy leukoplakia to your lunch :-)
    Eva/ Kid Minds recently posted…LEGO MAN GOES SKIING – Fun with MagnetsMy Profile

    1. hahaha, I have zero threshold for acceptable meal conversations anymore! :P I didn’t end up getting the position, but it’s a-okay, because it means I get to graduate on time! :] I’m interviewing for residency programs right now, and in February/march, I will hopefully find out where the hecks I’ll be for the next 3 years! :]

  2. OH NO I can only imagine what you learn in your Oral Pathology lecture. I’m happy you found a church that you like, sounds like they are a great source of support.

    1. They were all so, so nice! I really miss them! <3

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