Expectations vs Reality #BehindTheBlogger

You Don’t Know Me: I consider social media to be nothing more than a “highlight reel” of our lives. We choose to share what we want, and some focus on only the good, while others zero in on the bad.

I have my bad days just like anyone else, but for the most part, I like to avoid stressing about the things that I can’t change and to look for the good in every situation. Csae in point: I’m gonna go through an “expectations vs reality” post today!

Expectation: Elaborate Cooking as a Food Blogger

My food photography could definitely use a lot of improvement, but considering that almost all of it (aside from the recipes listed in here) is done on my iPhone camera, I’d like to think it’s not too shabby. :]


Reality: Eating from Tupperware


Soup + brown rice in a tupperware is a very standard “quick, just feed me before I pass out from sleep deprivation” meal.

…because let’s face it. Who has the time to wash a whole bunch of dishes when you’re pulling 14-hour days at the hospital?

Expectation: Having super fancy/delicious meals because I’m a food blogger/can cook.

Reality: Finding ways to finish off things in the fridge/pantry before going to buy more groceries.

Don’t get me wrong, this was definitely still all sorts of delicious. My friend and I managed to put together crackers, cheese and turkey pepperoni + whatever that other meat is on the left!

Confession: The only reason I ever bother to make food look pretty = for when I share recipes on this blog.


Expectation: Getting to stay in a single place for more than a couple months at a time.

Technically, you can…but it depends on where you go to med school, where you want to do your residency, where you want to live in the future.

Something I forgot to mention in my post on things medical students want you to know is how much most of us yearn for simple things in life…

For instance:

  • Being able to stay in a single place for more than a couple months at a time (tis one of the reasons we look forward to residency so much!)
  • Getting to sleep in a bed
  • Being able to make somewhat longer-term plans

Reality: Student housing and bumming on friend’s floors (or couches).

I actually had it way better than it could’ve been! I didn’t have to rent out any hotels and managed to save a bunch of money whilst on the interview trail, which was definitely due to the awesomeness of friends/family, as well as a whole hell of a lot of planning and deal-hunting.

I’ve actually long since dreamed of living on a farm, and I really actually got to do this! :D (Check out my “Life on the Farm” post for lots of adorable animals! :]!)

Granted, I wrote this while I was still a med student so I’m actually all settled into my new apartment now! I’m hoping I won’t have to move in the next 3 years because I am sick of it.

Expectation: Super fancy food photography setup.


Reality: …Haha, I wish.

Most of my food photos were taken on the balcony floor of the apartment I used to live in…or the table or railing outside the side door at the farm/cat rescue I was living at. :P

My current “photography setup” in my new apartment is the floor of my living room. Yay for hardwood?! I need to find some better way to let the light in though..

Chocolate Nut Butter Meltaways | fairyburger.com

There’s a reason why you kept seeing the same banister! :P

  • If you have a social media account(s), how is your life different from what you share?
  • Got any confessions?! Mine is that my lunch on Saturday was completely comprised of Costco samples!

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Thank you for reading a story from #BehindTheBlogger Hop. Every 2 weeks a group of bloggers is given a writing prompt. These prompts are very open ended, so our bloggers can write about whatever they desire. The main rule is that their blog post directly relates to the topic of that week. The point of this hop is for our readers to get to know us on a personal level.

Please hop along and read all of the blog posts in this weeks hop. Just click the links below. If you want real and raw emotion, then you will find it here. After you read each post, please comment and share. We want to get to know you too!

Are you a blogger looking to join our future hops? Sign Up Here!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/expectations-vs-reality/


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  1. Hahaha <3
    My Instagram right now is probably the most depressing to read (if you read the caption) the pictures are still "fluff and love"….so deceptive!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Peanut Butter & Jelly Crumble BarsMy Profile

    1. I hate IG’s new algorithm. I’ve been missing so many posts! :[ I’m sorry to hear that things have gotten really toxic in the blogging world–that’s horrible to have to deal with. :[ Sending lots of love and hugs and if we’re mutually free anytime, we should meet up and grab something to eat?! <3

  2. I love this post Farrah. It’s very true

    expectation vs reality? I definitely set up food posts (though I try to plate as nicely as I can on an average night)

    expectation vs reality: my house is streamlined and clean (in the background of photos) – reality, if you looked behind the camera you would see the piles of stuff I move out of the way.

    ahhh well. I think as long as you’re trying to be as authentic as possible, you’re doing pretty well :)
    Laura recently posted…Recipes Worth Trying – Sweet and Savoury Cheese Dishes!My Profile

    1. hehehe, the having to set up food posts in the basis behind why I generally only have 2-3 food photos per recipe post. x_x

      I feel ya on the piles of stuff! I just shove them out of the way when I’m taking pictures too. <3

      And agreed! :D I don't write much in detail about the bad days because I'd rather not focus on em' (it'd be a downer to me and everyone around me, haha), but in terms of being authentic, I don't know of any other way to be! :]

  3. haha this is so true! I definitely think expectation v. reality is so real on social media, especially instagram! My pretty photos are not indicative of my real life at all, but they are fun to capture :P
    tianna recently posted…$200 Nordstrom Giveaway!My Profile

    1. hahaha, most definitely with IG! (That’s probably what I think about most when I think, “highlight reel.”) But I love the pretty pictures! :D Looking at em’ makes me happy, so win-win!

  4. Hahahahaha YES! I love this! Expectation vs. Reality. While Im not really a food blogger, I’m a parent blogger … I’ve learned that those picture perfect moments CAN exist … if you bribe with LOTS of chocolate :P

    1. hahaha, food is such a wonderful bribe! ;P

  5. So great to be able to peek behind the photos. Most people view what we post on social media and get a notion that bloggers all have these fancy cameras and rooms set up to take professional pictures, when in fact most are using camera phones and placing stuff on the floor, table top, or even on the ground outside. I actually had my daughter stand on a ladder over my head once to shoot a video for youtube. Someone should have been recording me and her doing that shoot. It would have been hilarious.
    Eclectic Evelyn recently posted…You Don’t Know Me #BehindTheBloggerMy Profile

    1. haha, right? Gotta work with what we have! That definitely would’ve been a funny visual, haha. I have a lot of moments where a picture of a picture would’ve been all sorts of hilarious. :P

  6. Expectation vs reality hm… the biggest difference for me is where I take my photos. I think it’s hilarious that people recognise the “Southern In Law blue table” because it’s a teeny tiny kids card table we repainted with house paint and its literally just sitting on our balcony with our garden as the background. Nothing fancy, just carefully positioned photo taking :P

    I’ve even had people ask where they can buy my “green backdrop” and I’m like… er… buy a plant?
    Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Recent Things: Catching Pikachu in Sydney, Puppy Love and Lots of LaughsMy Profile

    1. hahaha, that’s super cool though! I still need to find a new spot in my apartment for my food photography–I need someplace with better light! x_x

      haha, that’s hilarious. :P I kinda want plants in my apartment, but I’m worried that I can’t keep em’ alive. :[!

  7. Expectation: HUGE following and glamorous Chicago life. Reality: Solid following with amazing readers and I’m a bit of a homebody
    Susie @ Suzlyfe recently posted…Family Time! Favorite Visits of Past 3 YearsMy Profile

    1. I’m with you there–I prefer this though; I’d much rather have a smaller solid following that I can connect with than too many that I can’t respond to people and make friendships and such. I’m definitely a bit of a homebody too! :P

  8. Awesome post! I never really thought about what my readers may think or know about me until this prompt! It’s fun getting to know a little about those who joined in on this one.

    Yes pictures are another issue of mine. I try to let light in, but sometimes it still doesn’t work and the flash just puts a bright light on the item LOL

    I hope you find the time to write everything you want to and more!
    Sandra R recently posted…Now Accepting 2016 Holiday Gift Guide SubmissionsMy Profile

    1. Same here! It was definitely fun getting to read + know more about the other bloggers who did this prompt! :]

      I’m with you there! Being around to take said photos while there’s still light outside is also a struggle, hahaha.

      Thank you! I hope so too!

    • Amanda G on July 29, 2016 at 2:44 pm
    • Reply

    I am so glad I’m not the only one who really wants to have better blog and IG photos, but just don’t have a spectacular camera, great lighting, or beautiful backdrops! I feel like 90% of the work I do for my blog is trying to stage photos and moving the objects around my house to find the room and area with the best lighting. I’ve taken food photos in my bathroom on top of my dryer before because that was the best lighting at the time. lol!

    1. haha, you’re definitely not alone! I kinda just shove things out of the way and shuffle stuff around until it kindasorta looks okay. That’s awesome that the top of your dryer is an awesome place for photography! :P

  9. BAH HA HA HA! YES and more yes!!! I like REALISM – I like TRUTH – I like when people share both good and bad. I like imperfections. Perfection is disturbing and disgusting and just plain unhealthy in my mind! We are HUMAN and HUMANS are meant to make mistakes!! ;) And we are not meant to fall into a specific MOLD either!
    GiGi Eats recently posted…This ICE Is NutsMy Profile

    1. haha, I agree. Perfection isn’t really attainable and I definitely think it’s unhealthy when people go overboard with it. I hate making mistakes, but I like to think that as long as I learn from em’, at least it wasn’t a total loss! :P

  10. On my social media accounts I tend to try and not post a lot of pictures of my daughter, I am scared of her image being taken. However all over the house, my phone, my computer, she is everywhere….and we all like to sit and watch my computer screen saver go through all the images of her as a baby, because she was fat and looked like Chris Farley. I also do not admit my flaws and weakness as much online, but I talk about them everyday with my husband.
    Mandi Korn recently posted…Cruise In Car Show in Bethania, N.C.My Profile

    1. Definitely understandable! The world is unfortunately full of some pretty messed up things/people. :[ Much better to be safe about it. I’m not a fan of admitting flaws/weaknesses either, but I’m also very truthful possibly to a fault–I’ve had a couple attendings comment that I own up to my non-knowledge about different subjects rather honestly, haha.

  11. Hahaha, real life isn’t all that Pinterest-worthy on most days, isn’t it? We all try to get by with what little time and resources we have.

    I salute you for eating mostly healthy stuff on a regular basis, I know it takes hard work!

    I am guilty of posting the nicer moments of course. Nobody wants to see piles of laundry and unopened mail, dirty floors and messy rooms, right?
    Tamara recently posted…Photographer’s ChoiceMy Profile

    1. hahaha, it really isn’t! :P But I like learning to improvise/work with what I have, so it works out!

      Thank you! I try, but there are definitely cheat meals/days thrown in there! :P

      I like posting the nicer moments too–they’re more fun to look back on! I don’t miss the piles of laundry so no need to document that! ;P

  12. hahaha–all reasons why I’ll never be a food blogger. I actually like cooking…and eating…but taking time to take nice photos of food instead of eating it? Probably not…
    I LOVE fashion and i love all of my clothes and what I wear but most of my outfit photos posts are made from a couple shots snagged in the garden of the apartment building where we live, right before we walk to the car and head out to church or errands or something. Somehow having energy for an elaborate photoshoot is so much harder than having energy for putting awesome clothes on. :P See: “Reasons why I’ll never be Pinterest Famous” haha!
    Rachel G recently posted…Sunway Lagoon – Tips for the Best Day Ever at Malaysia’s WaterparkMy Profile

    1. haha, this is why I generally only post 2 pictures per recipe post. :P If I had to photo-document every step and make everything all pretty, it’d be a difficult time (I just wanna get to the eating part! :P ).

      I’m definitely with you on that! :P You have some of the coolest outfits ever, haha. That’s awesome that you don’t have to set up super fancy/elaborate photoshoots to get the pictures taken! :D

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