10 Med School Terms

Hi everyone, and welcome to Medical Mondays! I just took my very last shelf exam (hooray hooray!) and finished my last rotation for third year on Friday…so in celebration, this week’s topic is just for fun = 10 Med School Terms!

Please note that these are just for fun, and should in no way be taken as legitimate science/medicine/anything related to either of the two!

That's actually me in the background, getting pranked by the school librarian and skeleton, Mr. Bones.

That’s actually me in the background, getting pranked by the school librarian and skeleton, Mr. Bones.


Not to be confused with the other definition, this is used to describe when an attending singles out a med student (or resident) and tests their knowledge by asking an onslaught of difficult questions, often in front of many others.

I dread this sort of thing, but thankfully escaped unscathed all through third-year–my preceptors would ask me questions, but they never made me feel like I had no brain (except my psych preceptor, but I don’t think he had any malicious intent). I’m somewhat worried now that since I’m not at all used to being pimped, I’m going to fail at life on my audition rotations. :x

Banana Bag

A bag of IV fluids with thiamine, folic acid, multivitamin for infusion, and magnesium sulfate, used to restore nutritional deficiencies (most often in alcoholics, to prevent Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome).

The multivitamin solution has a yellow-ish color, hence the name, “banana bag!”

Eiffel Syndrome / “I Fell On It”

The universal explanation given by a patient presenting with a foreign object in the rectum.

White Coat Ninja

This one may or may not be unique to our hospital, but it’s the practice of knowing all the right stairwells/hallways (avoid the elevator) to take, and how to effectively melt into the walls in order to avoid certain attendings/nurses/etc. from saddling you with work that is not your responsibility, or within your scope of your knowledge.

Technically, our hospital’s pretty small, so it only has about 3 different stairwells, so…all the more reason to hone your practice! :P


As far as I know, this is unique to our hospital (+ maybe just one of our attendings), and is a play on the fecal transplant. (You probably don’t want to know, but here’s a satirical article about it. I <3 Gomerblog.)

We use it as a term for when someone wakes up an extremely difficult (e.g. drug-seeking and/or full of all the most unreasonable complaints in the world) patient who’s finally, finally fallen asleep–somewhat akin to poking a sleeping bear. (Why would you do this!?)

“Bad poopshake, bad!”


Joking around with my DIT instructors on twitter has been making the studying a little less painful.

Frequent Flyer

Someone who spends a lot of time in the ER and/or hospital, either due to being chronically ill, making repeatedly terrible lifestyle choices, and/or drug-seeking. This patient is likely on a first-name basis with most of the doctors/nurses.

SOCMOB (Standing On the Corner, Minding Own Business)

Perhaps also known as one of the most dangerous things you can possibly do, as it appears to be the history given by 90%+ gunshot victims/patients who have been assaulted.

Walkie Talkie

The patient walks and talks.


A student who’s hell-bent on looking good in front of faculty + proving his/her superiority over the rest of the class. This student would not think twice about sabotaging others to get to the top, and is usually universally disliked by the class/faculty alike..


“Common things are common. When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.”

A zebra refers to a rare, strange, or unexpected diagnosis, which is what medical students tend to zero in on, because they spend the first two years drilling us on those.

  • Do you have any random/funny/weird slang that you use in your profession?
  • Any weird ones that you’ve heard in the medical field that I didn’t cover? :P

I came up with this design ages ago for our class t-shirt contest! :]
Disclaimer: This  week’s topic is just for fun, and should in no way, shape or form be taken seriously! (See full disclaimer here.)


Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/10-med-school-terms/


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  1. haha love this little informational post! Something different is always good!
    Rachel @ Athletic Avocado recently posted…Paleo Sriracha Almond CrackersMy Profile

    1. I figured a little change couldn’t hurt! :P

  2. Hahaa, i’ve heard of some of these, but there are some that even I’m not familiar with? I’ll have to drop a few on Alex and see what he says!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…It is So Ordered: #LoveWins, Pride and the WeekendMy Profile

    1. There are probably at least 2 in there that may just be used in the hospital I’m at, haha. Let me know if he’s heard of the others! :P

  3. These were really funny. I especially love SOCMOB because, as I am sure you have already figured out, that is NOT what 90% of those claiming it were actually doing at the time of their injuries.

    1. hahaha, definitely not! :P I love how that’s pretty much the universal reason they give though!

  4. I loved reading these!
    Frequent Flyer – as a teacher, I use this for my students who go to the nurse WAY too often
    OR another one is TAB – Task Avoidance Behavior – using the bathroom, going to nurse, asking a question, dropping pencil, anything to NOT do work!
    Amber recently posted…ELACRA Spiralizer Set ReviewMy Profile

    1. Thank you! :]

      I definitely noticed a bunch of kids doing absolutely anything they could to avoid doing work when I was going to school (and as a science camp counselor)! :O

  5. Loved reading these – congrats on getting through your 3rd year!

    1. Thanks so much, Deanna! :]!

  6. Farrah – CONGRATS!!! Oh wow – I bet you are thrilled and excited to be done with your exams!
    Btw, this is such a fun post – haha – love the poopshake!

    1. Thanks so much, Shashi! :D! I just have 2 big ones left this year (sigh), a bunch of applications to send out, and hopefully many interviews to go to! *-*

    • Ricardo on June 29, 2015 at 10:46 am
    • Reply

    MRW I pronounced Eiffel Syndrome: https://i.imgur.com/BbgL7x3.gifv

    And pimping isn’t all that different. I think the main difference is money, but it’s all about authority. Maybe less violent. And it’s not on a mean street. Or is it out of desperation… Huh, maybe it is a little different.

    1. hahaha, when I first heard it, it took me a moment until I sounded it out loud in my head (hah).

      Just a tad! :P

  7. I DIED at the Eiffel Syndrome explanation! Yeah I’m sure you just fell on it! Omg. I’m still dying. Thank you for that.
    Jill recently posted…Fitness Friday: Why I Work OutMy Profile

    1. You’re welcome! ;P That’s one of my favorites, hahaha. :]

  8. AHAHAHAHA! Farrah thank you so much for bringing some much needed laughs to my day! Loved this! ;)
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Funfetti Celebration DoughnutsMy Profile

    1. hahaha, I’m glad you did! I had a lot of fun writing this one! :]

  9. Congrats! I bet it feels good to be one step closer to the degree :)
    Eva recently posted…DIY Faberge Eggs with KidsMy Profile

    1. It definitely does! :D I can’t believe I have less than a full year left til I’m done with school! It feels unreal!

  10. I’m pretty proud of myself that I knew quite a few of these from all the hospital/medical based tv shows I’ve watched over the years.
    Kati Rose recently posted…Suns Out, Songs OutMy Profile

    1. hahaha, nice! :D I’m so behind on all those shows!

  11. Haha some of these are funny! I recognize “pimping” and “gunner” from Ray’s med school talk. Fun post, Farrah!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Link Love #24 and celebrations of lifeMy Profile

    1. hehehe, thank you! :] “Pimping” + “gunner” are definitely the ones that get thrown around a lot!

  12. Banana Bag, Frequent Flyer, SOCMOB and Zebra are terms often used by Dr Greene and his colleagues with the Chicago County ER team.

    I think you don’t need to fear to be pimped. You strike me as super intelligent, so trust your knowledge!!!
    Tamara recently posted…Photographer’s ChoiceMy Profile

    1. Aww, thank you! I have a tendency to doubt myself a lotttt and I don’t like speaking up unless I’m pretty much 100% sure that my answer is correct, so it’s definitely something I’m working on!

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