Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I was nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by Montana over at Pretty Lil Mudder! Thank you so much! :] (Check out her blog for super awesome race info and workout ideas!) We’re also starting up a recipe linkup soon with a few other ladies from Girls Gone Sporty. Stay tuned (Fridayyy)!!!

According to the post, the rules are:

  • Thank and link to the person who nominated you
  • List the rules and display the award
  • Share seven facts about yourself
  • Nominate 15 other blogs you enjoy, then comment on their posts to let them know you have nominated them

7 Random Facts About Me

  1. I get called upon by the guys (HBLers + 1) to help move things [aka furniture] around. I find this very flattering. The last time this happened, my friend’s mom happened to overhear and protested, “Don’t ask her to do that for you!” (M: No, Mom, you don’t understand! She’s really really strong! She does powerlifting and holds a state record for deadlifts! She’ll be fine. And we can’t move it without her.)
  2. By the time I graduate medical school, I will be in about a quarter of a million dollars in debt. This does not include interest and also depends upon me continuing to live on <$10k/year, so mayhaps you can see why I get a slight bit annoyed when people say that we go into the field of medicine “for the money.” (I really don’t think I’d be picking the least-paying specialty if that were the case.) But one of my life-long goals is to be able to spend my life doing something that I love, so here we are.
  3. My goals when/if I ever swim out of my student loan debt are to pay off my parents’ house, take them on a cruise, fund no-kill animal shelters (Please Save A Cat + Friends For Life are biggies on my list) and donate to the clinic I used to volunteer at. I’d also eventually like a house with an awesome kitchen, fruit trees + an herb/vegetable garden, and a room with high ceilings that can be a dance studio
  4. The only time I willingly call people is when I’m driving (relax, I’m using a headset/just one earbud)…but I still usually hate talking on the phone (#25 of 25 Things You Didn’t Know). This is probably why long-distance relationships would be a bad idea for me. (Y’know, other than the fact that I’d only be able to pencil him in once every couple days in probably-10-minute-intervals.
  5. I can fall asleep anywhere at almost any time, within a matter of minutes. The floor, a couple chairs, standing up…you name it. (Sometimes, I seriously think I have narcolepsy, but it’s more likely just chronic sleep deprivation…?) Symptoms of narcolepsy include:
    • Excessive sleepiness or sudden muscle weakness
    • Cataplexy
    • Sleep paralysis
    • Hypnagogic hallucinations
    • Automatic behaviors (like driving home and not remembering how you got there)
    • Disrupted major sleep episode (disruption of the longest sleep episode that occurs on a daily basis)

    …and now that I think about it, my dad can do the same thing. Crud. (Nooo, orexin, stay with me!) Even if I really do have it, I’d like to think that I’m a pretty effing high-functioning narcoleptic. :O

  6. I’m not very good with improvisation, or being extremely articulate with words (spoken, anyway). Given the opportunity, I plan it all out to excruciating detail before I start talking. More on that on Saturday. :O!
  7. If food is in front of me, it tends to disappear. Especially if I’m preoccupied with doing something else. I spend most of my day thinking about food, eating, or planning my next meal(s).

Unofficial #8: I’m really, really terrible about nominating people because I always feel like they’ll feel obligated to respond even if they’re super busy (also because all[?] of the people I wanted to nominate have already been nominated already! Go figure. What can I say? We have good taste in people. Can I just…ask you, my dear readers, to share random facts about yourself? :]?

JUST KIDDING. I’m nominating the ladies I’ve been doing Fitness Fridays with because they are awesome and have not in fact been tagged yet (as far as I can tell, anyway)! ;)

  1. Jen from JVKom
  2. Brittney from Brittney Breaking Free
  3. Katie from Fit Beach Babe

I’d also just like to note that Trish is wonderful and awesomely amazing. <3 She went to the farmer’s market over in Ithaca earlier this(? I’ve lost track of dates) month and got me some pepper jelly! 3 homemade blueberry muffins using blueberries she’d picked herself! (Super jealous. I wanna go berry picking!) I’ve been enjoying it with a smoked jalapeno cheese spread and maple chicken sausage patties stuffed with a beet greens scramble (recipe will be up in a couple days) in a pita bread pocket. <3

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  1. Love this! Congrats on the award, what an honor! :-)

    1. Thank you! :D I was super flattered!

  2. I love your blog!! I’m so glad to have found it today. :)
    I really wish I was able to fall asleep anywhere. That would have come in handy so many times on long car rides or cross country flights. I can’t sleep sitting up at all.
    I LOVE that you would fund no-kill shelters too. That is a cause that is very dear to my own heart. :)

    1. Awww, thank you! I’m so glad you stopped by! :]

      It’s really really useful for traveling, but also kinda terrible if I’m supposed to be car company (aka keep the driver from falling asleep). :[ Once I hit that 15-minute mark (often sooner), I’m out like a light! :/

      Yay! I’m glad! I actually used to want to be a vet, but realized that I couldn’t bring myself to put down anyone, so I decided to go for people-doctor and the compromise is that I use the money I make to fund those shelters! :] Win-win!

  3. You are awesome Farrah!! Thanks so much for the nomination. And I love that all the guys ask you for help. That’s awesome! And so sweet that you want to pay off your parent’s house and take them on a trip. You are the best :)

    1. Anytime! I really admire what you’re doing! :] I feel like part of me is trying to incorporate that into my hopefully-future-career-as-a-physician.

      I always get a kick out of when they call me up for help while people who don’t know me are around. :P

      My parents have done so much for me; tis the least I could do for them! :]

  4. I’m just like you, I hate talking on the phone. The only people I will willingly talk to is my mom and dad. But, I’ll text somebody back and fourth all day. Thanks for the nomination!

  1. […] this morning, I’d tell you that…I’m famous again! (This is what I meant about #6.) Hooray […]

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