Kicking Unhealthy Thinking Habits

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays!Ā  Since I’m still in psych and sitting in on group therapy sessions whenever my preceptor ditches me, I figured I’d share another one of them with you! (There’s a light at the end of the tunnel though! I have a new preceptor for the week and everyone has been telling me that she’s “a total sweetheart” and loves to teach! <3 <3 <3)

I’ve mentioned the importance of mental health before in my Letting Go of Past Grievances post a couple weeks ago, and how much self-talk can affect you (e.g. the time I talked myself out of passing out)…

So today, we’ll be going over Kicking Unhealthy Thinking Habits!

Kicking Unhealthy Thinking Habits

The first step is to be able to recognize the different unhealthy thinking habits!

  • All-or-Nothing Thinking: sometimes referred to as “black and white thinking.”
    Ex. “If I don’t do this perfectly, I’m a failure.” / “I can’t get a full work out in today, so I might as well not work out at all.” / “I already ate the whole bag of chips. There’s no point in watching what I eat for the rest of the day. I’ll start again tomorrow.”
  • Mental Filter: paying attention to only certain types of evidence
    Ex. Noticing only our failures and not celebrating our successes
  • Jumping To Conclusions:
    • Mind-reading (imagining that we already know what others are thinking)
    • Fortune-telling (predicting the future)
  • Emotional Reasoning: assuming that because we feel a certain way, what we think must be true
    Ex. “I feel really embarrassed about this, so I must be an idiot.”
  • Labeling: assigning labels to ourselves or to others
    Ex. “I’m a complete loser.” / “He’s such an idiot.”
  • Over-generalizing: seeing a pattern based on a single event, or being overly broad in the conclusions that we draw
    Ex. “Nothing good ever happens to me.” / “Everything sucks.”
  • Disqualifying the Positive: discounting the good things that have happened or the good things that you’ve done
    Ex. “That doesn’t count. I just got lucky that one time.”
  • Magnification/Catastrophizing: blowing things out of proportion
    Ex. “This is the worst day of my life.” / “Why doesn’t anything ever go right in my life?”
  • Minimization: inappropriately shrinking something to make it seem less important
    Ex. “They hurt me, but it really wasn’t a big deal.”
  • Using Critical Words: using certain words, like “should,” “must,” “ought to” can make us feel guilty, or like we’ve already failed
  • Personalization: blaming yourself, taking responsibility for something that wasn’t completely your fault, or blaming others for something that was your fault

These are some questions you can ask yourself when you find yourself sinking into a more negative mindset, or talking down to yourself. Learn to kick those negative thoughts to the curb!

  • What’s the evidence for and against this thought?
  • What would I tell a friend with this same situation (rather than what I tell myself)?
    I find this one especially helpful. We can be extremely hard on ourselves and overly critical of our accomplishments. Are the thoughts you’re directed toward yourself things that you’d ever say to a close friend?
  • What’s the worst that could realistically happen? How bad would that be?
  • Is it really true that I must, should, or have to?
    Would it be the end of the world if I didn’t get to this today?
  • Am I over-generalizing from a past occurrence?
  • Are there other explanations besides blaming myself?
  • Is there any conceivable way to look at this positively?
    Look for the silver linings whenever possible!
  • Is this situation really in my control?
    If it’s something you have no control over and there really isn’t anything you can do to change it, it serves you no purpose to stress over it.
  • What difference will this make next week, month, or year?
  • Is thinking like this helping the situation or making it worse?
  • How have I tolerated these situations in the past?
    What steps did you take to handle it? What worked for you and what didn’t? How can you apply what you learned from that situation to this one?
  • How can my religious or spiritual beliefs help me with this situation?
  • What advice would a therapist or mentor give me regarding this situation?
  • What can I accept about the situation?

I came up with this design ages ago for our class t-shirt contest! :]
Disclaimer: This is where I reiterate that I am merely a medical student struggling through the world that is her clinical rotations. The statements made on this blog should not be taken as medical advice to treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please contact your own physician or health care provider before starting a health or fitness/wellness program. (See full disclaimer here.)

  • Which unhealthy thinking habits do you tend to fall victim to? I’m definitely guilty of the all-or-nothing thinking, mental filter, disqualifying the positive, and using critical words. I’m working on it though!
  • How do you usually cope with negative thoughts + self-talk?

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  1. I am definitely the all or nothing mentally. I’m either training 5-7 days a week, eating clean, or slothing around eating chips every day. I’ve been working hard to remind myself even if I can’t get in a full workout , 15-20 minutes is better than nothing, or that just because I snapped and had coca cola for lunch, doesn’t mean the day is ruined and I should just throw it all in and have chips for dinner!
    jess meddows recently posted…Ned Kelly Museum GlenrowanMy Profile

    1. Ahhh, you sound like me! I do that a lottt, especially for the past couple weeks with psych murdering what was once a functional workout schedule. I’ve been having to remind myself of the same thing!

      1. how much longer is your psych rotation? This one has been sounding so intense!
        jess meddows recently posted…Ned Kelly Museum GlenrowanMy Profile

        1. It ends this week, but I’m actually kinda sad, because my new preceptor is all kinds of wonderful and I love working with her! Can’t have everything in life, I guess, haha. At least I got this week with her! <3

  2. I think talking to yourself like you would a friend is great perspective! You would never use jumping to conclusion, generalization, labels, or any of the others. I think that says A LOT about how the things you’re doing/saying to yourself aren’t appropriate. I think it’s a good way to curb those behaviors.
    Kati Rose recently posted…Youā€™re Running Late with Half Your Makeup OnMy Profile

    1. Agreed! I definitely had issues with that, but since putting it into that perspective, it’s definitely helped me out a lot! :]

    • Ricardo on March 2, 2015 at 1:11 am
    • Reply

    My habit is over generalizing. And while if it’s one or maybe even two things that don’t go right, I seems to take more notice when it’s one or two things on consecutive days. And usually the things I take notice aren’t related. For instance i don’t get a call back or text from someone I’m trying to plan things with, then my internet goes out, and then my PS3 dies (it’s happened before and all in one day). So I just assume that I ought to retire for that day, and I usually go to bed earlier than normal to just end the day.

    What I’ve done to try to work around this is fill my day up with things to do. So work, then gym, then I need to cook, clean things, and check on minor projects or bills or whatever. I try to repeat as often as possible. The only days I don’t like are the days off from the gym. The gym is already helping me with another issue, so I usually am trying to fill in that time. If done right, i can look at all the things I’ve accomplished for the day and not dwell on the issues that I couldn’t control. More often that not, it’s work related, and I try not to think about work when I get home, haha.

    1. Sorry that it took me eons to respond. D: I definitely went to bed wayyyy earlier than I expected to yesterday. (It was supposed to be a nap, but guess who effed up her alarm and set it for 7:20 a.m. instead of p.m.? Yeah.)

      I like to fill my days up with as much stuff as I can possibly get done as well, haha. Keeping busy really does help, and I like the fact that even if I might be unhappy/upset, at least I’m being productive and gettin’ things done! :O Hope adjusting to work is going better for you! :O

  3. It is unfortunately true that we can be our worst enemies. I have my fair share of all or nothing thoughts and having used critical words. I think that we don’t really want to hurt ourselves but make us better. It may not always be the right way and often we are too harsh. I think we need some tough love but that should be balanced with positive encouragement and love. Just a bit of everything :)
    Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness recently posted…I Eat Ugly FoodMy Profile

    1. That’s true! Finding a balance is definitely key. I definitely have moments where all I really need is a good, swift kick in the butt! :P

  4. I really enjoyed reading this as it made me do a lot of self-reflection this Monday morning!! Your ideas make sense for EVERYONE! I appreciate the insight into a topic I’ve never really thought much about. I always think of unhealthy eating habits vs. thinking!
    Katie @ Mom to Mom Nutrition recently posted…No Recipe Meals for Busy Moms ā€“ Issue 1My Profile

    1. I was definitely reminded of unhealthy eating habits when I was sitting in on the session, but I love that it can pretty much be applied to everything! Glad that you enjoyed reading it! <3

  5. Oh man, I am all of these things at various times of the day! Although now I can recognize the behaviours right away whereas before I would get sucked in.
    Bri recently posted…[Book Review] Lose It Right: A Brutally Honest 3-Stage Program to Help You Get Fit and Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind by James FellMy Profile

    1. That’s good though! I think sometimes, even just being able to recognize it is half the battle!

  6. Such great tips!! I think we are so much more likely to think unhealthy thoughts about ourselves and our own situations than we ever would other people. Learning how to cope internally with difficult situations makes a huge difference!
    Elizabeth @ Enjoy Every Bite recently posted…Elizabethā€™s Weekly Menu 3/2-3/6My Profile

    1. For sure! It definitely makes for a much healthier mindset and approach to life! :]

  7. Farrah – I am loving this food for thought this morning – awesome post! Btw – I think I need to change out my mental filter – get a clean one put in like the cabin air filter in a car!

    1. Thank you, Shashi! <3 I changed mine out this week and it has been glorious! ;P

  8. This is great! I love step by step, practical advice posts. Women too often beat ourselves up over all sorts of things and these are great tips for implementing ways to change. Thanks for sharing!!
    Sherri S recently posted…Free Chalkboard Printable Verse for 3.01.2015My Profile

    1. Thank you, and I definitely agree with you there! I think taking small steps makes it a lot more doable though, so I hope it helps everyone! :]

  9. Another great post and so important, regardless of your goals. I think I often fall victim to feeling like I am stuck, when I just need to realize that I can easily unstick myself. Like knowing that you are digging yourself into a hole, but you just keep digging!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Blogging Friends in Real Life III : The Phoenix MarathonMy Profile

    1. I fall victim to that as well! I’ve been working on knowing when to stop shovelin’! :P

  10. It is all about the mental game. Great tips!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…At My House Survey & The Fabulous Fit Gear SwapMy Profile

    1. Thank you! :]

  11. I do all of these, especially the first one. I am prisoners to my own psyche sometimes and that’s not healthy, but when you have a family that has abused you for the past 18 years, its hard to not get down on yourself and letting their thoughts contaminate your own. I’m starting to journal things down and I hope it helps. :’)
    Linda @ TheFitty recently posted…Meditation + I Ate Dairy and Nuts + Other TidbitsMy Profile

    1. That definitely is hard to work with. :[ I’m sorry you had to go through that, but I really hope the journaling helps! :] It’s a really nice outlet to have, and sometimes it’s just a huge relief to get things down on the page (or screen, if you’re typing it)!

  12. I am amazing at emotional reasoning and assuming I know what other people think about something when I actually have no idea. It’s easy to know I am doing it, not so easy to stop it. :)

    1. hehehe, it’s definitely hard, but at least you recognize it! That’s half the battle right there! :]

  13. I am so guilty of disqualifying the positive. I do it all the time and my boyfriend always points it out, haha! Love this list of tips to kick unhealthy habits. Definitely going to bookmark it to come back to it. Thanks for sharing, Farrah! Happy Monday :)
    genevieve @ gratitude & greens recently posted…Vegan Chili… With A Secret Ingredient!My Profile

    1. I’m really unfortunately talented at that one too, but I’m working on it! (Baby steps…)

      Thank you! <3

  14. This is great Farrah and we all could take something away from this! Far too many of us react to things before we think them through, and don’t try to look at things from another angle.
    Channing recently posted…Advice: When To Listen And When To IgnoreMy Profile

    1. Agreed! Gotta remember that there shoulddd technically always be several different ways to look at a situation, and if at all possible, looking at it positively tends to work out better!

  15. Thanks for such a beautifully composed post Farrah. Tweeting now. Good luck with the new preceptor :)
    Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Dining with the Doc: Little Italy Meatball Sliders with Whipped RicottaMy Profile

    1. Thank you! It’s only been about 2.5 hours, but I love her already! <3!!!

  16. What a GREAT post! Thank you! Such wonderful insights!
    linda recently posted…my favorite spring cleaning tip {featuring Bona}My Profile

    1. Anytime! Thanks for reading! :D!

  17. Great post today, girl! I think we can all be our own worst critics, sometimes, and understanding these unhealthy thinking habits can be a good way to combat the critics in us! I have a habit of comparing myself to other, seemingly more successful people. Understanding that we’re all in different places of our paths helps :)
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Monday motivation – thanks, Ashton Kutcher!My Profile

    1. Thank you! I have that problem too, usually to people in my class who are amazing test-takers, or just super brilliant and awesome at answering any question thrown their way. :x Definitely something I’m working on!

  18. A great post! Meditation has dramatically changed the way I perceive situations and get out of negative talk. Not everyday can be happy and perfect and this is a great reminder.
    Alanna recently posted…Recent EatsMy Profile

    1. I’m with you there! I definitely can’t be super happy every day, and nothing can be perfect, but sometimes, just stepping back for a moment to process, coupled with a positive outlook, can make all the difference! :]

  19. Great post. My favorite tip is this one: Disqualifying the Positive. It’s amazing how often we don’t congratulate ourselves for a job well done. We all work so hard to educate our readers about a healthy lifestyle, so it’s important to see all the positives out there!

    1. For sure! I think that one’s a really important one that I definitely need to work on! I’ve been trying to celebrate the victories, even if they may be small ones! :]

  20. I usually am a very positive person but I find that when things start to get out of my control, some negative thoughts start rolling through my mind. Thanks for sharing these suggestions!!
    Melanie recently posted…Weekly Rundown and Fitness PlanMy Profile

    1. You’re welcome! I hope they help! I tend to be a pretty positive person too (or so I like to think?!), but sometimes, when things get bad (or I perceive them to be bad), it does get kinda difficult!

  21. For me, dealing with negative thoughts involves talking to my best friends. Sometimes just having someone listen to my grievances helps me overcome them.

    A funny one, the other day I used the word “need” and my boyfriend commented that he’s never liked the word, it was “too urgent and aggressive” and often used incorrectly. It got me to thinking, how often to I think and say need, when i don’t really need, and how is that effecting my day to day? Your Critical words comment reminded me of that
    Laura recently posted…Anthropologie Spring Collection 2015My Profile

    1. That’s definitely true! Having someone who’ll listen can really help me too, and it’s always nice to know that your friends are there for you + will support you!

      I think I say “need” a lot, especially in relation to “I need to get this, this and this done today.” Something I definitely have to work on, but a lot of the time, it really would be a good idea to get it done that day. Sigh!

  22. I use the mental filter, disqualifying the positive, personalization and the very non-clinical term “running myself down.” When I catch myself mentally chastising myself I usually ask “if a friend was talking to me this way, would they still be my friend?” Then I use the technique of trying to think what I would tell a friend or what a true friend would tell me. It doesn’t always work. As Vivian said in Pretty Woman “It’s easier to believe the bad stuff.” But I still keep trying.
    Ima Mosier recently posted…The Weekly Round Up and a Sneak PeekMy Profile

    1. It’s definitely easy to fall into the negative stuff, but props to you for at least noticing when it happens and trying to talk yourself out of it! Sometimes, that’s more than half the battle!

  23. I love your tip of thinking about what you would say to a friend in the same situation. We’re so hard on ourselves but would never dream of saying the things we say to ourselves to our friends!
    Tricia @ A Couple of Dashes recently posted…Living The Sweaty Life with Strala Seattle & ClassPassMy Profile

    1. Agreed! Coming across that realization really helped me to stop beating myself up over things, haha. :]

  24. I definitely fall victim to, oh, all of those bad habits. I’m really bad at talking myself down or out of something. You should make a printable for all of those questions you should ask yourself when your mind is going down the rabbit hole. I could definitely use something like that.
    Katie recently posted…Jade Gardens | Central Texas Bonzai ExhibitMy Profile

    1. I’m freakishly talented at those two as well! Thanks for the idea on the printout! I’ll get to working on one! :]!

  25. I love this so much! It’s crazy how when we’re young, we kind of get sucked into a mindset of putting ourselves and others down, and that carries on with us throughout life. I didn’t start feeling better about myself until my junior year of high school, but even then, I still still put myself down. During my junior year of college is when I really tried to turn things around and start thinking positively, but it continues to be a struggle. I like how you listed ways to recognize unhealthy thinking habits, because I catch myself thinking those ways sometimes, but some of the things you listed, I never really considered bad habits, but of course, they definitely are! I needed this today!
    Tiffany Khyla recently posted…February Favorites + Win $175!My Profile

    1. I definitely went through a piece of my life (junior high-ish) where I got sucked into the negativity (oh, teenage angst…). I’ve gotten a lot better at it (one would hope…), but you’re right! There were definitely some on there that I didn’t even realize would be considered bad habits! :x

      I’m glad it was helpful! <3

  26. Thank you so much for sharing this! It’s similar to my most recent post actually. It’s crazy how much your thoughts can affect everything in your life, and this post fully captures that. I found myself asking myself a lot of those questions when I was struggling at my old job – they definitely help to prioritize and sort out your thoughts.
    Gloria recently posted…Choose happiness.My Profile

    1. Agreed! Changing my mindset made a huge, huge difference, and really helped me to get through the past couple weeks! I’m so glad you got out of your old job! Hooray for your new one! :D

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