Rice Cooker Muffin Cake II

I made it healthier! I’m probably going to make a vegan version next week for reasons I will get to shortly.

My friend Kosina’s birthday always seems to fall on a test day. (Last year, we had a final and this year, we had a quiz.) We felt that this was no reason to not surprise her with something for her birthday, and she really likes the practically sugar-less cakes I make, so I dragged my rice cooker to school and baked her one in the catacombs while I studied. The neighboring study rooms (luckily, we’re all friends) were all super sad because this smelled amazing, and I couldn’t offer any of it to them. (That’s why I’m probably making another one next week. It’s vegan though because my other friend never gets to try em’. :O )

I ran it over to her place at around 10:30 because Andrea (who lives above her) said she was going to be sleeping soon. Sadly, we scared the crud out of her because everyone else decided to pound on the door (I had no part in this because I was holding the cake). She wouldn’t come open it, so we went in. (Swathi thought it was locked when she tried to open it the first time around.)

All ready to go!

Upper left-hand corner = my study room yesterday. People hated me. (Not really, because I usually offer them food. Just not this time. :O ) Mission accomplished (on surprising + unintentionally scaring her)!

Rice Cooker Muffin Cake (v2.0!)

-1 cup whole wheat flour
-1 cup rolled oats
~2 1/2 tsp baking powder
~1/4 tsp salt
-2 tsp hemp seeds
-2 tsp chia seeds
-1 sprinkle light brown sugar
-1 cup vanilla soy milk
-1/4 cup EVOO
-1 egg
~1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
~1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
-handful dried cranberries
-handful of raisins
-1 banana, mashed

1) Combine all dry ingredients in the rice cooker.
2) Add all wet ingredients and mix until combined.
3) Put rice cooker setting onto the “cake” function and bake for 65 minutes.

Post-quiz! :]

Post-post quiz! (That evening.)

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/rice-cooker-muffin-cake-ii/

2 pings

  1. […] used it for all kinds of kitchen experiments in the past 1.5-ish years–for instance, to bake cakes for friends’ birthdays and to cook […]

  2. […] seen this idea on lifehacker at some point in time. I’ve been meaning to expand on the whole rice cooker cake idea for a while now, so what better time to start than now? This is not in plural form because one […]

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