Cantaloupe Salsa + Liebster Award!

This was from our post-class (well, for half of us, anyway) potluck feast. :D The recipe for this Cantaloupe Salsa is from here and it makes about 2 cups. :] (I portioned each serving as 1/4-cup.)

Cantaloupe Salsa

19 calories, 5g CHO’s, 1g protein, 0g fat, 1g fiber, 87mg sodium per serving!


  • 2 cups cantaloupe, diced
  • 1/4 cup sweet onion, diced
  • 2 tbsp cilantro, chopped
  • 1 2-in. fresh green chile, minced
  • 2 tbsp fresh lime juice
  • 1/4 tsp salt


  1. Mix everything and eat immediately.

This was a sampling of the awesomeness there was to be consumed.

There were also a bunch of other desserts (sadly not pictured :[ )!

Super abrupt change of topics! :O I’ve been nominated for the Liebster award! Thank you to Theresa over at Glitterbombs of Glory (I love that name, haha :D ). I’m not sure I have 10 people to nominate because everyone at GGS seems to have gotten it already, but if anyone’s up for answering 10 questions, lemme know!

Here were the questions I got:
1. What was your first race?
I’m so glad I actually have an answer to this question, hahaha. My first and only race was the 2010 Nike Women’s Marathon. I enjoy lifting weights, pole dancing, hula/Tahitian dancing, BJJ, kickboxing, pilates, yoga…so in short, running kinda falls at the very very bottom of the list. I like sprinting! (I don’t think that counts though. :[ ) Oh, the plight of having crappy type I muscle fibers. :/ I make up for it with my Type II’s though!

2. Why did you start your blog?
I’ve been writing in journals for the past 14 years, but this particular blog was started for two main reasons:

  • To keep my closest friends updated on my life after I moved across the country for grad school (and right after that, for med school). I kept it pretty much hidden from the rest of the world for several years since I’m a fairly private person. :o
  • To have a place to stockpile all the recipes I’ve tried out :]

3. What is your favorite motivation to keep working out?
In short, I am fueled by two things:

  • My vanity and dreams of badassery (I want to set all the state records in powerlifting for my weight class)
  • I’d like to be able to lead by example for my future patients. Somehow, I think they’re less likely to listen to me about healthy dietary choices/incorporating exercise into their lives if it’s completely blatant that I’m not practicing what I preach/I know nothing about it.

4. What is your favorite post-race meal?
A sushi buffet with unlimited salmon sashimi. :] If that’s not an option, I would probably go for Amphawa Thai Noodle House in San Francisco, because I’ve pretty much decided that it’s the best Thai restaurant on the planet.

5. If you could run anywhere in the world, where would it be?
All over Hawai’i! (I’d really love to be in a warm/hot, tropical place right now, but alas.)

6. How do you share your trail of glitter and sparkle?
I like making the people around me happy, and even more so for close friends, so I like sending them care packages and/or cooking them foods that I know they’ll like. :] I’m a big believer in karma and the whole, “you reap what you sow” philosophy. I think I’ve been incredibly blessed to have the people that are in my life with me, so I try to do what I can for them whenever I can.

7. What is your favorite fitness activity?
This is a toss-up between powerlifting and pole-dancing. I love em’ both equally. Don’t make me choose!

8. What is the best piece of advice you’ve heard about blogging and/or fitness?
I have issues with the “fitspo” quotes that put down other body types and/or focus solely on looking hot. Yes, looking great is awesome, but if that’s your only source of motivation, it can very quickly and easily lead you down an unhealthy path. As for body-shaming, everyone has to start from somewhere, and there is absolutely no need to bring someone else down in order to make yourself feel better.

Two that I’ve come across recently are…

  • “I’m working on a new me, not because the old me is bad, but because the old me can improve.”
  • “My goal doesn’t have a finish line; that’s why it’s a lifestyle.” (This goes hand in hand with my EXB t-shirt.)

I’ve always thought of myself as a “work in progress” of sorts, and while I know I’ll never be perfect, that’s fine with me, because I’ll always have something to strive for. :]

9. What is your favorite meal to cook?
Lately, I’ve been on a salmon kick. (When am I ever not on a salmon kick? I’m usually too poor to buy it, but as I’ve been living at my friend’s, this has changed.) The latest was Sweet & Spicy Dijon-Encrusted Salmon (…recipe scheduled to be posted in the beginning-ish of June, because I wrote everything wayyy too far in advance).

10. Any suggestions on a new race to sign up for?
I want to do a Tough Mudder at some point in my life! Or be a zombie in a zombie run. :D

I’m tagging…

These ladies are part of my team over at Girls Gone Sporty! :] Check their blogs out if you have a chance! :D

  1. Describe your favorite workout.
  2. What do you like to do to wind down and relax after a long/stressful day?
  3. What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to fitness?
  4. Do you have a favorite brand of workout clothes?
  5. What are some of your favorite songs on your workout playlist? (If you don’t have one, what are some of your favorite songs in general? :] )
  6. What never fails to make you happy?
  7. Favorite meal to cook (or eat)?
  8. What are 3 of your future goals?
  9. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
  10. What’s your dream job?

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  1. Hi Farrah! Thanks for the nomination. I like your philosophy on giving back to your friends, family and patients! Too many doctors I know are overweight and look like they don’t practice good health, so it’s great that you’re trying to make a positive difference in people’s lives! I also have always wanted to try a pole class…hopefully I will soon!

    1. Not a problem! :] I like these things because it’s an awesome way to get to know fellow bloggers, but I feel guilty for nominating anyway because I always wonder, “What if they now feel like they’re obligated to respond!?” sigh, haha. :D

      I hope you get to try a pole class sometime! They’re super fun! I really miss it while I’m out at school. :[

  2. Powerlifting and pole-dancing! You are a beast (in the best way)! I love reading your blog and I’m so glad we are all a part of the GGS crew! I wish I could be running all around Hawaii too!

    Theresa recently posted…I’m Running I Swear!My Profile

    1. haha, thank you! <3 I'm so glad GGS existed! I never would've found such an awesome + encouraging community and so many great blogs to follow! :]

      Oh, if only!! I would especially appreciate Hawai'i at this time of year! *-*

  1. […] true. :[ ) If anyone would like to answer questions though, feel free! :D They're at the bottom of this post! (Let me know if you did; I'd love to read […]

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