Fruit Finds in Hong Kong

Welcome to my first(?) food-themed Travel Tuesday! Do you have a favorite fruit? I grew up usually having fruit as dessert instead of actual dessert-dessert, so I can’t pick just one, but today, I’m gonna be talking about some of my fruit finds in Hong Kong!

(Granted, these can be found in other places as well, but not for the same lovely pricing! Some of these are my favorites and others are new discoveries!)

Fruit Finds in Hong Kong

Passion fruit (百香果/熱情果)

I pretty much love anything passion fruit-flavored, but I’d never actually had a fresh passion fruit until last month! I happened to catch a small sign that said “百香果” while I was walking by a small grocery stand in China and it was ~$1.45 for 7 of em’, so we got a bunch and went to town! You can see what the inside looks like in the above picture (bottom left)!

Custard/Sugar Apple (番荔枝)

I only recently discovered the english name to this one and I am decidedly confused since it’s nothing like an apple. That being said, it’s also nothing like anything I’ve ever tasted either, but you need to try it someday. This looks kinda like a slightly less lumpy artichoke on the outside and has creamy white flesh that’s sweet and all kinds of delicious. It tends to have a bunch of seeds though, so have a trash can nearby.

Mangosteen (山竹)

This looks like a giant thing of black garlic, but has squishy white flesh that is tangy and sweet. To open it up, just grab it and twist it down the middle so you can get to the flesh! (They’re pictured on the left!)

Yumberry (楊梅)

Also known as Chinese bayberries, yumberries look kindasorta like raspberries and have a sweet/tart flavor that’s somewhat reminiscent of pomegranates. They’re rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and are also a good souce of folate!

Salak/Snakefruit (蛇皮果)

As the name may suggest (the Chinese name basically translates to “snakeskin fruit,” the outside of this fruit looks a whole lot like snakeskin. If you rip from the pointy end, you’ll be able to remove the shell pretty easily. The flesh is white and sweet with a slight zing to it. Wasn’t my favorite, but curiosity got the better of me so I figured I’d try it out!

Lychee (荔枝)

This hails from the southern Chinese provinces and has a sweet translucent-ish white flesh that’s sweet and delicious. It’s sold in cans over here and can also be found fresh in Asian supermarkets!

Durian (榴莲)

This is known as the “king of fruits,” has been banned from several public spaces in Asia. People have likened the smell to old gym socks and most people either hate it or love it. (I love it, but am unfortunately the only person in my family who does. My grandma and I used to get banished to the garage side door leading to the backyard and would sit there to eat it. I haven’t had anyone to eat it with since she passed away.)

Earlier this year, I found out that my cooking/hiking buddy also loves durian–we ended up going up to NYC for a durian feast/buffet. It was glorious! But I also discovered that it apparently has a fair amount of tryptophan in it, so I took a long nap afterward, hahaha. I once googled how many people had died from being beaned on the head by one of these–don’t they look like they could be weapons?

Dragonfruit (火龙果)

Dragonfruit, also known as pitaya, doesn’t actually have much of a taste to it, but it has a kiwi-like consistency and every now and then, you can find a sweet one! They’ve definitely grown in popularity over the last couple years in the states and you can find em’ often in drinks and smoothie bowls! It’s pictured on the left below! (The one on the right = giant plums that they call “dinosaur eggs” in Cantonese!)

  • Have you ever tried any of these fruits?
  • Which one would you want to try?

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  1. Yes I have tried some of those fruits before. Even if they absolutely don’t grow in France, we love to have them around christmas time as a treat , so you can find them and the supermarket at that time. I especially love lychee and passion fruit, but found dragon fruit and mangosteen a little dull.
    However, I have never seen a durian, nor tasted one. And I am very intrigued about it, I would love to try it out one day :). Maybe I’ll find some in Paris’s chinese district, or I could travel to Asia one day !
    wish you a happy new year by the way!

    1. I hope you get a chance to try them this Christmas! :] I really wish they grew around me too, but alas! As a result, I always eat a ton of fruit when I go over there! 😅

  2. I love these travel tuesday themed posts. I love seeing all these foods that are new to me, they look delicious!

    1. Thanks! They were super tasty! :]

    • P on January 2, 2019 at 8:15 am
    • Reply

    I’m not really a fruit person (give me all the vegetables though!!), but I won’t shy away from trying a new-to-me fruit at least once. Except not durian if it’s in ice cream…I’ve made that mistake before :P

    1. Hahaha, I’ve had it in ice cream and liked it a lot, but I like durian in general so that’s different. 😅😅

  3. I love fruit and would love to try any of those fruits! They are all so unique.

    1. They were all so good! :D

  4. One of my favorite things about traveling is having the opportunity to try a bunch of new foods. I have never heard of some of these fruits before. What a fun experience!

    1. Agreed! I love trying the local foods/fruits! :]

  5. I almost confused that mangosteen for the durian! I’ve heard of durian before but I haven’t had the opportunity to try it. I feel like I would definitely love the yumberry because I love pomegranates but I also feel like the sugar apples sound really delicious as well! The passion fruit though…….Love it! Like you, I don’t think I’ve met a passion-fruit flavored thing I didn’t like.

    1. They were all really good! I’ve yet to find anything passion fruit-related that I haven’t liked either! *-*

  6. so many new and interesting fruits. passion fruit is definitely one of my favorites too.

    1. It’s so good!

  7. I would love to try this…apple! You are right, why is this even called “apple”?! Regarding the durian I indeed was surprised of how many hostels / buses / shop etc have banned this poor “little” one! Once I ate it in a pizza and it was delicious!

    1. I’m still confused about the name! 😅

      I’ve never had it in a pizza but I’d definitely love to try it!

  8. I think lychee is the only fruit that I’ve tried on your list – the sugar apple, mangosteen and yumberry look really good!
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    1. They really are! I wish we had em here!

  9. Wow, so many intriguing fruits! It’s amazing to know there are so many fruits I have yet to try

    1. There’s still a ton I want to try too!

  10. I love fruit, but have not tried any of these (nor have I ever seen some of them “in the flesh”). I have heard of many of these, though. Thanks for an interesting lesson in Hong Kong’s finest fruit ;-)

    1. Anytime! I wish they had em here! I always eat a ton of fruit when I’m back over there. :P

    • Kelly on January 2, 2019 at 8:48 pm
    • Reply

    I’m a big fan on lychee. Love all the interesting fruits in Hong Kong.

    1. Agreed! :]

  11. Oh yum! I’ve had passion fruit, dragon fruit and lychee. The first two I like, but lychee is kind of meh for me. I’d be very interested in that sugar custard apple, though.

    1. The custard apple is super good! I wish they could grow it here!

  12. Wow, what an exciting array of fruits! I was in Hong Kong in 1986 but was not as daring as I am now. If I were there today, I would try everything – even the durian!

    1. You’re a brave soul! :p So many people hate on it, but I really like durian!!

  13. My parents eat a lot of Duran, they’re from Vietnam. I haven’t tried it… don’t plan to. My sister and I used to run to our rooms and close the door whenever they bought it. There were some really cool exotic fruits when I lived on the Big Island too, but the ones on your post were totally new fruits to me. If only we could try some food through a computer blog!

    1. Haha, I understand! My family doesn’t like it either so I’m the odd one out.

      I wish there was some kind of way to do that!

  14. I loved reading this and learning about all of these fruits! The only one that I have used before is Dragonfruit…it’s a nice addition to smoothies!!

    1. I haven’t yet tried it in a smoothie—will have to do that sometime!!

  15. So do you actually like durian?! What does it taste like…? The texture seems so offputting to me :(

    1. hahaha, I actually do!! It’s hard to really describe what it tastes like since I can’t think of anything else that’s similar but it’s sweet! I don’t think it tastes the way it smells, but I can definitely see that and the texture being offputting.

  16. Mangosteen is my absolute fave!

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