Day in the Life: Internal Medicine

In actuality, I’ve actually finished this rotation and am on Anesthesiology right now, but…oh well. I’m allowed to get behind on life in my own blog! :O

Day in the Life: Internal Medicine

friendshipbraceletsA Typical Day

7 – 8 a.m.

Didactics! I wrote about them in more detail back in my Day in the Life post in General Surgery!

8 a.m. – 5-7 p.m.

This the first/only rotation I’ve had all year where I’m working with another medical student (it helps that we’re friends! :O ). We typically worked with the same preceptor for the week, and then switched off the following week to a different one.

The hospitalists split up their ER admissions in 4-hour blocks (7-11 a.m., 11 a.m.-3 p.m., and 3-7 p.m.), as well as the 36-hour blocks. (All of them were super humane and never made us do the 36-hour block with them.)

While we were on, admissions during those 4-hour blocks would range anywhere from 5-11 people. We’d meet up with our preceptor in the morning after didactics, get a copy of their patient list, and then divide + conquer!

Each of us would typically see 4 patients, write up notes, and discuss our patients’ cases with our preceptor by noon-ish, and then we’d round on the patients together after we figured out what we were going to do for them. If we finished rounding on patients earlier and hadn’t yet located our preceptor, we were told to practice being white coat ninjas.

Lunchtime was usually thrown somewhere in there (if we had a spare moment)! Sometimes, we’d just skip it altogether and power through if it looked like it might be an early day.


I’ve gained a definite appreciation for graham crackers + peanut butter as a snack!

Afternoons were usually when we’d round on any of the patients that we didn’t get to in the morning. We’d also help with admissions (e.g. heading over to the ER to find out more about patients who may or may not need to be admitted).

One of our preceptors is the chief of medicine, so he has constant meetings upon meetings, and during those times, my friend and I pore through the internets to find programs to apply to, set up our rotations for next year, work on our applications, study, etc. He also asks a ton of questions and is extremely brilliant, so I invariably feel incompetent and wish that I knew more (he’s nice about it though, thankfully), but…I’m working on it!

The other preceptor we worked with was hilarious to work with. :P When we had downtime, things like this would happen:

One of the nurses: Dr. P’s gone aphasic. He won’t speak to anyone.
Dr. L: I can fix that.


He put on post-it blinders and everything. Serious business. :O


She altered them for him.

"I'm trying to work!!!"

“I’m trying to work!!!”

Cured of his aphasia by a very long and uncomfortable stare! :O She said that he was like the little brother that she had and never wanted, but it’s okay, because they’re BFFs. (Two of the bracelets pictured above were later turned into friendship bracelets/anklets. >_> )


This is a mixture of bringing my own food and eating in the physician’s lounge. Since I was in the middle of moving out, I’d been trying to eat everything in my apartment. :O I was marginally(?) successful!


Parking at the hospital was a breeze, especially if you get there before 7! Since I have didactics almost every single morning, this was not a problem.


Today’s actually the last day I’m going to be living in this apartment, but I’m still going to be here for another two weeks for my Anesthesiology rotation. What gives? :O

Hint: I’m pretty much not going to have a permanent address from now til…May 2016. Yayuh. I’ll get to what the rest of my life is gonna be like for the upcoming school year in a later post, but for these next two weeks, I’m going to be bumming on a friend’s couch!

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  1. I one time sat Alex down and made him explain what his day was like when he had no time to eat or even go to the bathroom. It reminded me a lot of a dinner rush as a server!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…It is So Ordered Pt 2: Breakfast Food #WIAWMy Profile

    1. Stashing pockets with food and learning to hold in the pee are important life skills for both!

  2. You are so brave. No permanent address! I need my own space, Im not sure I could do it. You do what you have to do I guess. Stay positive and remember to invite me over to your McMansion when you move in ;)
    Autumn recently posted…How the Tao of Squats is Bringing Sexy BackMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Autumn! The plus side to not having a permanent address = no rent to pay, so at least my student debt won’t pile as much this year! I kinda feel like I’m on the run or something though. ._.

      I can’t wait to have my own space someday! I’ll definitely let us know! :]!

  3. I really enjoy these posts! It is so interesting for someone who went into such a different field! Good luck on the housing situation!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…June 2015 Top 5 Posts & Life UpdatesMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Julie! :] glad to hear! I’m couchsurfing this and next week, and then I’ll be living at the shelter again for 3 weeks! :o

  4. Hahaha, love the post its!
    Divya @ Eat Teach Blog recently posted…My Nani. My Companion.My Profile

    1. hahaha, they were definitely having a lot of fun with that! :P

  5. Great post Farrah – I love graham crackers and peanut butter too, it’s such a great combo (and so addictive!!)
    Harriet Emily recently posted…ILLUSTRATION: CUPCAKESMy Profile

    1. It’s definitely addictive, but I like to think that as far as snacking goes, it could definitely be worse! :P

  6. It’s nice to know that you are having fun through all this! I hope you stop by for coffee (or tea!) this weekend.
    Coco recently posted…Eating Bacon And Avocados At FitblogginMy Profile

    1. Thanks! :D I have my post written and scheduled already! Looking forward to it, and will see you then! :]!

  7. You make med school seem like fun ;) I’ve never had graham crackers with PB!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Try This Thursday 7/2 – Caribe JuiceMy Profile

    1. hehehe, there are definitely times where it’s really rough, but I figure a positive outlook can power me through em’! :]

      It’s a magical combination! :D I added some chocolate recently, and…yeah, it was amazing. <3

  8. One of my favorite things to do, is CLEAN OUT THE FOOD from my house – so I try so so hard to eat things from home, but. Um. Sometimes. Yeahhhh! LOL!!!

    And I give you so much credit. You’ve got some LONGGGG days lady!!!!
    GiGi Eats recently posted…Charged Up For Another Year!My Profile

    1. hahaha, agreed! It can be hard, but it saves so much money, and it makes me feel so accomplished if I manage to do it! :P

      hehehe, thank you! <3 They're short sometimes!!

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