Chicken & Quinoa

I pilfered this recipe from Jun! It was from our winter break feasting (one of em’, anyway; if you want more of where this came from, just go after the “6F” tag! :]). I have a crap ton of studying up ahead and can’t afford to spend time blogging, so these are all scheduled posts until June/part of July is over. (Then mayhaps I can begin to live again.)

I transcribed most of this from an email and left parts of it untouched for your [well, mine] entertainment.

Chicken & Quinoa

-1 onion, chopped
-5+ cloves garlic, minced
-1/8 cup sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
-2 cups quinoa
-4 cups chicken/vegetable stock or water
-“bell peppers or whatever”
-1 lb. chicken, cubed
-sea salt, to taste
-freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1) Cook sun dried tomatoes (they’re usually in oil already, so no need to use extra oil!). Cook onions + garlic til translucent.
2) Add chicken until they’re mostly cooked, then add quinoa and water.
3) Bring to boil and then turn it down to low, cover, and simmer for about 15 minutes.
4) Add bell peppers at the end and let it steam with the stove off.
5) MIX AND EAT YEAHHH. You can also add whatever spices you’d like (e.g. cumin, curry powder, coriander, chili powder, etc.)!

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  1. I have never had quinoa is it an acquired taste?

    1. Personally, I don’t find it to have any real taste since it mostly just absorbs the flavor of whatever you make it with. :] (I use it often to replace rice, hehe.) I’ve only had it on its own in small amounts, and its flavor is a little hard to describe…it’s kindaaaasorta like couscous but not? Slightly nutty-tasting. I’m probably doing a pretty terrible job of describing it. :[ I’m sorry!

  2. I love the combo of chicken and quinoa! So delicious!

  3. The sundried tomatoes sound fabulous, and I love all the garlic in this! I always go heavy on the garlic :)

    1. I adore garlic as well! It gets a little out of hand when we’re making mashed potatoes. :P

  4. YUMMY! I <3 <3 <3 KEEN-WAH! :)

    1. Agreed! :]

  5. i think chicken and quinoa go so well together! love the addition of sun dried tomatoes for great flavor!

    1. Yes indeed! I gotta go defrost more chicken tonight; I’ve been running a little low on protein these days. :[

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