Day in the Life: Pediatrics II

This was my last rotation in med school!!! The senioritis was strong, but thankfully, I had a super nice and very understanding preceptor! (He actually gave me a couple afternoons off!) Read on for my very last “Day in the Life” for medical school!

If you’ve been following me on instagram or facebook, you may have noticed that I graduated from med school 2 days ago!!!

…But I was hanging out with my family/friends, celebrating, and saying my goodbyes this weekend, I’ll likely write about the actual ceremony next week.

Day in the Life: Pediatrics II

rapid strep

A Typical Day

Mondays and Fridays were from 8:30 – 5 p.m.-ish. My preceptor ran a busy practice and would see upwards of 40 patients per day. I saw a ton of common things–e.g. allergies, upper respiratory infections (common cold), some type 1 diabetes, flu, strep throat, and also some not-so-common things (Gianotti-Crosti syndrome, a patient with an annular pancreas, Hirschsprung’s disease, ).

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I’d go in for clinic in the mornings from about 8-11 a.m., then drive back to town to sit in on didactics with the Pediatrics residents from around 12-3/4 p.m. at the local medical school (not my school :O ).

stickers on wall

Wednesday mornings were spent at an absolutely gorgeous new sports medicine institute with facilities that make me crazy jealous. (I feel like I need to watch We Are Marshall at some point, as that’s where I just spent part of my last month!) We ran the pediatric concussion clinic at the Sports Medicine Clinic, so I got to see a lot of sports injuries and what the ImPACT test entailed (it’s implemented by health care professionals for concussion management and safe return to play protocol)!

My preceptor was awesome and super super chill. He’d introduce me to his patients like this: “This is Farrah! She’s a 4th-year medical student. She’s graduating soon and matched into Family Medicine, so she’ll be going to New Jersey very soon! I’m surprised she’s even here!”

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N: We’re done until 1:30 over at clinic. …Do you want to save yourself the drive and stay home?
F: …Um. (In the history of my years as a medical student, I have never taken a sick day or said yes to “Do you want to go home?”)
N: You can work on your cases and enjoy life.
F: …Are you sure…? (Holy what, you are an amazing human being.)
N: Yes! Go ahead and go on home, Farrah! I’ll see you on Friday morning!

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I brought pretty much all my lunches! In an effort to make my move to New Jersey a little easier, I tried to clear out (aka eat everything) my food stash, so I shopped all month in the basement of Please Save A Cat, otherwise known as…Farrah’s Storage Space.

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I’d get free lunch from the medical school or from the office! (During Nurses’ Week, my preceptor got all the nurses flowers and brought in brownies and homemade chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. :O )

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Free everywhere! I tried to park far, far away from the softball field, to avoid having Cordelia getting beaned by softballs during their practices.


I bummed on a mattress on the living room floor at my friend Sean’s apartment! He is 1/4 of the HBLer’s + 1/The Vagal Tones (our med school band)! We had Game of Thrones dates every Sunday night, and would also battle each other in Pokemon and help each other finish off our food stores.

stickers on wall

  • Were you afraid of going to the doctor when you were little?
  • Do you have a favorite dinosaur? Mine was the stegosaurus because I felt like it wasn’t ever anyone’s favorite!

Check out my other Day In The Life posts!

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  1. Aww, I love all the pictures on the wall. It sounds like your preceptor was a huge blessing. :) I’m thankful to say that my boss, ‘my dad’ is a WONDERFUL boss. :) I hope your move to New Jersey goes so well.
    Emily recently posted…Self Harm: Why Do We Carry Guilt?My Profile

    1. He definitely was! :] I’m glad your dad is an awesome boss! :D

      Thank you! I hope it goes smoothly too! I’m worried about how my soon-to-be-adopted foster kitty is going to take the move! :/

  2. I really hope you wore amazing scrubs or had something spunky on your stethoscope..
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Culinary Triumphs and Memorial Day WeekendMy Profile

    1. Sad times! I had to wear professional clothing, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to get away with fun scrubs on my inpatient peds rotations in residency!?

      I had syringe and bone pens though–does that count?! :O

  3. Well heeeeyyy, doctor!

    I am so with Suze, I hope you wore those crazy ped doctor scrubs or at least a fun little hat! Haha! :P
    Kristy @ Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: Chicken Cordon Bleu Rice Casserole (Healthy & Gluten Free)My Profile

    1. Heyyyy! ;P

      I am still crossing my fingers that I’ll get to be on peds over Halloween at some point so I’ll have every excuse in the world to dress up as something! :O!

  4. Congratulations!!!! I’m still not a fan of the doctor (sorry!!!) You are pretty awesome though! :-))
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…May 2016 Top Posts & Best of Blogs LinkupMy Profile

    1. hahah, I can’t say I blame you! I doubt most people enjoy going to the doctor, but thank you! :]!!

  5. Your preceptor sounds amazing. He must love his job–40 patients a day is ridiculous! I’m glad you finished med school with such an awesome experience!

    Good luck on the move!
    Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Empowered By The Miles: Global Running Day 2016My Profile

    1. For serious! I don’t know if I’d be able to do that, but super props to him! I’m glad I did too–thank you! :]!

  6. Congratulations on your graduation and it sounds like you had a good experience in pediatrics! Even as an adult I kinda like looking at the fun cartoons on the wall when they put me in the kiddo exam rooms, haha. I’ve loved reading about your med school experiences in here and best wishes with the move!

    1. Thanks so much! :D Peds is generally a lot of fun, and I definitely like having the excuse to act like a kid too–I enjoyed the cartoons on the walls too! :]!

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