
I came from the future to add a picture of us from spring of 2013!

I ran off to Carnegie Hall yesterday evening to audition for the Greenbrier Valley Chorale since the meeting I was in ended half an hour early. I had an awesome time trying to figure out where to go, but managed to find the entrance after a nice older gentleman opened the door for me (I thought the doors were locked and I was too late and they’d all left :'( ). Technically, I could’ve gone on Saturday morning, but I was kinda scared that I’d miss it  since I’m hella not a morning person. (it’s only an hour before church, so I have every reason to be up already, but work with me here. I was kinda paranoid. :[ )

I haven’t really done any regular singing since maybe…college, unless you count singing in the shower and in my car, in which case I belt it out like nobody’s business. (Just kidding. I am incapable of actually belting it out.) During my last year of high school, I discovered that I needed a fine arts to graduate, so I auditioned for Mrs. Glover and she threw me into Treble Ensemble, which was easily one of my favorite classes that year (that and Journalism 2 <3 Smokie love!). For two years at Davis, I functioned as the secretary and pitch pipe for Dames & Fellas A Capella, a group we formed that was the only no-audition a capella group on campus. It was super fun, but we disbanded during senior year due to billions of classes/responsibilities/other goodness (basically, life got in the way :[ ).

Suffice to say, there’s been somewhat of a hole in my life ever since, although I still had music (fortunately). I really like singing though, even though I don’t think I’m that amazing at it. (I lack the ability to project, is the thing. :[ Which is especially hard when your mom can project so well, you can hear her singing when you’re not even to your across-the-street-2x neighbor’s house yet. :[ But I did take a couple group voice lessons and slowly but surely started to learn this elusive art of using your diaphragm and being heard. (Part of it was probably also that I was just self-conscious about my singing.)

She said I had a very pretty voice, a very good ear (which I better have ._.), and good musicality (which I also should have, considering that I majored in music :X ). There is an inherent breathiness to my voice that she wants to work to eliminate, and I basically sound like a little girl when I sing, which she said could probably be attributed to the fact that I sang in an all-girl group and haven’t really done regular singing/training, so my singing voice just goes back to the way it was back then. However, she seemed to like me a lot and said multiple times that she was really glad I came to audition (I think my S2 status, ability to pick out harmonies, and my major in music performance helped). lawl. :X All in all, my audition went really well! :] I am in! :D!

And seriously, how many people get to say that they get to perform in Carnegie Hall (this December!!!)? Tis a musician’s dream!  ;) ;) ;) Brag rights and one more thing to cross off my bucket list! I’m super excited! <3 <3 <3

Completely unrelated, but someone apparently nominated me to be treasurer. It went something like this:
Kosina: Hey Farrah, you’re running for treasurer?
F: What? I am? Since when?
K: Your name’s up on the board.
Rachel: Yeah, I saw your name there and was like, “Farrah’s running? I’ll vote for you.”

Why would anyone nominate me? I can’t math, you guys. :O But thank you?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/gvc/


  1. Wow that is so neat! I sang in high school in choir, but I was so painfully shy then that it was torture for me! What an experience, Carnegie Hall! Congrats!
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    1. Thanks! :D I was supersuper shy about singing in front of anyone, but found out in my senior year of high school that I needed a fine arts course in order to graduate, so I auditioned for Treble Ensemble. Getting to end each day with pretty songs was rather awesome! :P I still get kinda self-conscious though sometimes, haha. ._.

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