Fruity Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

Welcome to our weekly Foodie Friday link up! I’m linking up with Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama, Emily from Whatever Floats Your Oats, Esther from Chocolate Runner Girl, and Cassandra from Powered By Bling, to create awesome healthy recipes each week! Today’s theme = Berry Hot Breakfasts! Make sure you hop around to check out all the amazing recipes in this link up and feel free to add your recipes as well! (I’m also linking up with Jill Conyers for Fitness Friday!)

But first, I’m going to derail really quick and talk about last Friday!

I came home to this. <3

I came home to this. <3

One of the boxes contained my copy of The Healthy Mind Cookbook, and the other was a sampling of Oatmega bars & a package of Al Dente pasta + marinara sauce! (Thanks, Amanda!)

Earlier in the week, I had a conversation with my brother over Viber. (He’s nocturnal and I’m being forced to be a morning person, hence how this conversation was able to take place.)


My brother is the only family member who knows of & reads my blog. He happened to see Susie’s comment on my post on the 5 Things A Healthy & Functional Relationship Needs and found it hilarious (and true), so he sent me treats to enjoy! :D Twas super nice of him! Thanks, Sam! <3 (Now I just need to not eat the entire box in one sitting, because you know it’s entirely possible for me.)

Those who don't like chocolate...

The really ginormous package was from Ricardo! I haven’t been able to get to the gym lately because it’s always closed by the time I’m out of the hospital (or it’s closed because of the snowpocalypse). I got a bike early last year so I could explore wild & wonderful West Virginia (hooray for the Greenbrier River Trail!), but my biking buddy developed a crush on me and I didn’t want to lead him on, boards study hibernation happened, and the hill I currently live on spits out onto the highway.

Needless to say, my bike has been chillin’ on my balcony for the longest time, cold and sad and forgotten. :'( Lack of a gym makes for a very grumpy Farrah, so he sent me…a stationary bike converter (affiliate link)! :O!!! (Thank you so much!!!) This sucker is seriously an awesome find that my friend Chris discovered on Amazon back when we were both lamenting our winter laziness. (He is in Florida, so I feel like he has no right, but live and let live, right?)

stationarybikeconversionThe reviews stated that setting this up was super, super easy. While it did not take me the 7 minutes that the 67-year-old grandma (she must be more technologically-inclined), it really was frighteningly simple to put this together. It took me a little over 10 minutes, mostly because I was paranoid and a little annoyed at the terrible grammar on the instruction manual. It comes with all the tools you’d need to set it up!stationarybikeconversion1I’m so glad for awesome inventions. :D My neighbor had something like this too, but he’s a hardcore cyclist, so I initially thought they were made only for super-fancy schmancy bikes. Apparently, I was all sorts of wrong! This works even on my super-cheap mountain bike from Walmart! :O I’ll probably post an actual review for this after I’ve used it for more than just a couple days. :]stationarybikeconversion2 I initially had it hanging out in my living room, but decided it took up too much room there, so I moved it to my study area and it is now my “desk” chair! (My “desk” is actually 2 ginormous storage bins stacked on top of one another because I see no point in buying furniture when I have to move again in under 6 months.)


And…my stationary bike “desk” was actually lovingly fashioned together by way of a laptop stand and a pair of SweatPink shoelaces. <3 stationary bike "desk" was actually lovingly fashioned together by way of a laptop stand and a pair of SweatPink shoelaces. <3

Don’t hate, appreciate! :O

Alright now, back to the matter at hand!

This week’s theme is in honor of the fact that February is apparently National Berry Fresh Month! I’ve technically made a variation of this long, long ago, but figured an update wouldn’t hurt! (I threw so much fruit in here that it’s basically a different recipe. Right? Right.) You can cook this all over the stove, or start with ready-made quinoa like I did!

(When I’m not being completely lazy, I like to have a tupperware of cooked quinoa so that I’ll always have something on hand to bulk up recipes that I want more protein in. You can also freeze cooked quinoa! :)

“Completely lazy” is really actually an understatement, because I make quinoa in my rice cooker (affiliate link). If you happen to own one, the ratio is 1 cup of uncooked quinoa to 1.5-2 cups of water. Just dump it in and press the start button! It’s glorious. Honestly, you could probably make this whole thing in a rice cooker, but it wouldn’t make for very pretty food photography, so…next time!

This recipe is veryyyy loosely adapted from Sarah @ A Whisk & Two Wands and Jess @ North & South Nomads! As with a lot of my other recipes, this is highly adaptable, and mine was made using lots of freezer-burned frozen fruits (yeah, I know, horrible :[ ).

This super-awesome breakfast bowl can be enjoyed either cold or hot, but I’m currently still a huge advocate of hot because having something cold in the morning would freeze away what little is left of my soul. :O Feel free to go to town with the toppings: chopped nuts, chocolate chips, flax seed, hemp hearts, cinnamon, flax seed, chia seeds…the sky’s the limit! :]

Fruity Quinoa Breakfast Bowl


  • 3/4 cup cooked quinoa
  • 1 persimmon, diced
  • 1-2 tbsp dried cranberries
  • frozen strawberries
  • frozen blueberries
  • 1/4 cup your choice of milk
  • 1-2 tsp dried unsweetened coconut flakes


  1. Add the quinoa, milk and fruits into a bowl.
  2. If desired, microwave for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Top with shredded coconut, and consume!

Fruity Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

Foodie Friday

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  1. Love your stationary bike set up! That’s awesome. Happy Friday!
    Elizabeth @ Enjoy Every Bite recently posted…How To Build a Healthy Lunch For Your KidsMy Profile

    1. hehehe, thank you! :D Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I am addicted to quinoa, so this looks delicious to me! And Love that your bike trainer is your study desk! Great idea! Have a great weekend Farrah!
    Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…Foodie Friday: Pomegranate Tilapia with Brussel SproutsMy Profile

    1. Same here! :D I need to figure out more awesome recipes with it!

      hahaha, I wanted to be able to multitask with it, so here we are! :P

  3. I love the bike converter! I want to get one for when we travel and don’t have access to bike friendly roads- now that you’ve set it up, would you say you could take it on and off pretty easily or no? And would you believe I have never had any “sweet” or breakfast type quinoa before?! I’ve only used it similar to rice in dishes.
    AJ @ NutriFitMama recently posted…Purely Inspired Shamrock Protein Shake {Kid-Friendly, Gluten Free, Vegan}My Profile

    1. Yep! It comes off super easily! (I just turn the back knobs several times on each side and the bike comes right off!) It’s actually not very heavy either, so I like it a lot!

      I’ve only ever ventured as far as quinoa porridge for breakfast, but I want to try making some kind of savory breakfast with it next! :]!

  4. I love those hazelnut chocolates Nom! I love oats also thanks for the recipe!
    Ivanna recently posted…Going Gluten Free…Again and a LARABAR GiveawayMy Profile

    1. Same here! Nutella goodness to the max! :D

      The porridge would be really good with oats too! :]

  5. That bike thingy is so cool! What a cool way to workout indoors!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…February 2015 Top 5 Posts & Blog UpdateMy Profile

    1. Agreed! It makes this super-cold winter a lot easier to deal with! :D

    • Ricardo on February 27, 2015 at 9:06 am
    • Reply

    Yay, the thing hasn’t broken yet! I need to get around to buying quinoa, but powdered supplements seem easier, haha.

    1. Yep, it’s still around! ;P

      I feel ya on the powdered supplements! I have so, soooo much protein powder that I need to work through, hahaha. Although come to think of it, it might be good to keep that all around for next year, when I’m being a nomad and moving all over the country. …Tis a thought!

  6. I love the stationary bike idea! That is super awesome. I have a bike and I never ride it even though I want to. Problem solved!
    Pragati // Simple Medicine recently posted…Pre Race Jitters and the Best Damn RaceMy Profile

    1. Indeed! I can’t ride it around here because there aren’t really…any places to ride a bike unless I go off into the state forest (except it’s freezing and snowy still and I don’t feel like dying just yet). I like that I’m not wasting my bike’s existence anymore! :D!

  7. Love the pink shoe lace rigging!! Love the bike trainer and set up and look forward to hearing how it works out!

    I’m so happy to hear one of my recipes inspired you!! I write my posts and hope to inspire people more than anything and I always encourage people to customize mine to fit their needs in tastes! My favorite quinoa bowl right now is my Somoas Cookie one! Happy Friday!
    Sarah recently posted…Chunky Monkey Protein PancakesMy Profile

    1. hehehe, thank you! :D I’ve been liking it a lot thus far!

      For serious, I love all your recipes and if I had all the time in the world, I would likely try to recreate them all, hahaha. But samoa cookies are a total weakness of mine, so I’m definitely gonna have to try that next! *-*

  8. That “stationary bike “desk”” of yours needs to be mass produced! Crazy cool invention lady – also crazy cool is this quinoa bowl with berries! And, what a sweet brother you have!

    1. hahaha, thank you, Shashi! <3 I liked that I didn't have to go out and buy anything to make it. <3

      Indeed he is! I lucked out with him as my brother! :D

  9. That stationary bike is genius! Loving your laptop set up :)

    Thanks for the quinoa recipe, I have been trying to incorporate that into my breakfast and this is perfect!
    Erin recently posted…Five Things FridayMy Profile

    1. hehehe, thank you! I’m glad it didn’t take long to rig up! ;P

      I hope you like it! :D Have a great weekend!

  10. I’ve never really thought of quinoa as breakfast food, but I might have to try this. Looks delicious!
    Miranda @ Miranda Writes Blog recently posted…Coffee Chat No. 27My Profile

    1. Thanks! :D I’m gonna try to branch out with it and make a savory breakfast dish next! *-* Hope it doesn’t end in disaster!

  11. Ha my boyfriend has that bike converter for when he’s injured and can’t run… keeps him sane. But seriously I want a bike desk now to keep active during the day!
    Cassie recently posted…Now Trending – Best Links Week of 2.23My Profile

    1. I love it! :D It makes me feel like less of a lazy bum since I have to spend so much time in front of my computer (yay for studying) when I’m not at “work!”

  12. I didn’t know you could freeze cooked quinoa! Love the idea of eating it for breakfast. Thanks!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Raw peanut butter hemp bars and a giveawayMy Profile

    1. Anytime! :D I’m gonna try making an omelet with it next! :O Hope it doesn’t end it disaster!

  13. Great recipe! I have made quinoa for breakfast before, and I was surprised at how much I loved it. I am definitely a savory breakfast lover, though :)
    Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl recently posted…Friday Foodie Favorites: February 27, 2015 + Giveaway WinnerMy Profile

    1. I love savory breakfasts too, and that’s definitely next up on my list–I think I just have a tendency to feel like savory breakfasts take longer to prepare in the morning (typically because I like it better when it’s ready-made vs. re-heated, hehe). Gotta turn myself into a morning person!

  14. I want to do that with my bike! Haha!
    And quinoa for breakfast is the best!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 2/27/15My Profile

    1. Agreed (especially with this darn weather!)! :D I’m definitely gonna start experimenting with it more!

  15. OMG a bike converter! I had no idea these existed! I must say that seeing that picture with all those packages just made me so excited..I know they are not for me but getting mail is one of my favorite things! I have a true obssession with fruit so this recipe is right up my alley! Love it! ;) Have a great weekend!
    Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness recently posted…I Eat Ugly FoodMy Profile

    1. I love, love, love getting packages in the mail too! :D It always fills me with such joy! :P

      Fruit is wonderful! <3 I hope you have a great weekend too! :]

  16. I’ve been having a lot of quinoa for breakfast lately! I love quinoa porridge. It’s a sturdy but not too heavy brekkie to start the day!
    genevieve @ gratitude & greens recently posted…Fluffy Vegan and Gluten-free Buckwheat + Oat Flour PancakesMy Profile

    1. Agreed! :D I’m gonna need to start making this more often! :]!

  17. Looks amazing!!! And beautiful!!! :)
    Also, way to be creative with your bike/study station! :)
    Esther recently posted…Foodie Friday: Mix-upMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Esther! :]!

      Desperate times called for desperate measures! :P

  18. Love the desk on the bike. That’s a good idea. I need to do that with mine. I have a love-hate relationship with my bike trainer. I took it off and was riding outside but wouldn’t ya know it?? Snow this weekend so back on it goes!

    1. So sad. :[ It’s like the weather can’t make up its mind! But til it does, at least we can work out on em’ indoors!? :D

  19. Okay first off – you are SO lucky to have awesome friends who will send you bike trainers and chocolate! That is amazing. Annnnd thank you to your friend who sent you that trainer, because the ones I’ve been looking at in stores are $300+ and after spending $1300 on a bike my poor credit card can’t handle anything else. This is HUGE for me, so thanks for sharing that!

    That breakfast bowl looks ultra delicious as well! I’ve had quinoa for breaky a few times before and I actually like it more than dinner quinoa!
    Ariana recently posted…Get High on Healthy Fats with Hemp HeartsMy Profile

    1. For serious–I am super blessed for the people I have in my life! <3!! I'm so glad that helped you out too! I hella thought bike trainers were astronomically expensive, but hooray for finding out that there are ones < $100 (which to me is still astronomical so I feel bad that he spent so much ._.), functional + easy to set up! I hadn't had dinner quinoa in a while, but my friend invited me over for dinner yesterday (another bad day in psych, haw haw) and made quinoa patties that were super delicious! I need to start experimenting with quinoa again!

  20. Firstly…wow. I’m so impressed you managed to do that on the bike! That is so epic. I would be scared I’d drop the laptop haha. My standing box desk failed me!

    I need to get back into Quinoa!
    Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Healthy Cinnamon Roll WafflesMy Profile

    1. Aww, darn! :[ Twas a nice thought though! I’m actually going to have to take my “desk” back to my friend’s place soon since I’m in the process of slowly moving out of my apartment again (sigh).

      I’m actually still typing/poking at buttons whilst resting my hands on part of the laptop while I pedal, so if it does happen to break on me, I’ll at least be able to stabilize it quickly enough to catch it!

  21. I make batches of quinoa almost every week but I don’t think I’ve ever had if for breakfast. I need to change that.
    jill conyers recently posted…Yoga, Food, Fitness and MotivationMy Profile

    1. I need to start branching out to make more things with it! :D!

    • Cat on February 28, 2015 at 8:08 am
    • Reply

    Oh wow that stationary bike converter is so cool! So you can actually adjust the resistance using that? Seriously, this is witchcraft! Haha. I can imagine it would have taken me a LOT longer than 7 mins too… And a lot of cursing most likely ;)
    Cat recently posted…Cat Cookies v2.0 (More Chocolatey Than Ever!)My Profile

    1. Yep you can! :D I clipped it to the left handlebar, and if I feel like it’s not enough, I just put on a pair of ankle weights to go along with it, haha. :O

      I was almost to that point when I first opened the box, but it didn’t turn out to be nearly as complicated as I thought it’d be! :P.

  22. Yay for fruit and quinoa for breakfast! hehehehe. And thanks for the shout out Farrah :D
    jess meddows recently posted…5 Things I Miss About TorontoMy Profile

    1. Of course! :D Much love for both fruit and quinoa, so I loved your idea of throwing it all together, hehehe.

      Hope you have a great weekend! <3

  23. Oh I love your new stationary bike, and now I want one! HA! And that quinoa breakfast bowl looks amazing, I may have to try that soon–this cold weather is definitely worthy of a warm quinoa breakfast! :)
    Sara @ lifebetweenthemiles recently posted…Weekly Wrap UpMy Profile

    1. hehehe, thank you! :D Hot breakfasts and indoor workouts are definitely making my life a whole lot better right now! :P

  24. Great idea with the bike, love it!
    I occasionally eat DiettoGo meals, and they had a fruit quinoa bowl that came in my last order, I wasn’t sure about it at first but ended up really enjoying it. I believe it was even a part of their breakfast meal too!
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Lots of Work and a Dietbet GameMy Profile

    1. Yummy! :D Glad you enjoyed it! I definitely want to experiment more with quinoa soon!

  25. That looks so delicious!!! I love unusual breakfast combinations. It’s nice to have other recipes on hand other than toast!! Lol.

    1. Agreed! :D I like changing things up every now and then–keeps things interesting! :]

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