Banana Avocado Smoothie

Usually, I’m pretty stingy with my avocados, but I made this while I was busy making a billion other things because I needed some kind of sustenance to keep me at least somewhat functional. It’s really creamy and super quick/healthy. :D

Banana Avocado Smoothie

-1 avocado, pitted
-1 banana
-1 cup soy milk
-flax meal (optional)

1) Add ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. If you want it cold, add ice or use a frozen banana.

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  1. Here are two ingredients I eat almost daily but I never thought about combining them. I love putting avocados in smoothies; they are full of good fats, vitamins, and minerals plus they make the smoothie silky smooth texture. What more could you want from a nutritional drink?

    1. I need to go get more avocados! :D I’ve been wanting to try to make more drinks with em!

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