November Blog Challenge

Just 3.5 days left to enter the giveaway I’m running! for a digital copy of Charlene Carr’s Skinny Me. (I’m choosing 3 winners!) Make sure you also check out Jamaica’s giveaway hub, and click the graphic below while you’re at it! :O!


Tis the last giveaway roundup Smitha will be hosting for the year!

There are Today’s Elf 4 Health challenge is to try a new workout!

Since my radiology rotation was the chillest 2 weeks I’ve ever had in the entirety of my medical school career, I was given today through Friday off. Which means I’m heading back to Lewisburg shortly to spend Thanksgiving at Please Save A Cat! <3 It’s supposed to be pouring down snow after 12 p.m., so I hope I make it there before then and manage to avoid most of the really crappy weather conditions. :/

That being said, I haven’t done any Blogilates for a really long time, and although I was going to go run for the first time in a billion years, there’s that aforementioned snow/sleet/rain to bother with. …So instead, I shall be doing POP Cardio videos in the comfort of Please Save A Cat headquarters!

Cassey has a way of making you want to power through the workout, even though you’re cursing her while doing it. (Sorry, nothing personal. It’s just my lack of core crying.)

Onward to my November Blog Challenge! (Brace yourselves, winter is coming this is a long one!) Installment of Days #20-26 for the November Blog(ger) Challenge is down below! Feel free to link up below if you’re also participating! :]

11/20: Favorite Foods

Salmon sashimi/rolls

I missed it so much, we actually made some rolls a couple years back!

  • I also adore Thai food, BBQ beef ribs, pulled chicken, cannolis, apple pie, caprese salads, Korean BBQ, tiramisu, frozen yogurt, smoked salmon…
Teriyaki Chicken Musubi!

Teriyaki Chicken Musubi!

11/21: Best Thing That Happened This Year

Passing my boards!!!

11/22: Dream Job

I’m lucky in that I’m on track (aka medical school) to get to my dream job right now. <3 At present, I’m still pretty convinced that I want to go into Family Medicine (and perhaps sub-specialize in Sports Medicine!).

11/23: Favorite Childhood Book
I can’t pick just one! I’m narrowing it down to…8, with 4 honorable mentions!

  • Follow My Leader, by James B. Garfield
    This one’s about a boy who goes blind after an unfortunate accident, and how he learns to cope with it. I actually tried navigating around my own house with my eyes closed for a while after I read this book, just to see what it’d be like without the gift of sight.
    Follow My Leader
  • Where the Red Fern Grows, by Wilson Rawls
    Uh. Can you tell I love dogs? This book was heart-shattering in all kinds of respects, but I adored it. I also liked his other book, Summer of the Monkeys.
  • Ella Enchanted, by Gail Carson Levine
    I love retellings of fairy tales, and this one was no exception. Ella is a witty, snarky, non-damsel in distress, so I loved her character in this book, and was definitely rooting for her all the way through! :] If I were to be super honest, I didn’t even realize it was a retelling of a fairy tale until wayyy later on. I’m a slow one.


  • The Westing Game, by Ellen Raskin
    I liked the mystery and the unexpected twists and turns in this one. :]
  • The Lorax, by Dr. SeussThe Lorax
    Is any “favorite childhood book” collection complete without at least a mention of Dr. Seuss? I used to read this to the kids as a bedtime story when I was a science camp counselor at Walden West! I loved it there as a counselor and would go as far as to say that I had more fun as a counselor than I did when I was a kid actually going to science camp (our school did not take us to Walden West :'( ).
  • Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbit
    This one’s a classic! Weirdly enough, I had it lying in the house for the longest time, but never read it until it was required in 6th grade. (I admit, I judged it by its cover. ._.)
  • Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher, by Bruce Coville
    I wanted a dragon so very badly. ;_; Also, my name is in there. (There’s a ferret named Farrah!) When your name is on the rarer side of the spectrum, you kinda take what mentions you can get.
    Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher

    Honorable mentions include Island of the Blue Dolphins (Scott O’Dell), The Pushcart War (Jean Merrill), Sign of the Beaver (Elizabeth George Speare), Matilda (Roald Dahl), and the Pony Pals series (Jeanne Betancourt).

11/24: Favorite Blogs

This one’s always wildly difficult, and I hate choosing. :[ I’ll try to include a mix of old + new blogs that I’ve been following! :]

11/25: Old Photo of Me


This was a decade ago. My gymnastics career started and ended in high school. :O I was terrible at it, but loved it anyway, even through the ripped hands and super-wedgies.

Not an old enough picture? Let’s rewind another decade+. Here’s me when I was uh…2 or 3. I have no idea. I had super chubby cheeks and everyone liked poking them. >:[

 11/26: Note to Someone
This is more of an imagined conversation [that I found on pinterest and could relate to] than it is an actual note.

Not mad--hurt.

  • What are some of your favorite foods?
  • What would your dream job be?
  • What’s something awesome that happened to you this year?
  • What was your favorite childhood book?

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  1. What are some of your favorite foods?
    Chinese, Mexican, and Pizza.

    What would your dream job be?
    I would want to be a social worker, working in the school system with pregnant teens.

    What’s something awesome that happened to you this year?
    I don’t want to be negative but I’ve had a pretty awful year. :(

    What was your favorite childhood book?
    Caddie Woodland, So Far From the Bamboo Grove, and the Goosebumps series.
    Angie Bailey (Precisely Mine) recently posted…Ozeri 3x Tower Fan ReviewMy Profile

    1. On your dream job–that would be awesome! That would be so helpful to them; I feel like there aren’t enough (any?) services that really work with them, and most just end up dropping out of school as a result of that. :[

      Hooray for the Goosebumps series! I used to read that a lot too! :P

      I’m sorry about your year! I hope things start looking up for you for the remainder of this year and through the next one! :] Will be sending good thoughts your way!

  2. Ella Enchanted is such a great book. Amanda of Fitnyx reminded me of Dealing with Dragons, which was another favorite of that era, too.
    We seriously need to go to a meal, because those are all some of my favorite foods. FO REALZ. But maybe we’ll get some Hamachi too?
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Holiday Cranberry Cupcake Recipe + Apple Cranberry RelishMy Profile

    1. Ohmicrud. Yes! HAMACHI. <3

      If Chicago ever warms up (when does that happen?!? ;_; ), I am planning a trip up there! *-*

  3. We totally have the same taste in books :)

    1. :D! Rooting through my memory for my past favorites makes me miss reading so much!

  4. That’s an awesome collection of favorite foods! Salmon sashimi is so good! I like sushi rolls best, but sometimes, I’ll go and get some sashimi too. It’s also great that you’re on track to fulfilling your dream job! Yay! Tuck Everlasting was also one of my favorite books growing up! I loved the movie adaptation too.
    Tiffany Khyla recently posted…I’m Thankful for…My Profile

    1. Haha, thank you! I always have issues choosing just one favorite!

      I actually haven’t seen the movie adaptation yet! Adding to my to-watch list! :P

  5. Oh, Cassey. She does keep a smile on her face as she slowly kills you. Ha!

    Korean BBQ is the BEST.
    Earl-Leigh recently posted…You Get What You Ask For {Fitness}My Profile

    1. Agreed! I hate my life so much while I’m doing her workouts, but I just tell myself to power through because it’s good for me, haha.

      I miss Korean BBQ so much! *-*

  6. I really want to try authentic thai food! Ah! I know I would love it!
    Hehe, you are so cute!!!
    (P.S. Thank you for lovin on my blog! XOXO)
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…The Ultimate Unique Foodie Gift Guide + {A Spectacular Giveaway}My Profile

    1. I think you really would! :D It’s definitely in my top 3 favorite genres of food! :]

      haha, thank you! And of course! <3 I love your blog!

    • Ricardo on November 26, 2014 at 12:12 pm
    • Reply

    What are some of your favorite foods?
    -Dang you already said Salmon. Like why should I keep going? Oh, I actually thought of something else. I am a straight up Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle because I LOVE pizza. There’s never a day where I’ll say “oh, but we just had pizza.” Okay, maybe If I’m trying to be nice and let others have a choice in what they eat, but if someone else brings it up and I just had some cold ones for breakfast, hell yes we’re getting a ‘za.

    What would your dream job be?
    -Honestly? Working in one of these tech giants. Google, Facebook, Oracle, whatever. I just haven’t the faintest idea what I’d do there, haha.

    What’s something awesome that happened to you this year?
    -Disneyland should win hands down, but I feel you’ve heard enough about that from me, haha. Instead, I’ll choose the time I saw Queens of the Stone Age live. In January, my little sister was all “dude, they are pre-selling tickets for SF, we should go!” Being the older brother I am, I looked at my finances before I made the commitment. “Oh dang, ” I told myself, ” I make money now. Hell yeah we’re gonna go see them!” So I got us some tickets, had her and her bf drive over to the island, then we MUNIed to the show. It was a freaking blast. I got them some pizza slices over at Blondies and we headed back. While they went home to sleep in Sacramento (they were on spring break), I had work at 7am so I got maybe 4 hours of sleep. Super worth it though, haha.

    What was your favorite childhood book?
    I already touched upon The Time Machine in another post, so I’ll talk about another book. They made a novel from the game Blaster Master when I was like 8 or 9. I just remember seeing it in the library ad going “oh dude, that’s one of my favorite games! They made a book?” Back then, much like now, I’m very into back stories on fictional work. It helps me think about the story presented in such a different light that I can lose myself in games or movies thinking about how those character wound up in their situation or how they are able to have certain abilities, etc. In a nutshell, I really like to use my imagination so knowing more about a story’s background helps with that.

    1. I’ve gone on a pizza ban at various times in my life because it just got really out of hand (it’s so convenient, haha), but I definitely do appreciate it when it’s good pizza!

      Everyone seems to be doing a tech startup comopany of some sort these days, haha. I have no idea what that entails either, as I’ve never done anything close to that realm of work. I shall stick to the medical field, heh heh heh.

      I tend to like reading fiction most too! :]

  7. Love this post! So nice to look back at childhood and see how my food choices have evolved. I love sushi and I would not have chosen that dish as a kid.
    Shantha recently posted…How These 5 Photo Editing Apps Can Enhance Your Social Media Marketing VisualsMy Profile

    1. Same here! I don’t know why, but I used to dislike sushi (what was I thinking!?). Glad my tastebuds evolved! :]

  8. What are some of your favorite foods?
    All of them haha, I love fruits, nuts, veggies, whole foods, good hearty breads, spreads, dips, and Italian food!

    What would your dream job be?
    A linguist although I only speak English – but hey you said DREAM job right!?

    What’s something awesome that happened to you this year?
    I started blogging! Again. Yay!

    What was your favorite childhood book?
    Charolette’s Web :)
    Joely Smith recently posted…Holiday Gift Guide Gifts Under 150.00My Profile

    1. Ah, same here! :D Honestly, asking me what my favorite food is tends to be one of the hardest ones to answer (if they seriously want me to narrow it down). I like too many things.

      haha, yes! Anything’s game for dream jobs. :] Charlotte’s Web was also a good one!

      Glad you started blogging! It’s probably my favorite downtime activity other than exercising. :P Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for stopping by!

  9. I didn’t know about the November challenge. I enjoyed looking at each day’s picture.
    Tami recently posted…Growing Child: My Baby Turned Two!My Profile

    1. I’d never done a blog challenge before and thought it’d be fun to try out. :P Thanks for stopping by!

    • Sam on November 27, 2014 at 7:47 pm
    • Reply

    Loved this post! Congrats again on passing your boards =)

    What are some of your favorite foods?
    Thai, Japanese, Korean in that order. Steak gets its own category.

    What would your dream job be?

    What’s something awesome that happened to you this year?
    Travels and starting a business

    What was your favorite childhood book?
    Soulforge, by Margaret Weis (Dragonlance series)

    1. Thank you, good sir! I’m with you on the favorite foods (but you probably already know that, haha).

      I had no idea you actually had a favorite-favorite out of that ginormous collection you had, hahaha. That’s pretty impressive. I [clearly] had issues with choosing just one.

  10. most of those food look amazing…um no sure about the salmon sushi…but everything else :-)
    Angie B. recently posted…PeekaPak Kids’ Subscription Box Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deal !!!My Profile

    1. hehehe, I will gladly eat all the sushi for you! :P

  11. Lol at your old gymnastics photo, love it! You looked like you really enjoyed it (sarcasm*)

    1. hahaha, I forgot why I was pouting in that picture. Gymnastics is actually the one and only thing I’ve ever completely sucked at but loved anyway! <3

  12. I never thought of a blog challenge. I’m thinking of doing one for the new year to start the year of in the right direction. Thanks!
    valerie recently posted…Love with Food November BoxMy Profile

    1. Hope you have fun with it! I liked that it prompted me to write about a lot of things I usually probably wouldn’t have thought to write about! :]

  13. I love sushi too, my favorite is uni, and spicy tuna handrolls – mmm. Thanks for sharing!
    Jen @ The Halfway Homemaker recently posted…Hello Kitty Christmas GiftsMy Profile

    1. Ahhh, I want sushi again! <3 If I could have a never-ending bowl of any type of food, it would be sushi. *-*

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