Go Green with the DivaCup!

Have you ever heard of the DivaCup? My college roommate used one of these back in the day, and had nothing but glowing reviews about it.

At the time, I wasn’t quite comfortable with even using tampons, so I felt like using a silicone cup would be way tooĀ huge of a leap, so I took some baby steps and have been usingĀ reusable cloth padsĀ for the lastĀ 5 years.

Periods can appear at very inopportune times though, and being able to swim and hang out in the water without worrying about leakage and all that goodness would be wonderful, so I figured I’d finally take the plunge!

This post is sponsored by DivaCupĀ and Her Campus Media. As always, all opinions are mine and mine alone.


The DivaCup is made of soft silicone that softens with body heat so that it forms to your body. It can be worn for 10-12 hours and should be emptied, washed + rinsed with the DivaWash or with mild fragrance and oil-free soap at least 2-3 times daily.

It comes in two sizes:

  • Model 1 is for those who are under 30 and have never given birth vaginally or by c-section
  • Model 2 is for those over 30 and/or have given birth vaginally or by c-section

If you’ve never used reusable feminine products, the “grossness” factor might initially deter you, but really, it’s not that bad.Ā I will admit that I definitely had some initial issues with inserting this and it took until the second time around to kindasorta get the hang of it. (But also keep in mind that this is also coming from someone who’s only used a tampon maybe…5 times in her lifetime?)

I’d recommend choosing a day/evening where you’re not rushing to get somewhere to test it out and learn how to insert it. It makes for a less stressful environment. It was somewhat uncomfortable when it suctioned where it wasn’t supposed to, so you should check their instructional videoĀ out to minimize the chances of such things from happening.

Once you get used to it, this is actually prettyĀ comfortable and also helps to cut down on the tons and tons of waste from feminine hygiene products that piles up in landfills, so I’m going to try to stick with it!

Connect with DivaCup on social media!

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The DivaCup is made from healthcare grade non-absorbent silicone and sits low in the vaginal canal away from the cervix, so it shouldn’t cause any irritation as long as you’re cleaning and caring for it properly. If you have any concerns over infections, or if you experience discomfort at any point, please talk to your doctor!

Remember that you should NOT be using this as a form of birth control or during intercourse. Also avoid using it if you have an infection or if you’re using any topical medications in/around that region.

Since it’s considered to be a personal hygiene medical device, it’s suggested that you replace it once a year, but ultimately, it’s up to you!

You can buy a DivaCup online or find a store near you!


  • How do you feel about reusable feminine products? Have you ever tried using them?
  • Have you ever used a DivaCup?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/go-green-divacup/


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  1. I’ve heard a lot about the Divacup but I don’t know if I could ever try it :P Though I totally understand how it would be one of those things where you try it once and you’re like “oh that wasn’t that bad”
    Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: Healthy Peanut Butter Baked Oatmeal (Vegan)My Profile

    1. haha, yeah–I definitely would’ve been more apprehensive about it if I hadn’t had a friend who loved it so much! :O (Truth be told, I was still somewhat apprehensive but that did help! :P )

  2. I don’t have a diva cup, but I have 2 meluna’s and an Organicup. I love them all very much. Having my priod has become a pleasant something instead of painful and bad.

    1. I haven’t heard of those two brands, but that’s awesome! I’m still getting used to this one but hopefully it’ll get easier as time goes on–it’s nice to not be contributing to massive amounts of waste anymore!

  3. I bought the diva cup and thought I liked it but it didn’t seem like it was fitting well and it was soooo stressful. Then I did some research and found Me Luna. It fits much better and though still stressful sometimes, not nearly as bad. :) Thanks for this review!!

    1. I’m glad you found one that was better fitting for you! :] I definitely had some issues with mine in the beginning but I likeeee to think that as time goes on and I get used to it, I’ll stop noticing anything!

  4. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about the Diva cup. I didn’t have $40 so I bought the rose cup instead and O.M.G wonderful! I’ll never go back to pads/tampons…with the cup it’s kind of like a game each month to see how much I can fill the cup lol

    I never thought of it as going green…..what a great added perk!

    1. I haven’t heard of that brand, but that’s awesome! I love that you turned it into a game, haha. And yep! The decreased waste thing was definitely one of my favorite things about it, and hooray for convenience too! :]

  5. I’ve just actually read about the menstrual cups from a different blog and it looks quite interesting, and at the same time, scary too. Haha. But this is a great review :) Hope to hear from you soon!

    Love, Airish
    Gorgeous Glance

    1. I feel ya! I was kinda intimidated at first too but it definitely wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be! It’s an especially awesome option for if you ever have to go travel (or do any sort of water activity)!

    • Liz on September 19, 2016 at 3:45 pm
    • Reply

    I’ve been so intrigued by these! Thanks for sharing your experience!

    1. Thanks for reading! :]!

  6. I have been wanting to try this forever but am kinda intimidated. I feel like you may need to be a medical professional to get it in there correctly?! Who knows maybe I’ll give it a go this year! I appreciate your review!

    1. I feel ya on being intimidated! I was too, and my first several attempts definitely weren’t too successful even though I’m technically considered a medical professional? ._. I’m going to blame it on the fact that I’ve never really used tampons ever.) Hope it all works out well for you if you give em’ a try! :]

    • Ricardo on September 19, 2016 at 4:59 pm
    • Reply

    Can’t say that this is the weirdest thing I’ve read today, haha.

    1. What’s the weirdest thing you read? :o

        • Ricardo on September 19, 2016 at 8:09 pm
        • Reply


        Apparently this guy asked reddit help to delete some emails from Hilary Clinton’s email account.

        1. Oh hell. D:

  7. I have been using cups for the last 12 years now. I started with natural sea sponge tampons and reusable pads and made my way to the Diva Cup. I never liked how it fit and changed to a Lady Cup. I love using it as a backpacking guide because I don’t have to pack out any used products. I often forget I even have my period. I recommend them to all women!

    1. I was thinking that this would be especially perfect for traveling, and since I’d love to get to go camping/backpacking/exploring someday (sigh, haha), better to try em’ out now so that I’ll be ready when I do get to go! Forgetting you’re even on your period is pretty much one of the best feelings ever, haha. So glad they came up with these! :]

  8. I’m really thrilled that you posted this. I’ve been going back and forth about getting one, but something totally scared me about it! I’m glad you talked about the comfort factor – I thought they might be super uncomfortable. I’ll have to give it a try – you made me less scared :)!

    1. Aww, I’m glad! I was on the fence about it foreeeeever, but I think it just takes some getting used to! The first few days were somewhat of a learning process but once you get used to how it works (and it’s uh, inserted correctly), it’s infinitely better! :P

  9. just reading about this im freaked out by it…i am all for reusing/recycling but still cant get on board with divacup.
    dixya @food, pleasure, and health recently posted…Fall Panzanella SaladMy Profile

    1. I feel ya–it took me years to finally get the nerve to try it, but I think it’ll come into handy for if I ever do any extended travel or crazy outdoor adventures! + if not these, there are always reusable pads! :]!

  10. This is interesting! I admit I’ve been afraid to try these because, well, I’m a little accident prone and they just seem like a bloodbath waiting to happen. Mayyybe I’ll get brave, though. ;-)

    1. hahaha, I was definitely somewhat worried about that too, but if it’s placed correctly, that won’t be an issue! :]

  11. Hmmm…. I’ve heard about this; I’m not sure I would be brave enough to use it.
    Emily recently posted…Take Care of Your Temple: How To Be Still in A Fast Moving WorldMy Profile

    1. hehe, it took me some time to work up the nerve to also, but I think it’ll be perfect for all the traveling/random outdoor adventures I want to do someday!!

  12. So funny story I am not even kidding my sisters and I were talking about this cup a few weeks ago. One of my sisters just started using it and thinks it’s the greatest invention since sliced bread. My other sister and myself were responding to her like she was the craziest person on earth to like this.
    Truthfully, I’ve been a little fearful about trying this. I read this gals horror story on her blog once about trying it. Actually her story was hilarious and it had me laughing the entire time, but since then I imagine myself having the same difficulties getting it out and yup, haven’t had the desire to try it.
    But for those of you and my sister who like it, they just rave about it… maybe one day. maybe, LOL
    Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Day in the Life of a Returned College StudentMy Profile

    1. hahaha, well, my initial reaction was much like yours! It only took me uh….5-6 years to finally get on board with this and actually try it out! I think I also read some horror stories and was kinda terrified, but I swear it isn’t that bad. It just takes a little getting used to and I do admit I had problems at first with using it (I think this has more to do with the fact that I’ve never really even used a tampon though ._. ).
      Farrah recently posted…Green Onion Scrambled EggsMy Profile

  13. I have heard of this but just have not been willing to try it.

    1. It’s an awesome option to have! :]

  14. I heard so much about these cups. I have yet to take the plunge simply because it seems like a lot of work. But I am all for the reduced waste. :)
    Jenn – a traveling Wife recently posted…Triple Berry Skillet Crumble [gluten free option]My Profile

    1. I think initially it can be a little intimidating but after getting used to it, it’s wayyy less work! :]!
      Farrah recently posted…Green Onion Scrambled EggsMy Profile

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