Quotes From The Interview Trail

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! This week, I’m just going to be sharing some quotes from the interview trail with you–I know the interviewing process can be super stressful, but I honestly had a lot of fun on mine, partly because I really enjoyed my conversations with my interviewers!

Our conversations would span through everything from medicine (why I wanted to go into family medicine, their backstories and how they ended up where they were)…to me talking about counting weeds in a field in a dream (how I decided I had to change my major) andĀ being thrown into a hydrostatic weighing tank (me telling them about my favorite class in college)…to living at a cat shelter (yes, I actually talked about that).

So while it does get somewhatĀ tiring to smile so much, my interviewsĀ were really enjoyable, and it was so nice to get to talk with people who were as enthusiastic about family medicine as I was and who seemed to genuinely just want to get to know me better as a person! :]

Some of these comments are also why I feel like why the residency match is kinda like dating/getting married.Ā They were so flattering! :o

Quotes From The Interview Trail

“I was very impressed by your powerlifting state records.”

“I think you could get into any program that you wanted to get into.Ā When I see a greatĀ applicant, I usually take this time to tell them what our program could offer them. I really liked the work that you did with interpreting at a free clinic. You seem like you really do want to help under-served populations. A lot of people like to say that, but their applications don’t reflect that. They don’t walk the walk, Ā but yours really does.”

“I think you would be a very energizing addition to our program. I really like your attitude. I’m sure you have a lot of decision-making to do, but I hope you decide to come here.”

“Tell me more about Mr. WVSOM!”

“I’m really excited to hear more about your work with under-served populations.”

“It seems like you run into very kind and friendly people wherever you go. Have you ever wondered why that is?” (“I think I’ve just been incredibly blessed with the people in my life.”) “I think it’s because of you, and the way you treat others.”

“We all agree that you would do well here and fit right in.Ā You will be a compassionate provider and advocate for our vulnerable population.”

“I admired your energy and commitment to under-served groups of all types (cat rescue :))Ā Seriously, I think you would fit in quite well at our program and would be delighted to see you in July. ”

“I’ve never seen a moreĀ diverse CV and set of skills than when I read through yours–how did you manage to do so much in so little time?”

“Looking forward to working with you in the field of Family Medicine. Where there’s a will, there’s a way! You certainly will make an impact to the community.”

(“I’m just going to think of it as an adventure!”) “You seem like the kind of person who would be able to find the good in anything.”

“I admire your energy.”

“You seem like you especially enjoy working with the geriatric population–is there any reasoning behind that?”

“Oh, yes! I remember reading that in your personal statement–that was very sweet of you.”

“Here’s what I think we should do–on orientation day, we’ll have me sitting on one end of a barbell and he [the associate program director] can sit on the other end, and you can lift it in front of everyone! I think that would really help to set the tone of how the program should be run.”

“I really like the name of your band–The Vagal Tones? We had a good laugh at that–did you put a lot of people to sleep? What did you play?”

“…You have such a diverse application, I don’t know where to start. You do so many different things, and you do them all well.”

  • What’s something someone said to you during an interview that really stuck with you?
  • I’m still having trouble finalizing my list, but my friend and I came up with a fun way to remedy the situation!? Part of the reasoning behind this post is because I still have a month before I find out where the hecks I’m going, so I’m dragging you all into my guessing/waiting game. <3

I came up with this design ages ago for our class t-shirt contest! :]
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/quotes-from-the-interview-trail/


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  1. Aww, it’s pretty cool to hear stuff like that in your interviews! It’s good you took notes/kept records of those things, they will be great to look back on for encouragement for a long time to come!
    Rachel G recently posted…What’s Your Signature?My Profile

    1. Agreed! I used to document quotes and conversations from friends/family for several years back when I was still on my livejournal. I can’t really remember why I stopped, but I wanted to keep these so if I ever have a bad day, I’ll have something awesome to look back on! :]

  2. Tee hee love these. Best news? They are all positive and interested in you! That is a great sign!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…(New Hair) Triumphs and (Marathon) Trials : Weekend RecapMy Profile

    1. hehe, thanks! :] I’m just paranoid that they say all these nice things to everyone and that they’re not as interested as they let on! (It happened to a couple of my friends, so now I’m just worried for all of us. x_x)

  3. I am sure you deserve all of these nice comments and you will make a huge contribution wherever you land!

    1. Thanks so much, Coco! I really hope so! <3

  4. I remember one job that I had interviewed for a few years ago, after I had gotten the job, my boss told me that the reason he picked me over other people was because I came prepared for the interview. I had brought a copy of my resume while the others didn’t because they were told they didn’t need to bring one. He said that showed him that I was always prepared and organized. That stuck with me ever since, and now I bring a copy of my resume to any interviews regardless of it being required or not as well as a pen to jot down notes.
    Channing recently posted…Valentia True Glow Eye Cream + Ultra Plumping Hydration Mask (Review)My Profile

    1. That’s awesome! :] It’s good your boss told you that too–a lot of employers never actually let you know what stood out. I like getting feedback because it helps me to know what works and what doesn’t! :P I’ll be needing to do that on my future job interviews after residency!

  5. What amazing things for them to say to you!! You are going to love having a record of this! Can’t wait to hear where you end up.
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Valentine’s Day Weekend Photo DumpMy Profile

    1. They were all so nice! (Okay, I take that back. One place wasn’t, but the rest of em’ were!) I wanted to keep a record of em’ so whenever I’m having a bad day, I’ll have something super nice to look back on! :P I really wanna know where I’m gonna end up too!

  6. I LOVE Medial Mondays!

    Someone once asked me who my hero was. I told them it was my Daddio. I think they expected someone popular or famous…? *le shrug*

    1. Thanks so much, Tiffany! :]

      Hmm, I don’t think I got that question (it’s all a blur now, haha). I think they did ask me about who my mentors were, and I couldn’t narrow it down to just one.

  7. Those are great things to hear during interviews! I can’t imagine how tough if a decision this is for you to make. Good luck!
    Heather@hungryforbalance recently posted…Snow days and ValentinesMy Profile

    1. They were so flattering! <3 The decision-making is crazy-difficult, but hopefully I'll come up with my list soon!

  8. THE compliment! congrats! ā€œā€¦You have such a diverse application, I donā€™t know where to start. You do so many different things, and you do them all well.ā€
    masala girl recently posted…Weekly Workouts: The Crossfit EditionMy Profile

    1. For serious–I was so flattered! :O In a way, the interviews kinda felt like dates–being taken out to dinner for delicious food and being showered with compliments felt so nice (and out of the norm)! <3

  9. Love these!!! You clearly impressed them all!!! I can’t wait to hear where you end up!
    Rachel @ RachelMcMichael.com recently posted…What’s a Blog Hop?!My Profile

    1. Hopefully I’ll have some good news to share in mid-to-late March! :D!

  10. Love these – your intelligence, commitment, ethics, kindness – all stood out! Thanks for sharing!
    Clare Speer recently posted…Break Out the Grill – Easy Skewered Chicken & VegetablesMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much! Their comments and my conversations with them made me so happy! <3

  11. Sounds like you making some fab impressions ;)
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Rotini Pasta Alfredo With Shaved Brussels SproutsMy Profile

    1. hehehe, they were all so nice! :D!

  12. The last “interview” I went on…. I impressed the crap out of them with my HANDWRITING – lol!!! I am known for my extremely NEAT penmanship! ha ha!
    GiGi Eats recently posted…Fon-Doing With PlantFusionMy Profile

    1. hahaha, that’s way better than me! My handwriting is like chicken scratch, and even when it’s neat, it’s still fairly illegible because I write really small. :x

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