An Average Day + My Handwriting

My gun did not come in on time (it’s currently chillin’ in Grove City, Ohio; thanks for nothin’!), so I broke down and got a less legit gun for $11 at the local sporting goods store, 5000 BB’s, a mask, gloves, and I even bought my first camo shirt. Might as well go all out, right? (hah) I’m a little annoyed with the little boys’ section for not having anything, because it would’ve been 50% cheaper, but you win some, you lose some.

I should be out somewhere on my preceptor’s property mowing down people with plastic BB’s (or vice versa) in a couple hours! No, I clearly have not grown up yet, but in my defense, neither has our preceptor. >_> It’s for the best, okay? My friend has another commitment this afternoon, so I’m sitting in as the resident accompanist for the choir that I voluntarily roped myself into! (I miss singing with GVC, so this helps to fill that void).

Days #14-15 of the November Blogger Challenge! Feel free to link up below if you’re doing the challenge as well! :]

11/14: An Average Day

Assuming that said “average” day were in ER, I’d have didactics from 7-8 in the education building at the hospital, and then I’d go in for my 12-hour (which invariably becomes 14-16 hours) shift in the Emergency Room. There’s pretty much never a dull or average moment, and thus far, I’ve sewn people up after drunken altercations and sawing accidents, started an IV, gotten an ABG on someone, watched a couple central lines getting put in, and have dealt with way more drug seekers than I’d care to know about. There’s something different every day.

This also goes hand in hand with the next day’s prompt, because my day usually entails going through about 2-3 pages worth of what you see below:


Patient notes! :O I rarely write down identifiers, but on the offchance that there were any, I cropped em’ out. These are actually my FM notes because my ER ones are in the car, and I don’t feel like going out there just to take a picture of em’.

Throughout my shift, I see patients sometimes with my preceptor, sometimes alone, sometimes with Isaac, and I also read up on conditions that I don’t know as much about, present my cases to my preceptor, and come up with a differential, what labs/tests/imaging to order, and what to do for the patient. When there’s downtime and my preceptor’s gone, I talk with the nurses and PA’s, share snacks, and learn how to do procedures from them. :O

If I’m working nights, I’ll usually sneak with Isaac over to the doctors’ lounge when my preceptor is in his break room so that we can pick up some snacks and/or get tea (for me)/coffee (for Isaac).

That being said, my ER rotation actually officially ended yesterday. :[ I’m going to miss it there, so I think if I have any spare time, I’m going to try to pop back in for more hands-on experience.

11/15: Photo of Your Handwriting

All the ER nurses liked to ask me if I could actually read what I was writing. ._.



My chicken scratch in the form of Chinese characters! This is part of one of my favorite songs.

  • Is there anything that you still like to do that’d be considered “childish” to the general public?
  • What does an average day look like for you?
  • Is your handwriting anywhere near as messy as mine? (I guess if it’s any consolation, I’m well on my way to becoming a doctor. >_>)

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  1. That’s a fun challenge. It’s always interesting to see what another person deals with and manages in their day. Continued success in your crazy busy life.
    Sonja Pound recently posted…Five Ways to be More SocialMy Profile

    1. Thank you! I like to think of it as a controlled insanity! :P

  2. Love challenges like these! They keep us on track and helps us manage the chaos of life. :)
    Shantha recently posted…3 Ways to Use Pinterest Group Boards to Grow Your Online PresenceMy Profile

    1. Agreed! :] This one makes me talk about things I wouldn’t usually write about, so it keeps things interesting to me too! :P

  3. It is always helpful to keep yourself on track like this. Great idea.

    Erin recently posted…3 Websites For Vacation AdviceMy Profile

    1. Thanks for stopping by! :]

    • Ricardo on November 16, 2014 at 3:35 am
    • Reply

    Is there anything that you still like to do thatā€™d be considered ā€œchildishā€ to the general public?
    – Heh. Let me put it this way, I am the biggest kid I know. I play a LOT of video games (both old and new). I’m obessed with tech related gear. I build my own computers. I play board games, assemble and play with toys at my desk, talk about cartoons, anime, and comic books. I laugh at puns and fart jokes. You’d figure I was still 17, haha.

    What does an average day look like for you?
    – My alarm goes off everyday at 5:50am. after hitting snooze at least once, I get up, get ready, and drive to work. Usual the 101 south isn’t too bad, so I usually get to work in about 24 minutes. Once there, I begin to check emails and respond to those I need to.
    At 7am, no one’s at the office and we don’t officially start business until 8am, so it’s good to have that quiet time and get ready for the rest of the day. After 8, I begin my normal duties. I’ll have a few intake appointments, making general phone calls to my consumers, attending job fairs, meeting with contracted vendors, attending training sessions, or even commuting to other offices within the district. Toward the end of the day I’ll send out a couple of emails with job leads for my consumers, and then pop some pre-workout at my shift ends at 3:30pm.
    After driving over to the gym and changing, the pre-workout is usually kicking in and I begin my workout routine. I’ll start with weights (heavy on Mon and Tues, then lighter Thurs/Fri/Sat) and finish it off with either abs or some sort of standing cardio.
    Finally, the commute home. On average, it takes me about 40 minutes to go home. Recently. it’s bumped up to about 45-50 minutes on average since no one is taking vacation time yet. I usually have a protein bar in the car to snack on, and thankfully I have internet radio to get me by. The subwoofer i installed doesn’t hurt either.
    I’ll then get home, cook, load up a game/youtube video/nfl game/reddit and unwind, as I get ready to start the process once more the following morning.

    Is your handwriting anywhere near as messy as mine?
    You tell me:

    1. Yay for video games! I miss playing those. :[ I mostly go for the older ones (aka SNES >3). What board games were your favorites? I used to play Settlers with my friends in grad school and it’d ruin our friendships for a couple days, haha.

      Since I’m on Radiology now, I’m hoping I can finally get into more of a regular workout schedule instead of coming home to my apartment and passing out on the floor every several days. I need to get myself back to waking up early in the morning to work out first thing. I feel like I was a lot more productive back then. :[

      I’m mostly wishing that my future residency/job will be in a place where I won’t need to commute for more than 20 minutes to get to work. It’d be even more preferable if I didn’t even have to drive. So basically, it’s looking like Davis would be a wonderful option. >_> I think there are only about 2-3 stations here that aren’t country/Christian music, haha.

      I’d say our handwriting messiness is probably comparable. Mine’s just a billion times smaller, haha.

  4. Oh wow–I could NOT work in the ER! You are a strong soul lol as far as hand writing, mine is super sloppy! Not on my way to becoming a doc but a personal trainer. Childish? Hmmm I like to eat the mess out of some PB&J sandwiches!! :-)

    1. It’s interesting, to say the least! I’m really gonna miss it there. :O

      That’s awesome! :] That’s something I wanted to do when I was in undergrad, but I unfortunately never managed to find enough time to commit to it (the 12 classes/3 jobs/2 internships kinda threw a wrench in that). :[ Now I just kinda throw tips at or demonstrate exercises for my friends/family if they ask for advice. :x

      PB&J! I haven’t had one of those in forever! Must fix this. :P

  5. Childish in general public: Caroling? Jumping in puddles? Silly things, I suppose!

    Average day: Wake up, coffee, train, work (or rest!), chill, possibly train again, dinner with Harry, bed.

    This is going to sound insane, but it depends on the pen with which I’m writing. Some pens allow for cute, neat handwriting; while others make it look like a six year-old was writing. I don’t know what!
    Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete recently posted…I Get So Excited About Grocery ShoppingMy Profile

    1. I love jumping in puddles when I have rainboots on..which kinda reminds me of this other thing I like to do–jumping on people’s shadows. I’ve started many a war with friends by doing that. :P

      Nice! I need to incorporate a regular workout routine back into my schedule again! Now that I’m not on ER anymore, maybe I’ll have somewhat more regular (hah) hours!

      That makes a lot of sense! I have a couple pens that are reallyyy difficult to write neatly with because they just run all over the place (or seem to).

  6. My mom always got onto me about my poor handwriting. She made me write and re-write so many things just so I could perfect my writing. Thankfully she did because now my handwriting is legible. It does take some work though! Good luck :D

    Summer Ann
    Summer Ann recently posted…Target Holiday and Beauty HaulMy Profile

    1. That’s good! My dad likes to tell me that I’m going to get nowhere in life because of my handwriting, but with my notes, I need to write fast, and I don’t care if anyone else can read them, because I’m the only one who needs to read em’. :P

  7. Your handwriting really isn’t that bad! I’ve seen MUCH worse haha. Mine used to be really neat, but it’s gotten much worse over the years because I have to write so fast on tests and stuff. Congrats on being so close to being a doctor!
    Corinne recently posted…One Month Until Graduation!My Profile

    1. I feel ya! Mine has a tendency to deteriorate when I’m writing quickly, which is what tends to happen when I’m writing while patients are talking, haha.

      Thank you! :] It’s been a long, longgg process, haha.

  8. Harry Potter! Everyone calls me a child for liking that! But I love and embrace my geekiness haha. And I was told the other day that mud runs are ’embarrassing’ by my younger brother, but my consensus is that he’s just jealous because he’s too scared to do them lol.

    I actually get complimented on my handwriting all the time- it’s super neat. People ask me to fill out their forms because they can’t do it themselves!

    I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check it out here:
    Montana Ross recently posted…A New Liebster AwardMy Profile

    1. I’m going to agree with your consensus that he’s just jealous. How is that embarrassing? Blasphemy. :O There’s nothing wrong with liking Harry Potter. (Personally, I really wanted Hermione’s timeturner. >_> )

      That’s awesome! I think my handwriting looks a billion times neater when I write in all caps, but I feel like I’m shouting at the world when I do that, so I just reserve it for filling out forms/address labels and the like. :P

      Thanks so much! :D I will get that done soon! :]

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