How I’m Choosing My Residency

Not the best decision-maker on the planet? I have a wonderful solution for you–archery*! This is how I’m choosing my residency.

Back in the days of Davis, I used to take and/or sneak into Jenn’s archery class in the fall and spring. (The sneaking was only because I had a class that cut into half of it, so I’d bike all over campus and run into my classes with my bow and arrows until I made it to her class in late-mornings. I’m sure my professors loved me. <3 )

Her classes were super fun–we had a foggy morning where we lined up and advanced in rows like militia forces from long ago, and other times, we’d shoot down balloons!

Archery @ UCD

Yay for our archery group! <3

As a 4th-year medical student, I’m putting together my match list for residency programs right now, but since I so heavily “pre-screened” the places I applied to and have become so adaptable, I was liking pretty much every program that I interviewed at a whole lot–a good problem to have since it means I’ll be happy at a bunch of different places, but it made life difficult in terms of coming up with a list.

I was about 33% of the way through my interviews when I came up with this:

Archery for Decision-Making

Thankfully, my friends are always extremely supportive of my bright ideas.

In fact, Dave was so supportive that he came up with an entire game plan! Basing my life decisions off the first ones I hit was a little too scary, so he proposed that we randomly assign a number to each program and then set up balloon and post-it tab targets.

This was our scoring system:




1 (F)
0.5 (D)

Post-it Tabs

2 (F)

1 (D)

(Dave’s points were halved since this is technically my life decision to make, but he was free to attempt to alter the course of my future if he so chose to.)

After this in-depth discussion, we went to Target to pick up supplies!

Balloons for targets

Our original plan was to have 5 balloon targets for each program, but as the prep process continued, we decided that 60 balloons might be a little too ambitious, especially because we were starting to drown in balloons (the front of the car could only hold so much!). We eventually decided to go for 3 targets each, and we’d refill as necessary.

Prepping for archery

As the car filled up, we started getting some reallyyyyy weird looks from passersby.

Balloon Blanket

My balloon blanket! It was kinda like being covered in a ball pit of balloons.

After blowing up all them balloons, we came upon the realization that balloon transportation might make life a little difficult. What were we thinking!? (In our defense, it was drizzling/slightly rainy outside, which is why we didn’t bring them all onto the field to blow up.)

Thankfully, Dave is an engineer, so he came up with this genius idea!

Balloon Transport!

Genius solution!

Golden Gate Park is our favorite place to go shoot because they have targets that are already set up, and it’s free of charge! You just need your own equipment and you can go to town!

Golden Gate Park Archery Field

This was the first target we set up! 12 balloons and 12 tabs so that it’d be equal opportunity for all the programs I was considering!


About to make some important life decisions…

As time went on, we decided to stuff em’ all closer together and see what would happen. (We were also getting hungry, so we wanted to finish after another 1-2 rounds.)



The final round!


One of my arrows popped two balloons in a single shot! :D One of those balloons was my top-choice program, so I was really happy. :P

*Just in case you’re wondering, this was all in good fun. I am not haphazardly leaving my next 3 years up to my archery skills, especially since it’s been 3 years since either of us had actually gone shooting.

It was a super fun excuse to get together, and as with most “randomized” decision-making processes, I really think this helps to elicit your true feelings (e.g. when you flip a coin to choose between two restaurants and are disappointed with the outcome–boom, here’s your answer!).

Deep down inside, I know where I want to go–it’s the in-between’s on the list that I’m really having a problem with deciding between, but this really helped for those!
(Today is Match Day for the AOA side, but I skipped it in favor of the ACGME match, so I won’t find out where I’m going until March 18th!)

  • How do you make important life decisions?
  • Would you leave important life decisions to chance/whatever’s “meant to be?”

I came up with this design ages ago for our class t-shirt contest! :]
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  1. So? Where are you going?

    This was a very fun idea, serious or not. And like you said, a great way for friends to connect. But I still want to know. :-)
    Debbie @ Coach Debbie Runs recently posted…5 Tips for Holding onto Those Fitness Resolutions. Plus Exciting News!My Profile

    1. I don’t find out until next month! :'( The other match day was on Monday, so a bunch of my friends know where they’re going already–I’m super happy for em’, but I wish I knew where I was going too! Sighh, haha. I will hopefully be able to share good news next month! :]!

  2. and and and????? :-)
    My niece is right in the middle of choosing hers as well.
    Me? Im one to leave all to chance :)
    CARLA recently posted…The Power of Habit Loops.My Profile

    1. Yay! Best of luck to her! <3

      I don't get to actually find out until March 18th, so I still have a ways to go in terms of sitting in suspense (sigh)! I will share on here once I find out though!!

      Leaving things to chance stresses me out, but at this point, there's little else I can do! :P

  3. What a creative game! Keep us posted on where you decide!
    Lauren recently posted…Raw Chocolate Coconut BitesMy Profile

    1. I don’t find out til March 18th, but I’ll definitely share on here once I find out! :D

  4. Awwwww fun :D I’m so excited for you. This is such a cool and nervewracking part of the process.
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…SoulCycle x Target, Blends, and Blog Inspiration WeekendMy Profile

    1. hehehe, it is!! I just wanna know where I’m gonna be! ;_; But hopefully it’ll all work out for the best! :]

  5. I love this idea!!! So fun and unique – I would have never thought of that. :) Also, I would never find out where I’m going because my archery skills are non-existent. Good luck when you match next month! :)
    Nina @ Hugs and Lattes recently posted…The Real MVPS of Super Bowl 50My Profile

    1. hahaha, it was a fun outing! :D My archery skills are definitely not that wonderful anymore, so I’m glad my friend came up with a better plan to take that into consideration! :P
      Farrah recently posted…Quotes From The Interview TrailMy Profile

  6. This is hilarious! We should all make our decisions this way!! :)
    Jenn – a traveling Wife recently posted…Strawberry Crumble Breakfast MuffinMy Profile

    1. Right?! We were trying to decide where to eat for a late lunch afterward and were a little dismayed that we’d already disassembled our bows, because we could’ve used that to decide! :p

  7. So many good vibes being sent your way for Match Day and I love this!

    1. Thank you so much, Alyssa! :]! Fingers crossed!

  8. This looked and sounded like such a fun, fun outing! And you probably needed the break!

    1. It was definitely super a fun, and a very welcomed break! :]

  9. Awesome! At least you know if the archery hit one and you were disappointing or super excited– you might have a glimpse into your real feelings. Can’t wait to see where you end up.
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…What Leukemia Taught MeMy Profile

    1. haha, yeah! It definitely did help in that sense, but I’m still kindasorta stuck on the ordering of some of them. The deadline to put in my list is coming up, so I need to figure it out soon!

  10. This is hilarious, and I love how creative you and he got! What a fun idea. :)
    Julia @ Lord Still Loves Me recently posted…I’m Gaining Weight… Again… On Purpose.My Profile

    1. hahaha, it was a super fun excuse to get together! :D!

  11. Haha! This is SO fun!! Good luck with match day!
    I am terrible with decisions, but I’ve started to get better at listening to my intuition and just hoping for the best. I generally think that whatever’s supposed to happen will happen and at the right time :)
    Meme recently posted…Chocolate Cream FizzMy Profile

    1. hehe, thanks so much! :] I usually plot out all the pros/cons in a ginormous practical list, and 50% of the time, I adhere to that. The other half is when I go with my intuition. Not sure which one to go with this time around, but everyone has been telling me to go with my gut!

  12. LOL, love it!!! It’s been way to many years since I have done archery, your reminding me I need to change that!
    Even though you aren’t really leaving your life up to your archery skills, I have a feeling the fun day out shooting balloons probably de-stressed and relaxed ya enough to clear your head so you can make the right and best decision for you!
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Books, Zombies and a Great WeekMy Profile

    1. I think it did, kindasorta! It was definitely a ton of fun, but I am back to mulling over my options. I know my top choices and the ones at the bottom, but the middle ones are givin’ me a lot of grief, haha. I’m not good at this! x_x

  13. hahaha! I think I need to make all my decisions that way ;) I am SO bad! I can’t decide on anything!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Peanut Butter Espresso Banana BreadMy Profile

    1. hahaha, I’m the same way! :[

  14. You amaze me! That sounds incredible! I’m into archery and crossbows. My father taught me how to use a crossbow and I inherited his when he passed. I’m keeping it, too! I hope to have some land in the future to where I can practice more often. :)
    Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating recently posted…Dearest Whiskers: Homemade Cat Toys and Goodies + GiveawayMy Profile

    1. I hope you get to too! <3 I've never used a crossbow (I just have a recurve that I share with my brother), but it's always looked like fun!

  15. The whole time I was reading this I was thinking, oh my gosh this is how she decided this is insane!?! Then of course you surprised me again at the end. Your journey has been super fun to read about, thank you for sharing it with us!
    Kelli @ Hungry Hobby recently posted…Weekend Recap: Lost Dutchman State Park HikeMy Profile

    1. Ahahaha, I’m sorry for worrying you! ;P I figured adding that disclaimer at the bottom would probably be a good idea just in case anyone actually took me seriously! (It’s been so hard shuffling em’ around though that I’ve really wanted to just leave it up to fate/chance, or whatever this would’ve been.)

  16. Wow, I think I have tried to leave big decisions up to chance, but in the end couldn’t go threw with it. I think it was a fantastic idea though for you to do this with your friend, it may have just showed you that fate and your thoughts are in line. Thanks for the post, it made me smile
    Mandi Korn recently posted…Our new baby chicksMy Profile

    1. hehe, that’s true! It was a super fun outing, and definitely helped me to tease out some of my thoughts on the ones I was having trouble deciding between in terms of rank order. Thanks for reading! :] This post was a lot of fun to write!

  17. Man, waiting all the way till the middle of March? That’s a long time to not know for sure! This sounds like it was so much fun, though! I would have loved to take an archery class–I’ve only ever shot a bow once and I was terrible but probably anyone who’s only tried it once would be pretty terrible. I think it’s so cool!
    And the umbrella strategy is smart!
    Rachel G recently posted…Playing Baseball…Well, Sort Of.My Profile

    1. It was a ton of fun, and yeah! They like to make us squirm! :'( I’m watching the spots dwindle right now and trying to stay strong.

      It’s hard to be good at something you’ve only done once!! I hope you get to try it again and/or take a class sometime! :]

      Good thing he thought it up, or it would’ve made life rather difficult! :P

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