Tag: behind the blogger

Expectations vs Reality #BehindTheBlogger

You Don’t Know Me: I consider social media to be nothing more than a “highlight reel” of our lives. We choose to share what we want, and some focus on only the good, while others zero in on the bad.

I have my bad days just like anyone else, but for the most part, I like …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/expectations-vs-reality/

Learning How To Adult #BehindTheBlogger

Where I Belong: On the path to becoming/being a medical student, there are invariably many unfortunate instances of self-doubt. I wish I could tell you that this magically disappeared after graduating…but that’d be a complete and total lie.

I figured it was about time for another update in the realms of my …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/learning-adult-behindtheblogger/

Reflections on Four Years in Medical School #BehindTheBlogger

This Is My Life: I graduated from medical school 4 days ago. It honestly still doesn’t feel entirely real.

From finding out that I’d been accepted to medical school to our white coat ceremony, taking/passing my boards to graduating, it’s been a pretty crazy journey.

It’s been an incredibly long and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/reflections-on-four-years-in-medical-school/

Dear Childhood Me #BehindTheBlogger

Dear Childhood Me: Oh Farrah, there are so, so many things I could write about here…the first and most important thing I want you to always remember is to cherish the people in your life. You have an awesome family and the best friends anyone could ever ask for–make sure you let them know that!

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/dear-childhood-me/

Underneath It All #BehindTheBlogger

Underneath It All: Behind the usually-upbeat exterior, I have my bad days and insecurities just like everyone else. Few things bring it out more so than medical school, but I like to think I’ve gotten a lot better! As with everything else, there’s always more room for improvement–I’m just gonna keep on truckin’!

I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/underneath-it-all/