Horseshoe Bend

Welcome to Travel Tuesday! If you’ve never been to Horseshoe Bend, make sure you add it to your list if you’re going to be anywhere near Page, Arizona–it’s definitely worth a visit!

Horseshoe BendHorseshoe Bend | @fairyburger

Distance: 1.5 miles (out + back)
Elevation: 242 ft
Difficulty: Easy
Duration: <45 minutes
Trailhead Address: 545 Highway 89, Page, AZ 86040
Large parking lot available ($10 — the annual interagency pass doesn’t apply here!)

Horseshoe Bend used to be a hidden gem that few people knew about, but since the advent of social media, it now sees hundreds of visitors daily, and for good reason–it’s truly a gorgeous place that’s probably beautiful at any time of day.
This is more of a walk than a hike — it almost felt like a pilgrimage at times because there were so many people!
Because it’s so popular, it may be difficult to get a photo with absolutely no one in it, but people were pretty good about forming lines and allowing everyone to have a turn to take a photo!
That being said, it was still difficult to eliminate signs of human life in photos even despite this (although I admit, I was partially hindered by the fact that I was worried about dropping by phone into the abyss and/or slipping and falling).

1/2 the horseshoe!

There is almost no shade here! I’d recommend a hat, sunglasses, SPF, and close-toed shoes! Avoid white shoes (suuuuper dusty)!
Horseshoe Bend | @fairyburger

Sadly, I didn’t have a wide enough lens to be able to capture the whole thing without having any people in the photo. It’s crowwwwwwded.

Please note that there are little to no railings anywhere. If you have children, don’t let them run wild here. Be careful and do NOT stand on the edge or attempt any crazy poses! It may look sturdy but the sandstone can crumble, and one misstep could end your life.
Horseshoe Bend is only about 7 miles away from Antelope Canyon, so I’d definitely recommend going there too! More on that next week!

Have you ever seen photos of Horseshoe Bend on social media? Find out more about it here! #horseshoebend #pageaz #arizona

Horseshoe Bend in Page, AZ |

  • Have you ever been to Horseshoe Bend?
  • What’s a place you went to because you discovered it on social media?

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    • Michelle on December 2, 2020 at 3:42 pm
    • Reply

    I have heard so much about this area, but have yet to visit. Thank you so much for the tips about the sandstone. Definitely important to note!

    1. For sure! There were a number of people venturing out onto the edge — it was kinda alarming what some people will do for photos!

  1. This is on my list for next year’s adventures out west! Good point about needing a wide angle lens to get that full shot. I’ve had that problem many times in my travels… Thanks for the insight!

    1. Yay! I hope you have fun when you go! The wide angle lens will definitely be a good thing to bring along! :]

  2. I have seen so many photos of this and I can’t wait to go myself! I didn’t know it was only a 1.5 miles there and back – that’s manageable! Haha I totally relate about the phone-dropping situation. It’s one of my worst fears!!!!

    1. I hope you get to go someday! And yep, definitely manageable, but dusty! :P Make sure you hold on tight. I was so worried I’d drop mine (twas my only form of communication on a cross-country solo road trip…), hahah.

    • Jiayi Wang on December 3, 2020 at 2:21 pm
    • Reply

    This place looks incredible! It’s good to hear people were being nice and patient about taking photos. Would love to visit one day!

    1. I’m glad they were. :] I hope you get to visit someday!

  3. It is definitely on my bucket list! Are there certain hours that it’s open? I was just wondering if it’s one of those things you can get there right when the sun comes up and try to avoid the crowd!

    1. I believe it’s open from sunrise to sunset (there’s a parking/entrance fee to visit), so unfortunately no sneaking in while no one’s there (view wouldn’t be that great before the sky lights it up either :( ).

  4. Your recaps bring back such fond memories for me! A couple of months before our trip to Utah in the summer of 2019 I saw an IG post from Horseshoe Bend and told my husband that we HAD TO GO THERE! It’s really a stunning geographical formation and I’m so glad we made time to visit. With a combination of using my selfie stick and fisheye lens on my GoPro I was able to get a fantastic photo of the bend in the river. We also visited Lower Antelope Canyon that day.
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Deb’s 63-Mile LoCo Birthday TourMy Profile

    1. Aww, I’m glad they are! :D They’re making me miss travel a little less (but also more, if that makes sense) since it’s like reliving those memories right now. I’m glad you got to go there, and so smart that you had a selfie stick (+ the lens)! I had neither, so if I ever go back, I’ll be better prepared then, hopefully! :P

  5. Yes I saw this on social media! Unfortunately we missed it when we were on our road trip. :( Hopefully next time!

    1. I hope you get to go someday!! :]

    • Rhonda Albom on December 5, 2020 at 10:04 pm
    • Reply

    So beautiful, and somewhere on my bucket list as my dad lives in Arizona. Kinda cool that people wait to allow everyone to get a clean shot.

    1. I hope you get to go sometime! I’m glad everyone was considerate!

  6. This is my kind of pilgrimage! :D It’s funny to think that this used to not be famous – I feel like this is the view of the Grand Canyon that I have seen more than any other!!

    1. This one has definitely gotten suuuuuper popular! I can see why, but still selfishly wish I didn’t have to deal with the crowds, hahaha. :P

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