Garden Ricotta Lasagna

My church’s cooking class was just this past Monday! Heidi showed us how to make…17 different recipes in under 2 hours (complete with samples of everything). She is a magical being.

The class was sponsored by the Greenbrier Better Living Center & Thrift Shop that my church runs, since they want to promote healthier eating habits/show the community that healthy food can indeed be delicious and doesn’t necessarily have to be super complicated/expensive. There were also raffles throughout for the cookbook that a lot of the recipes were from, loaves of freshly baked homemade bread, and various healthier and/or vegan substitutes (e.g. tofutti cream cheese, tofutti sour cream, Earth Balance, organic tempeh). :] Although I didn’t win anything, I was filled up with delicious food and Vicki made sure that I packed as many plates as I wanted home with me. I love them. <3

The first recipe I’m going to share is a super delicious lasagna! This apparently tastes even more amazing when topped with cashew cream sauce (will share that one of these days), but…kinda forgot about it. :O I’ll have to try it again sometime. The Garden Ricotta part is from page 136 of Chloe’s Kitchen. Heidi subbed in her own marinara recipe for it though!

Garden Ricotta Lasagna

~16 lasagna noodles
(Garden Ricotta)
-2 tbsp EVOO
-1 onion, chopped
-3 cloves garlic
-1 14-oz. package extra-firm tofu, drained
-2 tbsp lemon juice (~juice of 1 lemon)
-1 1/2 tsp sea salt
-1 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
-1 tbsp white miso paste
-3 cups fresh basil
-5 oz. baby spinach

(Marinara Sauce)
-28 oz. crushed tomatoes
-1/2 cup tomato paste
-1/2 cup water
-1 1/2 tsp onion powder
-1 tsp garlic powder
-1 tsp oregano
-1/2 tsp basil
-1/2 tsp paprika
-1/8 tsp black pepper
-2 tsp sugar
-1 dash cayenne pepper
-2 tbsp EVOO
-1 onion
-2-3 celery stalks, chopped
-1 large carrot, grated or finely chopped

1) (Garden Ricotta) In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat + saute onions until soft. Remove from heat.
2) In the food processor, combine onions, garlic, tofu, lemon juice, salt, pepper + miso paste. Pulse until mixture is almost smooth, but still has some texture. Add basil + spinach and pulse a few more times to incorporate. Adjust seasoning to taste.
3) Preheat oven to 375 and lightly grease a 9×13-in. pan.
4) (Marinara) Mix + warm the crushed tomatoes, tomato paste + water while assembling spices. Mix all the spices together and add it to the warming tomato sauce.
5) Saute onion, celery + carrot in EVOO and add it to the simmering sauce. If you want a smoother sauce, blend the veggies before adding them to the sauce.
6) (Assembly) Spread a thin layer of marinara sauce on the bottom of the prepared pan. Arrange 4 lasagna noodles across the pan. Spread 1/2 the Garden Ricotta over the noodles. Layer 1/2 the spinach over the Garden ricotta and arrange 4 more noodles on top.
7) Spread another layer of sauce over the noodles and arrange 4 more noodles on top.
8) Top with another layer of sauce, the remaining Garden Ricotta + spinach and 4 more noodles. Top with remaining sauce. (You might have some noodles left over.)
9) Cover baking pan with foil and bake for ~45 minutes, or until noodles are cooked + sauce is hot and bubbling.
10) Remove from oven + let rest for 5 minutes before serving.

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  1. How delicious!! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! Your recipe has been pinned to the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! Please join us again this week!
    Stephanie recently posted…Tasty Tuesday Recipe Link Up!My Profile

  2. I Love Lasagna Recipes so much.
    I can see from your blog post, you have Lots of Lasagna Recipes.
    I am here to learn from you.
    Victoria recently posted…WHAT SIZE DISH FOR LASAGNAMy Profile

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