Creamy Garlic Penne with Veggies

Welcome to our weekly Foodie Friday link up! I’m linking up with Montana from Pretty Lil Mudder, Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama, Emily from Whatever Floats Your Oats, Esther from Chocolate Runner Girl, and Cassandra from Powered By Bling, to create awesome healthy recipes each week! Today’s theme = One-Pot Meals! Make sure you hop around to check out all the amazing recipes in this link up and feel free to add your recipes as well!

First off, if you haven’t yet entered my Santa Barbara Bars giveaway, head on over there for your chance to win a sampler box of SB Bars in all the flavors they currently offer! :]

Back? Alright, let’s start! This is actually what we had for our New Year’s Eve dinner last week! :] I’ve been trying to use up all the stuff in my pantry (this is clearly an ongoing process), so we decided to make a super quick and easy pasta dish that wouldn’t require us to run out to get groceries!

I think a lot of people don’t consider food to be an actual event. :/ (This is news to me, because my life somewhat revolves around my meals, so this is what happened when I was asked if I had any NYE plans:

F: Yeah! I’m going to be getting together with a couple friends and we’re going to make a bunch of food! :D!
: (waits for me to go on)
F: And we’re gonna eat it!
: …
F: And um, maybe watch a movie…? (None of us have TVs.)

I tried. I have a problem with wanting to fill awkward silences with words (and then it gets even more awkward. Go figure.).

In any case, we had this at dinnertime along with a delicious baked brie + chocolate popcorn for dessert…and then we rang in the new year by watching a couple of episodes of To Catch A Predator, which my friend recently started watching whilst on her OB/GYN rotation. (Hooray for Perverted Justice!) How’s that for weird ways to spend a holiday? :x

You can omit the cheese and sub that with nutritional yeast to make it vegan! :]

Creamy Garlic Penne with Veggies

Creamy Garlic Penne with Veggies

  • 26.5 oz. (2 boxes) whole wheat penne pasta
  • 3 tbsp butter or Earth Balance (vegan butter)
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 tbsp almond meal
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 2 cups vegetable broth
  • 2 cups skim milk
  • 1 bag frozen vegetables, thawed
  • 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
  • 2 tsp dried thyme
  • cayenne pepper, to taste
  • crushed red pepper, to taste
  • dried parsley, to taste


  1. Cook pasta according to package directions, then drain in a colander and portion into bowls.
  2. Melt butter in the pot and add minced garlic. Cook for ~1-2 minutes, then add almond meal + flour and cook for another minute.
  3. Add milk and vegetable broth, stirring constantly.
  4. Cook until the sauce boils and thickens, then add Parmesan cheese + thyme. Keep stirring until cheese has melted.
  5. Add the bag of vegetables and allow to cook for another 3-5 minutes.
  6. Pour over pasta and serve. Season with cayenne pepper, crushed red pepper, and dried parsley, as desired.


End-of-Week-ish Recap!

  • It’s the start of my new series, Medical Mondays! :] My first topic is (quite fittingly) on Preventative Care!
  • What would your imaginary trainer say to motivate you? I’ve never really had a “official” trainer unless you count my ex from ages ago, but keep reading to find out how he used to motivate me!
  • Have you ever tried Santa Barbara Bars (SB Bars)? I recently had the chance to try two of their flavors–here’s my review!
  • Come check out a roundup of my best posts from 2014 in this Best of Fairyburger (2014) post! :]

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Interested in getting to know more about any of your super-awesome co-hosts? :]

Join us next week for Hot & Spicy!

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  1. I should have been a part of FFF this week! I am sharing a quickie pasta recipe as well!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Do/Don’t: Mid-Winter Favorite Foods (Reviews and Recipe)My Profile

    1. Yeahhh pasta! I realized I hadn’t made any in the longest time and figured I should do something about that!

  2. mmm this looks so yummy! Plus it’s healthy! Such a win-win!
    rachel @ Athletic Avocado recently posted…The Most Amazing Triple Chocolate GranolaMy Profile

    1. Thank you! :D I had to resist eating the entire pot (good thing my friends were there to eat some too?!)!

  3. That looks so fresh and light. I love the idea of adding almond meal to the sauce,
    Cassandra @PoweredByBling recently posted…How Much Gear Should You Be Wearing?My Profile

    1. Thanks! It was super good! I know the standard is usually to use AP flour, but I was curious as to how it’d turn out with almond flour! :p

  4. Looks so good! Adding almond meal is an awesome idea!
    Annmarie recently posted…Foodie Friday: Thai Basil Shrimp with Rice NoodlesMy Profile

    1. Thank you! It made for a lighter sauce, which I really liked. :D ‘Twas delicious! <3

  5. This looks so yummy! Isn’t “To Catch a Predator” so addictive? Have a great weekend Farrah!

    1. Thank you! And yes indeed! Seeing that sweet, sweet justice is rather wonderful. I would totally volunteer as an actress/make phone calls for Perverted Justice if I weren’t in medical school! I hope you have a great weekend as well! <3

  6. This looks so delicious! I would love to try this recipe this weekend. Thank you so much for sharing!
    Isabella @ LaBellaVidaDesign recently posted…Liebster Award Nomination!My Profile

    1. Thank you! :D I hope you like it, and that you’re having a great weekend! :]

  7. I do love a good one pot recipe Farrah! Yours look so darn tasty. I shared one of my favourite one pots. Seriously, I could live on them. hehe :D
    jess meddows recently posted…Blogs To Watch In 2015My Profile

    1. Yay! Thank you for sharing! :D One-pot recipes are definitely one of my favorites–they cater to my lazy side! ;P

  8. That looks so yummy, I love pasta anything.

    1. Same! It’s been a weirdly long time since I’ve made any, so I had to change that! :p

  9. I am all for one pot meals – love your use of almond meal in this! Now lets talk more about that baked brie + chocolate popcorn y’all had for dessert… :)
    Shashi at Runninsrilankan recently posted…Yogurt Oatmeal PancakesMy Profile

    1. Thanks! :D I have pictures for the baked brie, but no recipe attached yet, but hopefully that’ll come shortly, along with that popcorn! :]!

  10. What a wonderful little all in one dish PACKING in the flavor!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 1/9/15My Profile

    1. Yeah! :D All the colors made me really happy, haha. :]!

  11. this looks delicious – I love penne!
    Tianna recently posted…Random Friday Favorites // Things I’ve Been Loving Lately #17My Profile

    1. Thank you! :D Me too! :]

  12. Any type of past dish is my hands-down favorite one pot meal – any day of the week!

    1. Same! It’s so easy and convenient! :]

  13. Oh my goodness Farrah, this looks so yummy! Perfect for these chilly nights!!! <3
    Esther recently posted…Foodie Friday: Chicken Noodle SoupMy Profile

    1. Thank you! <3 I've definitely been loving all the hot dish recipes in the world lately!

  14. This penne looks ever so comforting. A perfect meal to keep you warm from this crazy cold weather!! Have a great weekend!
    Alanna recently posted…What I’m Loving LatelyMy Profile

    1. Thank you, and yes indeed! This cold is a sad time, but at least there’s hot food and space heaters in this world! :P

      Hope you have a great weekend as well! :]

  15. This looks so good!! I’ll have to make this sometime soon!
    Olivia Schwab recently posted…Chocolate From Around The WorldMy Profile

    1. Thank you! I hope you like it if you try it out! :D

  16. This literally made my stomach growl as soon as I saw the picture. Looks delicious!

    xx Kaitlyn

    1. hehehe, thank you! :D I hope you have an awesome weekend!

  17. Mmmm this sounds super delicious!! I loooove me some pasta, and I especially love things that can be made in one pot :) My favourite one-pot meal is a chicken and barley stew. It’s got chicken breast, potatoes, barley, carrots, celery, shallot, leek, tomato paste, and chicken stock. A little heavy on the starchy carbs, but perfect for a cold winter night ;)
    Ariana recently posted…26 Things I’d Like to Learn During My Next 26 YearsMy Profile

    1. Thank you! That chicken & barley sounds amazinngg! <3 I'm definitely gonna have to try that out someday! I've never actually tried cooking with leek yet! :O I would gladly food-coma afterwards! :P

  18. That looks yummy!!!
    Amy @ Mama Running for God recently posted…The Long Run {Half Marathon Training}My Profile

    1. Thank you! :D I hope you have an awesome rest of the weekend!

  19. I am so excited to try this next week! It sounds delicious.
    Stephanie Alo recently posted…Homemade Hot CocoaMy Profile

    1. Thanks! :D I hope you like it!

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