
Nothing comes between this guy’s love for pizza.

M: Hey guys! Come listen to my aortic stenosis!
F: Are you serious? Why do you already have aortic stenosis?
I: It’s probably because he eats a pizza a day.
M: Hey, that’s not true! I haven’t had pizza in forever!
F: …you had pizza yesterday at lunch.
M: Shhh, Farrah! I’ve been cutting back! When’s the last time I had pizza? Aside from yesterday?
I: Today.
M: Aside from today and yesterday!
F: …you’re really not building a very good case for yourself.

That was last week.

M: Hey Farrah!
F: Is that a pizza box in your hand?
M: …No! It’s a salad.
F: Really now.
M: On bread.

My school had a hallway holiday party! I stocked up on a plate of fruits/veggies/nuts and…a plate of desserts. (I kept each at a half-half sort of ratio. Kindasorta.) Everything in moderation?

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