Dear Childhood Me #BehindTheBlogger

Dear Childhood Me: Oh Farrah, there are so, so many things I could write about here…the first and most important thing I want you to always remember is to cherish the people in your life. You have an awesome family and the best friends anyone could ever ask for–make sure you let them know that!

I’m definitely gonna need to narrow this down, so why don’t I just focus on one life lesson–seeing and/or finding the bright side of every situation!

If you were here approximately a month ago, you probably already know that I fractured my hand in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu training accident in combination with an apparently benign bone tumor. (Just so you know, I still managed to choke my opponent out despite the broken hand. Yayuh.)

But the aftermath has been…interesting, to say the least!

-Not being able to go to BJJ or pole when I actually have the time to
+I’ve been making myself feel better about this by spending more time with friends and family though!


At least I can still play Super Nintendo!! :D!

-Unnecessarily difficult for me to eat poorly packaged items
+Has decreased my consumption of packaged foods (even if it was just a bag of unshelled pistachios ;_; ) and made it a billion times easier to log foods on MyFitnessPal again (which I’d previously abandoned since my last powerlifting competition and ring girl stint), since I eat a lot of the same types of things for simplicity’s sake.

-Rather hard to use right hand for much since the cast gets in the way
+Can type a whole lot faster one-handed and put on contacts(!)

-Using chopsticks
-But you finished this entire chirashi bowl using chopsticks with your left hand!


-Right (aka dominant) hand is broken during your rotation in the field you want to go into.
+Maybe you’ll be ambidextrous by the end of it! You did 4 left-handed trigger point injections on a patient two weeks ago, and your handwriting has graduated from a 4yo’s scrawl to maybe a 7yo’s chicken scratch! No one-handed pap smears or ear exams though.

-Having to type up SOAP notes and do physical exams with one hand
+Residents and attendings are apparently very impressed by your strong attitude/work ethic/determination, as well as your ability to finish notes as quickly as them!

-People think I got really mad at someone and punched them out.
+People are especially nice to me and don’t try to mess with me.

-Not being able to lift weights
+Maybe this is the thing that’ll finally force you to bring cardio back into your life. You’ve taken a long enough break. This has also forced you to be a little creative–for instance, you can still do front squats, lunges, leg press, step ups, and elbow planks?

And…you can now do one-handed push-ups!!! With your left hand!!! wut wut.


Your hand escapes its fiberglass prison on Friday!

  • Do you try to find the silver linings to every situation?
  • What’s something you would tell your childhood self?

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  1. I would tell my childhood self that there will be lots of ups and downs… but life is good :-)
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Vegetarian Taco Salad with Creamy Cilantro Avocado DressingMy Profile

    1. PREACH
      Susie @ Suzlyfe recently posted…Currently… April 2016My Profile

      1. Agreed! ;P

    2. That’s definitely a really important one to keep in mind! <3

  2. My fingers and toes are crossed for your recovery, and also for things working out how they’re supposed to!

    1. Arghhhh! My doctor said it’d take another 3-6 months for it to fully heal. ;_; I’m stuck in a splint for at least another month, but at least I can take it off at night!? I’ll count my blessings, haha. At least it’s easier to type again!

  3. you radiate so much positive energy! you go girl :)
    dixya @ food, pleasure, and health recently posted…Savory Yogurt ParfaitMy Profile

    1. haha, I’m trying so hard to look on the bright side! *-*

  4. I love how you don’t make excuses and how you just keep on moving forward! I’m also way impressed that you can do a one-arm pushup. I’m very slowly working on my pushup game, and it is a definite work in progress! ;)
    Melanie recently posted…Peanut Butter Oatmeal Raisin BitesMy Profile

    1. I was so pleasantly surprised to find out that I could do em’! :D (I’ve never attempted them because I was afraid of falling on my face, but my brother encouraged me to at least attempt it–I’m glad it worked out okay, hehe!) They can definitely be really hard–I like to think life is a never-ending work in progress! :P

  5. Haha, I love this Farrah <3 You're always upbeat no matter what life throws at you!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Lemon Pepper Tilapia + Spring Arugula Salad & Garlic Herb CroutonsMy Profile

    1. haha, I figure there’s no point in being down in the dumps about this since there’s nothing else I can really do about it! :P

  6. One handed push ups?! Way to go, girl! If I tried that I know I’d end up breaking my other arm hahaha!

    One thing I’d tell my younger self? Stop making excuses and use your arm! I have erb’s palsy (a rotational shoulder disability) due to a birth injury which meant that when I was younger I couldn’t lift my arm more than 45 degrees and I used it as an excuse instead of pushing myself to improve it. Now I can lift it almost all the way up because my stubborn side kicked in and I pushed through the pain of strength training to give myself more use of my once t-rex arm ;P
    Kristy @ Southern In Law recently posted…Recent Things: Date Nights, Birthday Celebrations and Childhood DreamsMy Profile

    1. haha, I was worried I’d break my face, but thankfully it turned out okay!

      Aww, I feel ya! :[ I’m in a slightly similar mindset at the moment, partly because I’m not sure how much I should push it and whether or not it needs more rest (I’m scared that I’ll overdo it and make it worse, haha). I’m glad you can almost lift your arm all the way up now! We gotta keep on truckin’! :P

  7. I am SOOO impressed by your one handed (nay… left handed!) push up. That is all out amazing! I can’t even manage an easy push up. I hope that your escape form fibreglass prison tomorrow goes well and you’ve healed well.
    Steph recently posted…Dear childhood me – life’s little lessons – #BehindTheBloggerMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Steph! Sadly, I apparently have another 3-6 months to go for full recovery (sigh), but at least I’m out of the cast and into a splint now! *-*

  8. What fun to read!!! I love your writing style! I think I have told you that before haha.
    Thank you for always having such wonderful posts Farrah and your Instagram is wonderful! I just followed you and left a lot of love.
    Get better soon girl and keep fighting … in every way possible :)
    I love that you are all about finding the silver lining! Much love!
    Joely Smith recently posted…$25 Sephora E-Gift Card Giveaway Hop #AprilShowersMy Profile

    1. hehehe, thanks so much, Joely! <3! These #BehindTheBloggers are so much fun! :] So happy to connect with you on instagram as well!

      I'll definitely keep on truckin'! :] The cast is off, but I'm stuck in a splint for at least the next month and full recovery is apparently going to take another couple months (sigh). At least I get to move my wrist again though! :D

  9. I would tell my childhood self, not to let people who are judging me, rule my existence. That boys are not as important as an education, and when I am in my late 30’s I will find heaven in the eyes of my daughter.
    Mandi Korn recently posted…Giada’s Double Chocolate BrowniesMy Profile

    1. Aww, those are all really good life lessons that we should realize/know about! <3!

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