Isolator Fitness Meal Prep Bags

For those of you who’ve been following me for a while, you probably know about my adoration for food and my possibly-unfortunate habit of trying to do everything in the world. This inevitably leads to freakishly long hours that are often made better with…food. Meal prepping makes my world go round!

Back in undergrad when I was taking 10-12 courses per quarter, working 2 part-time jobs, volunteering for 2-3 internships (depending on the quarter), and secretary-ing for two clubs, I’d invariably be on campus for at least 15 hours a day. I lived with my closest friends and rarely ever got to see them (sigh).

I get pretty cranky when I’m hungry, and since most people don’t deserve the brunt of that, I usually dragged around a giant pile of food with me to get me through the day. I carried this habit with me through medical school as well! My friends would jokingly (but accurately) call me “the bag lady” because of the huge bag of food I’d tote around.

A couple years ago, I found out about IsoBags and my goodness, they sounded all sorts of awesome! Medical school is soulcrushingly expensive though, and I couldn’t justify spending the equivalent of a month’s worth of groceries (I pinch pennies like nobody’s business because student debt is terrible) on a bag, so as much as I wanted to get one…I did not act on it.

But then my blogger friend Amber posted a review about their colored meal prep containers!

And I tweeted this out!

Isolator Fitness tweet

…and the super-awesome people behind Isolator Fitness saw my tweet and offered me a bag in exchange for a review! :]

Do dreams come true!? I think so!


Thanks, Isolator Fitness!

Thanks, Isolator Fitness! <3

I got the 3-meal system Isobag, which from my previous research from years ago, is really popular with bikini competitors. While I am definitely not a bikini competitor, my super-crazy long days at the hospital do warrant me bringing my lunch every day since I like/need to save money.

The 3-meal IsoBag can store 3-4 reusable plastic food storage containers. The containers are stackable, which is wonderful for Tetris-lovers and those who love to be organized. I also really liked how the ice bricks fit into their own home (the interior side pouches), so they don’t invade the space for the food. They’re also BPA-free, and microwave, dishwasher, and freezer-safe! (My brother is wildly jealous of me, just sayin’.)


My 20 oz. water bottle fits perfectly in either of the mesh side pockets.

You can hold probably 3-4 meals (or 6-7 small meals) in the bag!

The top storage compartment is a great place to store your eating utensils, vitamins, extra bags of snacks (e.g. nuts, dried fruit, energy balls…and my phone charger), and there are also mesh side pockets where you can store your water bottle (affiliate link!), keys, etc.

I generally use the top storage compartment for extra snacks (e.g. ziploc bags of nuts + dried fruit, energy balls, snack bars). There are two side pockets as well, so I keep a pile of fruit, notes, and/or eating utensils in one…



And you can fit an extra set of scrubs (or workout clothes) in the other!

It’s available in a bunch of different colors (32 to be exact)–I chose the one in light blue since blue’s my favorite color. :] I would legit double up my usage of this as my “purse” (and basically did for the entirety of my neurosurgery rotation).

Exact dimensions are 14″ x 9″ x 8″! I’ve been searching high and low for an awesome gym bag, and this fits the bill on all accounts! :] Now, if my hand would get out of prison faster, I could go back to lifting weights…but it’s okay. I guess this will be what forces me to go back to doing cardio again.


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  • Do you pack your meals?
  • Snack throughout the day, or 3 set meals per day?

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  1. OH I LOVE THAT!!!
    When I was competing it would have been my dream.
    and now? it still is :-) )
    CARLA recently posted…I brought the Cadbury Creme Egg to the USA!My Profile

    1. Hehehe, it works well for so many aspects of life! :D!

  2. This bag looks amazing!!!! I agree, I take food everywhere I go.
    Meredith recently posted…#freezerlovefriday does grilling season – lemon rosemary chickenMy Profile

    1. Keeps everyone happy! ;P

  3. I’m cracking up that this bag is popular with bikini competitors. That’s a very specific market! I pack my lunch pretty much every day and, while I’m currently loving mason jar salads, I love the convenience this would offer for longer day trips or car rides with the whole family.

    1. haha, I think it’s really popular with people who just like to epic-meal prep and/or just need an awesome lunch bag as well, but I did notice a lot of bikini competitors using it on some blogs I perused in the past. I love mason jar salads too! This definitely would be awesome for day trips in car rides! :D

  4. That is so perfect for you! So glad you have it. Sorry about your arm too!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Currently… (March 2016)My Profile

    1. haha, it really is!

      Thank you! I’m slowly getting used to it, but super looking forward to it being fully functional once more! *-*

  5. That’s so awesome that they reacted to your cry for a bag! Haha. :) This looks like an awesome bag to take hiking as well to store snacks in.
    Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating recently posted…Healthy Pie RoundupMy Profile

    1. I know! I was so shocked and ecstatic! I definitely drag was hiking with me! So much food! *-*!!!

  6. I am loving this bag, seriously!!!
    I am setting out for a totally different path on my life and I if it ends up happening I am going to need something like this. I just pinned this to come back to in case I decide to buy one:)
    Thanks for sharing!!!
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Running, Playing and Some Life Changing PlanningMy Profile

    1. Thank you for pinning! I hope you like it if you do end up getting it, and I am definitely rooting for you every step of the way!

  7. I would loooove a meal prep bag like this!! It looks amazing Farrah, such a great way for me to get organised when it comes to travelling with food! Thank you for sharing it with us!
    Harriet Emily recently posted…chocolate truffle tartMy Profile

    1. Yeah! I love using it when I travel too! I brought it with me for my indoor food adventures with my best friend, and it works really well for massive food transport!

  8. I have always thought about investing in a lunch box like this. It really helps with the meal prep process for my clients and patients.

    1. Agreed! This would be such an awesome investment!

  9. That bag is awesome! When I worked in an office setting I would’ve loved to have it for my lunches and snacks!

    1. Agreed! I took it with me to my hospital and clinic rotations! Will hopefully be dragging it to the gym too!

  10. I am totally a bag lady! I always have a huge bag of food (snacks, meals, etc.) if I’m going to be out for more than a few hours. And water. So.much.water.

    1. I really need to get on drinking more water again!

  11. This looks like a cool meal prep bag and seems like something that would be right up your busy alley!
    Diane recently posted…Six Pack Fitness Meal Management Bag Review & GiveawayMy Profile

    1. Agreed! It is perfect for my life!

  12. That is one HEAVY DUTY lunch box! HA! Imagine 10 year olds bringing those things to school BAH HA HA!

    1. Haha, right!? It will be indestructible!… Or at least very durable!

  13. O yea! A must! I love my new Snapware containers I pack my lunch in for between classes! They are SO great and durable!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…7 Tips To Keep Your Smile Bright And HealthyMy Profile

    1. Agreed! Gotta love things that are built to last!

  14. That is a dream meal prep bag! You’ve also inspired me to Tweet more. How fun:-D
    Angie Scheie recently posted…My Digital Detox ChallengeMy Profile

    1. Haha, yeah! Me too! I used to hate social media and did not get the point of Twitter, but I am changing my mind!

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