keeping track of my life

People often like to ask me how I keep track of everything I’m doing. I write my life down on accidental scrap paper (aka pages I/someone else didn’t mean to print).

I love making lists, so I just write down everything I need to do each day and cross it off as I get through with each. Some days, I get really specific (e.g. yesterday), so the list looks freakishly long, but think about how awesome you’ll feel when you’re done! :D

Pretty sure I fall under “The List Maker” in The 12 Types of Procrastinators. …except I guess I actually do finish off the lists I make, so perhaps not. I’m definitely a snacker though. :O And partial cleaner.

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  1. My lists look pretty much like yours!!! Lots of things on a random piece of paper (that I often loose). I just finished meal planning for next week and wrote it all down (including a detailed grocery list) on the back of my daughter’s masterpiece. I have to make sure she doesn’t notice or I will never see my notes again.
    Eva/ Kid Minds recently posted…LEGO MAN GOES SKIING – Fun with MagnetsMy Profile

    1. hahaha, oh no! I hope she doesn’t notice either! :P I figure I at least get to save some paper this way, so it works out! (I do lose said lists sometimes, so I definitely get where you’re coming from! x_x)

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