Creamy Coconut-Peanut Shirataki Noodles with Veggies

Welcome to our weekly Foodie Friday link up! I’m linking up with Montana from Pretty Lil Mudder, Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama, Emily from Whatever Floats Your Oats, Esther from Chocolate Runner Girl, and Cassandra from Powered By Bling, to create awesome healthy recipes each week! Today’s theme = Sunday Suppers! Make sure you hop around to check out all the amazing recipes in this link up and feel free to add your recipes as well!

I’m actually not really here right now, as I am currently sailing through the Panama Canal and don’t happen to have internet access. :O On the flip side, I scheduled all my posts for the rest of the month already, and Annmarie has graciously offered to step in to link up my recipes for me for Foodie Friday! <3 (Thanks so much!)

Have you ever heard of shirataki noodles? They’re made of konjac yam, gluten-free, and are pretty much just composed of glucomannan (a water-soluble dietary fiber) and water. As such, they’re considered to have no net carbohydrates/”zero calories,” making them rather awesome for low-carb diets…or just diets in general. I made these while I was trying to cut weight for my powerlifting competition. Like chia seeds, they keep you feeling full longer, but they don’t absorb a whole bunch of liquid the way chia seeds do.

On their own, they don’t really have any taste, and tend to take on the flavor of whatever you put them in (kinda like tofu, and speaking of that, there are also tofu shirataki noodles out there!). There’s complaints sometimes that it has a fishy smell, but as I am Asian (heh heh heh), I’ve grown up with much weirder scents, and once you rinse it, I doubt you’ll notice. :O

The kind I have is pre-packaged in liquid, so I usually dump it into a colander and rinse it before using it, since it has a smell to it that most people don’t seem to be too fond of. This is another super-easy recipe that you can whip up very quickly when you’re in a rush and very hungry! Recipe adapted from here!

Creamy Coconut-Peanut Shirataki Noodles with Veggies


  • 2 packages shirataki noodles
  • 1 bag of frozen vegetables (peas, carrots, asparagus)
  • 1/2 onion, diced


  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 6 tbsp natural peanut butter
  • 1″ fresh ginger, finely diced
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 1/2 tsp mild curry powder
  • 2 tsp sriracha
  • 2 large cloves garlic, minced


  1. Drain and rinse the noodles in a colander.
  2. Add all sauce ingredients to a pot and heat over medium high heat until it starts simmering. Add veggies and noodles and cook for ~5-10 minutes, stirring frequently.

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  1. I have never tried Shirataki noodles but this looks like something both my husband and I would enjoy! PS. Hope you’re having fun! <3
    Annmarie recently posted…Foodie Friday: Sunday Dinner Sausage & Broccoli Rabe CasseroleMy Profile

    1. Thank you! It was a ton of fun, although I have a couple worlds of stuff to catch up on now, hahaha. :x

      I’ve actually started seeing shirataki in non-Asian grocery stores in the past couple years, so they’re more easily accessible now! :D Makes me rather happy, haha.

  2. Hope you are having an amazing time on your trip! I love anything with coconut – this looks great!
    Emily @ Whatever Floats Your Oats recently posted…Foodie Friday: Sunday SuppersMy Profile

    1. Thank you! :D It was a lot of fun! Lots of food pictures coming up soon! :P

  3. Thanks for sharing this! I would love to try this recipe but I don’t use nut butters or soy sauce. :(
    Linda @ The Fitty recently posted…Skinny Noodles ReviewMy Profile

    1. Aw, darn! I totally forgot–sorry! I still have several packs! I’ll come up with something you can eat! :D

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