counseling the patient

Our last standardized patient encounter for the semester was definitely one of my favorites. It’s basically what I spent a lot of my time in clinic doing, so to be able to do that again, even if it was with a fake patient, brought back good memories and reminded me of why I decided to go into medicine. As the student doctor, we were supposed to go over their lipid panels with them, to explain to them their values and what they needed to work on, and then to give them tips on how to work on dietary and lifestyle modifications that they could make in order to accomplish that. I absolutely love this kind of thing, so this is the first time I actually used up all my allotted time (and you better believe I had a crap ton more I wanted to discuss with her ;_; ).


Image from the Mayo Clinic.

Naturally, the feedback session went well, although when I’m excited about things, my mind tends to jump all over the place and I talk a lot faster (but don’t worry, I’m still comprehensible! :O ), so I think my SP mistook that for nervousness. She also said that in my nervousness, I forgot to shake her hand, which I clearly remember doing because I apologized for the fact that my hands were really cold. However, seeing as how I was given the last time slot of the day and I always operate on the philosophy of “the customer is always right” when I’m given feedback, I just nodded and thanked her for her feedback. She said she couldn’t think of much else that I could have improved on though, because I did a really great job in explaining everything, discussing options with her and including her in the decision-making process.

(If we were graded on these, I think my clinical skills grade would be a pretty effing solid A, haha. But oh well. Less stress this way.)

Current progress on fitness goals!
RHR: 62
Deadlift: 175
Squat: 180
Bench Press: 95

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