“I’m not picky. I just have high standards.”

Welcome to #WithLoveFridays! I’m co-hosting this linkup with 4 other awesome ladies: Kristie, Lisa, Krystal & Georgina! If you’ve got a post that has anything to do with love (family, friends, significant others, spouses, pets, fandoms…), feel free to come link up with us! I’ve really enjoyed reading everyone’s posts over the past month. This is our last installment for #WithLoveFridays! (Yes, I know it’s actually Thursday, but you can’t blame me for wishin’ it! And…I don’t like double-posting, so my apologies!)

Somewhat recently, I reconnected with an “old” friend (we met about 7-8 years ago [has it really been so long!?] in the hell that is known as organic chemistry), and on weekends, he’ll sometimes call and we’ll catch up on life.

We talk about a bunch of things, and he surprised me when he told me that he’d always thought that I was “talented at everything.” (He’s easily one of the most multi-talented people I know, so that was pretty flattering. :O Both of us majored in EXB, but he was a hybrid like me, and also did music, dance, and art on the side.)

He asked if I was seeing anyone (people seem to ask this a lot–over here, most people my age are already married with 3+ kids, and back home, I think they just wonder if I have time for a life).

In any case, I may or may not have busted out this meme because it’s wonderful:

Strong Independent Black Woman Meme“Do you really believe that though? Are you anti-relationship?”

I’m really not, although I wonder sometimes if mayhaps I’m just super-jaded. While I definitely don’t think I need anyone, I do think it’d be awesome to find someone who enhances my life (and vice versa). I just think there’s a chance that I have impossibly high standards and/or just haven’t found anyone I’m interested in.

Such as it is, however, ain’t nobody got time for relationships while you’re in medical school anyway! (Unless you were already in one before, or if you date someone at your school.)

I’m perpetually on the strugglebus when it comes to medical school, so trying to start a relationship amidst all the chaos just isn’t a good idea [for me]. While I agree that there are things that are worth fighting for, asking someone to pick up their job/life every couple months to move all over the country with me really isn’t very reasonable.

If you add on the fact that I have no idea where I’ll be half a year from now, let alone next year, it stacks on the complications. This conversation with another friend (yay Canadia!) from a while ago actually sums it up pretty well for me:


About a week ago, I had a somewhat upsetting conversation (part II of the one where she told me to give up all the things I like to do) with my mom where she told me that I needed to:

  • Stop being so pessimistic.
  • Start putting more effort into how I looked, or I’d “have less options.”

I love my mom, but I really think we rarely see eye to eye. I have moments sometimes, but generally speaking, I think I’m pretty darn optimistic.

As for the second, I will admit that I may be low-maintenance to a fault. On any given day, sleep is way more important to me (and pray tell me, why would I want someone who didn’t find me attractive in my normal makeup-less state?). Sometimes, it even beats out food (so I grab something from home to eat during didactics).

“Dressing up” means that I’m not wearing scrubs or yoga pants, and I wear makeup about 1-5 times per year, so if this hypothetical dude didn’t find me attractive 360 days out of the year, I think we’d have a problem. (Yes, jeans count as dressing up to me.) I’ve slept under chairs to avoid having to pay for a hotel and spent the night in my car in order to sneak to a different city to volunteer at my former internship.

Be who you want to be.

My friend (bless his soul) got to listen to an excerpt of this and his takeaway point was that I would be an awesome travel buddy. (Thanks! :D )

I also really appreciated his response (“Sometimes, I’ll see someone who’s really pretty, but there’s nothing else there. There’s no personality, or they don’t take care of themselves the way you would with your lifting and healthy eating, and they completely depend on the way they look to try to attract guys. That kills it, at least for me, but I’m sure there are guys out there who think differently too.”).

True that, but quality over quantity, m’friends.

That’s basically how I operate as well! Someone could be the most attractive person on the planet to me, but if they exhibit any signs of being a terrible and/or vapid human being (or if they smoke), my attraction to them plummets to nothing (or into the negatives, depending on what it was that they did).

  • Do you have super high standards?
  • Do your parents offer input on your love life (or lack thereof)? What do they like to tell you? (I’m truly curious! When I was 18, My dad told me that “my window of opportunity ends at 24,” so I guess I’m forever destined to be a cat lady!)
  • What makes someone instantly unattractive to you?

Kristie's Blue Jeans

Want to learn more about the With Love Fridays co-hosts? Follow us on social media!


Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/im-not-picky-high-standards/


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  1. Quality, indeed. Here’s my advice: Keep your standards high, Farrah. Seriously! I did. And it worked. But don’t be afraid to give someone a chance who might NOT seem like your “type”. That would have held me back when I started dating my fiance. He was sooooo not my “type” I thought I would end up with. But getting to know him more over time? We fit more perfectly together than peanut butter and jelly, as cheesy as that may sound. And a man who really loves you for YOU, not for the makeup you put on, the clothes you wear, the people you know, your job, etc. is the right kind of man. To tell you the truth, I can’t wait until you find your perfect fit of a significant other for you. Because you do have such high standards, when you find “the one” you will know! :D
    Kaylin @ Enticing Healthy Eating recently posted…Lots of Love, Friends, Chocolate, and an Engagement Party Weekend RecapMy Profile

    1. They’re definitely staying high! :] I’m completely fine with straying from my type (after all, how many people am I gonna find out there like Jensen Ackles? ;P ) though!

      I’m so glad that you met Wade and that you’re so awesome together! <3! (Not that I've met him, but hopefully someday! And you always sound so happy when you talk about him that it makes me happy too. :D!)

      Not-so-fun fact: I totally thought I'd found "the one" several years back--things were all sorts of awesome and I'd never been happier; we made each other's lives more awesome...but it didn't end up working out. So now I'm somewhat jaded and somewhat doubtful that I'll be able lucky enough to find something like that again, but hopefully someday!

  2. We are like the same person! Hah, good luck with medical school, how exciting! I’m single too & I think it would be great to meet someone as awesome as myself (is that possible, would the world blow up? Jk) & I’m not really worried about starting anything until then.
    Leslie recently posted…What I’m loving in FebruaryMy Profile

    1. Hahaha, indeed we are! That’s what I’m thinking too. :] Why be with someone if I don’t think the sun shines outta their butt?!? :P

  3. i think be yourself the entire way!! Don’t change for someone else, be true to who you are and let them love the real you

    1. Exactly! :D I have zero desire to live my life as a total lie.

  4. I think that high standards are a requirement, but I raise you that you shouldn’t be looking for people to fail!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Marathon Mindset II: The Phoenix MarathonMy Profile

    1. Definitely no arguments with you there! It’d be pretty cruddy to set everyone up for failure! :O

  5. OMG, the picture cracks me up!!

    Nothing wrong with knowing what you are looking for in a partner. I don’t think it’s high standards – you just know what will work for you!
    Kimberly recently posted…Monday Musings – The Race that Wasn’t, PRO Compression SALE, #HSHIVEMy Profile

    1. Ain’t it wonderful? :D!!

      Yay! Glad you agree! :P Hopefully when I find “what I want,” I’ll actually know that I have! :O

  6. Be yourself always!! :) I rarely put on make up nowadays, I don’t need it both physically or mentally. I am what I am, no need to hide it! I have always lived with a single mother and although I do see my dad frequently perhaps that has made me more of an independent woman. I really don’t have high standards I guess that as long as I am happy that is what makes it for me :)
    Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness recently posted…Why You Should Wait to “Peel Off” and Reveal Your PotentialMy Profile

    1. Agreed! :D I like to think my standards aren’t actually that high–I just want a decent human being that I adore/who makes me happy. :D

  7. Be yourself and you will meet someone who wants to be with you for you! That is the only way it will work out in the long run. And be picky. Being picky may take longer, but it is worth it in the end.
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Roasted Brussels Sprouts with GarlicMy Profile

    1. Agreed! :] I see no reason to be with someone unless the you-are-incredibly-awesome feeling is mutual! :]

  8. Sounds like you and I would be good friend in person, lol. I am right there with you in knowing what I want in a partner, plus I am independent woman too. My mom raised me to be independent and not rely on anyone but yourself. Most of my friends or former classmates are already married with 2+ kids and I am about to be 23! I get questioned all the time with “so any men lately?!” It’s rather annoying to me as if my biological clock is ticking or something. I think you are doing great Farrah and keep on the path you are going. There is nothing wrong with having expectations or knowing what you want in a partner. :)
    Krystal recently posted…Race Recap: Disney Princess Half MarathonMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Krystal! <3 I think we would! My mom used to tell me to marry someone who liked me more than I liked him, but more recently changed her advice to "don't marry at all if you don't find someone amazing." I'm definitely with her on the latter!

      Seriously, I really find it weirdly unsettling when people younger than me have a whole mess of kids already. I don't want kids, but still, it makes me feel like I'm very slow in the finding-someone-to-settle-down-with department. :O

      I hope you have a great weekend!

  9. I think ethnic parents are “special” when it comes to relationship advice. I can totally relate.
    Pragati // Simple Medicine recently posted…Friendship is a Two Way StreetMy Profile

    1. Hahaha, this is probably very true. They make for great stories, at the very least! :P

  10. I have a bad relationship with my mother too– that’d why I avoid her when I can. I feel like we could be sisters, as I also have little romantic feelings for anyone. Among friends who are constantly dating, I wonder if that makes me weird. I also rarely ever wear makeup, and wearing anything non-exercise able is considered dressing up to me! I have just one dress from grade eight grad, no flats, no shoes except one lonesome pair of boots and beatup running shoes.
    Linda @ TheFitty recently posted…5 Eats + I Watched Gone Girl {WIAW #12} {#LIPlinkup #18} {Friday 5 #5}My Profile

    1. The only really good thing about my psych rotation is that it’s really built up my patience, so I’ve actually been getting along with my mom a lot better now.

      I think we’d get along swimmingly! :D Non-workout clothes are pretty much my idea of dressing up as well, hahaha. Workout clothes are my favorite state of being–they’re so darn comfortable!

  11. I don’t think that you should have to give up your standards just to be in a relationship, so bravo to you for setting the bar high and not settling. Now, I do think there are compromises that need to happen, but it’s so important to be with someone who complements you well and kind of sees things on the level that you do.
    Tori recently posted…The Choice to Pursue a Graduate Degree: Q&A with a StudentMy Profile

    1. For sure! Compromises are definitely important, and it’d be completely unreasonable not to do so, but meeting that baseline chemistry/complementing-of-each-other is so important!

  12. I have high standards but are willing to bend for someone I love. I know I am not perfect and my husband puts up with alot from me. I think it is important to have standards and not settle but also realize you have your own faults. I am also starting to understand we all need someone. No man is an island and we were made for community and relationship :)
    Ivanna recently posted…Dressing For Your Body TypeMy Profile

    1. That definitely makes sense! I’m completely willing to compromise, and definitely don’t want to find someone “perfect.” as I’m well aware that that doesn’t exist. It’d be nice to find someone that complemented me though, where we motivated each other to be even better people! :]

  13. Oh man, I’m so with you on the standards thing. Sometimes I think I won’t find anyone, but what the eff ever. I’d rather be me with high standards that be me with lower standards dating a loser :)
    Ange @ Cowgirl Runs recently posted…Let’s Catch UpMy Profile

    1. hahaha, so true! It wouldn’t be fair to the other person either, so if I don’t find anyone where we mutually think the other person is all sorts of all the awesomeness, I’m gonna continue to be a cat lady. :]!

  14. The motivational post says it all — don’t change for anyone! Standards are set for a reason. :)
    Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete recently posted…Doo-Doo-Doo-Doooooo #TOLTMy Profile

    1. Agreed! :D!

      Hope you’re having a great weekend! :]!

  15. Yes and yes on this one. I’ve been told quite a few times that I set my standards too high but I’m not going to just force myself to like someone because someone thinks I should. I think parents just want the best for us, but only we truly know what is best for ourselves. Don’t burn out and give up what you love. It’s not worth it.
    Tricia @ A Couple of Dashes recently posted…Chunky Monkey Breakfast MuffinsMy Profile

    1. Agreed! <3 I know they mean well, but I think I know myself + my interests a lot better than they do, so we just agree to disagree, hahaha. I tried the whole "growing to like someone" thing in high school and it was pretty disastrous, so nooo more!

  16. Thanks for this honest post, Farrah. Quality is a definite plus, and you keep doing you, girl!!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Kevita Master Brew Kombucha – ReviewMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Jess! <3 I'll do my best! ;P

  17. High standards are not a bad thing at all, as long as you know when to confidently set some of them aside. They shouldn’t become an unsurmountable castle wall.

    I rarely wear make up, as in foundation, either and never lipstick, my only regular feature is mascara, it doesn’t cost me much time to apply it, but I’m not fussed if I find I actually went out of the house without it. It’s a nice touch to quickly enhance the eyes so. As far as “dressing up” goes, 98% of my clothes are comfortable, so there’s not much difference between putting on a sweater or shirt or staying in my pajama top ;-)

    Have a nice day!

    Alex recently posted…Always Good for a Smile – Stella Jean MFW FW15My Profile

    1. For sure! I guess that’s what I wonder sometimes (whether or not I’m just making a whole castle), but my basic requirements are just that I’m crazy about them/vice versa and that we make each other happy. I like to think that’s not asking for too much. :D!

      I think it’s really refreshing to find a fashion blog where the focus is really on the clothes and not on all the makeup, so I really enjoy your blog and all the great tips! :] + I’m all about the comfort when it comes to clothes! <3

      Hope you have a great weekend!

  18. I’ve had the same conversation with my mom before. I love her but we butt heads a lot. When I started dating my now husband it was over 2 months before I even mentioned him to her and that was by mistake. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having standards. If I did back in high school it would have saved me much heartache.

    1. Same! I haven’t actually been in a serious relationship for a while, but I tend to wait a billion years before I finally tell my parents about the guy, hahaha. :x

  19. Hi Farrah!
    Funny thing as right now I’m sick, so I’m finally catching up on blogs, and this post caught my eye. I don’t think you’ve set your standards too high, you sound a lot like me, we know what we want in a relationship, so don’t lower your standards just to have what everyone else has or wants you to have (i.e. family, babies, a house in the suburbs with a 2-car garage). You don’t need to lower your standards for other people.

    Also much like you, I rarely wear makeup, most days I throw my hair into a bun rather than mess with it because this Southern humidity makes it frizz everywhere, and am most comfortable in my sweats and a summer tank top. If a man don’t like me this way, then he just wants a trophy wife anyways, and is better off just walking away.
    I’m just a little independent, did I mention that? :)
    p.s. – and I love that meme about needing a man :)
    Julie recently posted…Irish Soda BreadMy Profile

    1. Hi! :D Thanks so much for commenting! I definitely agree that we shouldn’t have to lower our standards for other people. :D

      For serious! It’s finally starting to warm up over here, but unfortunately still too cold for a tank top, but tank top + sweats/yoga pants = definitely my natural state/when I’m the most comfortable. If he can’t appreciate me then, then I can’t appreciate him being with me, haha. I’m completely with you on being independent and knowing what we want! :] I do think it’d be cool to someday find someone who complements me though! I want someone to share food adventures with! :P

  20. I’m with ya on that, I’d also love to find someone to complement my life and share my food with. After all, I can’t eat all this food by myself! Aim high :)
    Julie@Sweet and Spicy Monkey recently posted…Healthy Shamrock Shake (Smoothie)My Profile

    1. For sure! I can probably eat all this food, but let’s face it, it’d be a terrible idea, hahaha. :D

      Happy St. Patrick’s Day! :]

  21. Yes!!! High standards does not make me picky! Preach!

    What makes someone unattractive to me is if all they do is talk about themselves. It’s seriously such a turnoff.
    Charissa (@ColourfulPalate) recently posted…Books You Need to Read in 2016My Profile

    1. Agreed! :P That’s a pet peeve of mine too–especially if they keep interrupting you to talk about themselves!!

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