Day in the Life: Sleep Medicine

This was my last elective in med school, and for some reason, it took a billion moons to find one.

I wanted to stay in California in the general vicinity of home for another 2 weeks. I looked for everything from Acupuncture to Occupational Medicine to Sports Medicine to Family Medicine to Nutrition to Physical Therapy (that last one would’ve been super awesome because one of my closest friends happens to be a physical therapist, and having an excuse to hang out in Sac with him for 2 weeks would’ve been pretty sweet…but alas, he’d just switched over to a new job and was going to be shadowing someone else to learn the ropes.

I found a rotation that seemed really promising, but it ended up not working out because the affiliation agreement didn’t go through in time (that and it was a very hands-on rotation and I…broke my hand). So I sent a pleading letter to Stanford to let me apply for a rotation in Sleep Medicine super late, and they actually approved my appeal!! (Thank you, Stanford! I heart you forever. <3)

Day in the Life: Sleep Medicine


A Typical Day

My days typically started at 8 a.m. I’d go to the control room with one of the fellows to read sleep studies til 9 a.m. If it was a wet read and the patient had any questions, we’d go talk with them, but otherwise, we’d keep chugging along til all of them were read.

From 9-5 (lunch somewhere in between), we’d see patients for various sleep disorders, but by far the most common one was obstructive sleep apnea. We’d ask each patient about their sleep habits/hygiene, symptoms, complaints, etc., then examine their airway and tell them about their sleep study results (if applicable). After staffing with one of the attendings, we’d all go back to discuss a plan.

There was a lot of time spent on counseling, which I felt was really nice, and helped to promote our patients’ understanding of their condition(s).


One of the behavioral medicine folks lent me this to thumb through while I was there!

I also got to work in a couple specialty clinics, namely Restless Legs Syndrome and Narcolepsy clinic. Med school is the prime time for med students to diagnose themselves with everything under the sun, but the only thing I’ve ever seriously thought I had was type 2 narcolepsy (mostly because of the sleep paralysis, hypnapompic hallucinations, excessive daytime sleepiness, and how quickly I can fall asleep and start dreaming…but chronic sleep deprivation can cause that as well, so go figure.

I got to see a lotttt of really rare cases (but only one true case of narcolepsy), including a textbook case of Kleine-Levin syndrome!


“That’s the second creepiest thing I’ve encountered today.”

First creepiest was during a morning in my second week, where I was following one of the fellows to see a new patient. Before we got to the room, we made a stop at the MA desk.

MA: Oh good, you’re bringing someone with you. You’re not going to want to be in that room alone.
O: Uh, why?
MA: This guy is majorly creepy. He has a serial killer stare.
O + F: …
MA: It’s good that you’re bringing Farrah. Don’t you know jiu-jitsu?
F: (brandishes splinted arm) But I’m broken!
MA: You said you still managed to choke your opponent out!
F: This is true, but what if I can’t do it again?
O: Can you hold him off long enough for me to press the panic button?
F: I guess so.

So off we went!

If you’ve ever watched Criminal Minds, this guy was of the caliber of the majority of those perpetrators. The room legitimately felt 10 degrees colder, and I felt extremely uncomfortable, and even a little scared to make eye contact with him for the fear that he’d remember my face. I’ve had a patient threaten to murder my preceptor before, and even he didn’t creep me out as much as this patient did. If ever there were a time for the use of the whistle I got at my last rotation, it would’ve been here. I think our attending felt the same way, and left fairly quickly, much to our distress (“Don’t leave us!”).

After he left, we exchanged worried glances.

O: …I feel like I’ve just been added to a kill list.
F: Nooo!
O: Did I tell him to follow up in 3 months, or was it 4?
F: You said 3 or 4, but you should stress 4, because you’ll be gone by then.
O: Good call, let’s change it to that.

We went back to the work room and, whilst casting glances at the closed door, attempted to try to find out how to see if someone had a criminal record.

O: Farrah, he didn’t schedule a follow-up appointment.
F: Isn’t that good?
O: What if it’s because he knows I won’t be around by then?!
(Other residents: What the hecks is going on?)
O: Guys, if I turn up missing one of these days, it’s because I’ve been murdered and he’s made a suit out of my skin.



I brought my lunches with me every day, usually in some variant of delicious home-cooked leftovers that my aunt and uncle would make extra of the night before. (My parents don’t really cook, so I was super overjoyed for all the amazing Chinese dishes I was bombarded with while I was home! <3 Chinese food generally isn’t my first choice because I’ve had it so often for the past couple decades, but I loved all the food they made!!)

All of us looked forward to Thursdays because it was…Boba Thursday! One of the guys would come in to take our orders for milk tea and deliver em’ to us around lunch time! :D! We talked a lot because he found out I could speak Cantonese and that my parents were from Hong Kong, hehe.

The fellows were super serious about their boba–it was kinda great.

  • “Please excuse the noise. I’m trying to maximize my boba…extractions. …I wonder how many cases of boba aspirations there have been? They really shoot up there–it goes right for the glottis!”
  • “Ooo, Jungle Book comes out this Friday! It looks amazing.”
    “I wonder how they found a talking tiger.”
  • (“You’ve put some serious thought into your boba…”) “It deserves serious thought!”



Yay for free parking (and lots of it)!


Hooray for still getting to live at home! :D


  • Have you ever diagnosed yourself with anything?
  • What’s your creepiest encounter with someone?
  • Do you have any problems with sleeping? Check out my post on Sleep Hygiene!

Check out my other Day In The Life posts!

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  1. Such an interesting rotation, minus the creepy guy! I have had trouble sleeping in the past, but it’s something I’ve worked on and it’s a bit better now.
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Grenada HighlightsMy Profile

    1. I’m glad to hear that! :D I remember reading your post on getting better sleep! :]

  2. Yikes! That guy sounded super creepy. I’ve been known to diagnose myself with things after watching a medical drama…and my mom is even worse. Thanks for the peek into your day.

    1. I hope the fellow I worked with is still okay!!

      haha, it’s hard to avoid doing that sometimes! :P

  3. Woah! That must have been creeeepy. Love a small preview of your day though, looks like you really know how to spend your days!

    1. Forreals! :[ I’ve never felt so uncomfortable around anyone before! Overall, it was a really fun rotation though!

  4. Um, anytime that you are asked to use combat skills is one to remember. I used to not be able to sleep, and then not be able to wake; now I’m the opposite!
    Susie @ Suzlyfe recently posted…Post Run or Workout Gym Bag Essentials – Coaches CornerMy Profile

    1. hahaha, right? :'( I fall asleep wayyyyy too easily these days. I’m worried that I won’t wake up when I’m on call in residency! x_x

  5. haha omg…that’s sketchy! I’m glad you’re still with us Farrah ;)
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Curried Coconut Grilled ChickenMy Profile

    1. hehehe, thank you! I’m glad I’m still around too!

  6. Woah. It’s so weird how there are those people where you can just “feel” that something is wrong with them and it’s uncomfortable to be around them. I’ve actually met someone once, one of my mother’s former bosses, and when I shook his hand I instantly got this awful feeling and I didn’t like him one bit. And that rarely happens!
    Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating recently posted…#HummusMadeEasy – Three WaysMy Profile

    1. Seriously! :o I rarely come across people that I instantly dislike for no apparent reason, but when that does happen, I tend to steer clear. I’m glad that that wasn’t your mom’s current boss!!

  7. Yikes on the creepy guy!
    That’s right, your martial art skills could come in quite handy sometime, ha ha.
    What an interesting rotation. I’ve never given much thought to sleep centers, but I am just now realizing after reading this they do a lot more than I originally thought!
    Awesome that Stanford got you into it wish short notice! I’m sure they just say your name and they were like, yeah she rocks give her what she wants:)
    Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…MIA No More and Lots and Lots of Life ChangesMy Profile

    1. Right!? :P And good thing my rotation before that gave me a whistle for if I ever got cornered by patients?

      haha, agreed! I never really gave too much thought to sleep centers, but there were so many interesting cases I don’t think I ever would’ve seen otherwise here. :o

      I’m so glad they let me! <3 I really want/need to graduate, hahaha. :P

  8. When I was in school learning medical transcription I was also pretty positive I had several syndromes when I would learn about them! I’m sure med school totally ups the hypochondriac game.

    I’ve met my share of creepy people but this story is my absolute favorite: I was working at a hiker hostel in Maine and we had a tiny little gear shop there. I was behind the counter and folding laundry when a man walked in and I got the creepy crawlies on my skin… He was nice and asking questions about the stuff in the shop, looking around. I had put myself all the way up against the door and was folding laundry and getting more and more panicked. Something just felt off. He bought a few things and my boyfriend walked in the shop (he worked there too) as I finished the sale. The man left and said he would be coming back later. I told my BF I was glad he left because he creeped me out. My BF laughed and said “you don’t know who that was?” To which I replied I didn’t. It was the man who played Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs – Ted Levine. There was a movie filming in our town and he was in the film. We had a great laugh over that and I love telling that story!

    1. For sure! I have friends who wish that they put disclaimers in some of the conditions (e.g. “If you’re a medical student, these symptoms could just be due to chronic sleep deprivation and fatigue…”).

      hahaha, that’s definitely a good one! I watched Silence of the Lambs a reallyyyy long time ago and don’t think I remember too much about it (possibly a good thing)–that’s awesome that your subconscious kindasorta recognized him and registered him as someone to steer clear of! :P It was just lookin’ out for ya! I’m glad he wasn’t actually a serial killer! :]

  9. This sounds like such an interesting rotation but that guy sounds CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYY!

    I am a weirdo magnet so I always seem to “befriend” creepy people when I am out and about. I’m the one person on the train that the creepers always seem to sit next to, haha. Jesse says its because i have an approachable face – meaning that people think they can come and have a conversation with me about the most random of things.

    It happens so often that i have a group text with my friends called “The Adventures of Kristy and the Crazies”.
    Kristy @ Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: Healthy Single Serve Apple Crisp (Vegan & Grain Free!)My Profile

    1. He definitely was! :[!!!

      Nooo! I was unfortunately the same way, although it got a little better over the past several years because I’ve been hermiting it up in the mountains, haha. I can definitely relate on the approachable face though. My preceptors tell me I have “a face that says, ‘Tell me everything and I will listen.'” It makes it hard to escape exam rooms sometimes, but I’m working on it! :[

      Noooo, hahha. I bet they make for amusing stories though (at least most of the time?)!

  10. I know I have insomnia so this would be the thing I would ask you to treat me for. Then again I’m not creepy like that guy sounds…that would terrify me!

    1. Oh noes! That sucks. :[ What’s your sleep schedule like? :O I wrote a post on sleep hygiene somewhere last year that might have little bits and pieces that could help?

  11. That is so weird on the creepy guy. I’ve heard of some people doing this to you but I have never encountered anyone, which is a good thing!
    You do know you live an amazing life don’t you Farrah?!?
    Tricia@MissSippipiddlin recently posted…Goals to Wrap Up 2016My Profile

    1. It was the stuff of nightmares, haha. That room legit felt 10 degrees colder. I’m glad you never encountered anyone like that!

      Yes indeed! Some patches of it get kinda rough, but I’ve been incredibly blessed! :]!
      Farrah recently posted…Snorkeling in Hanauma BayMy Profile

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