Emergency Contraception with Plan B One-Step

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #LetsTalkPlanB #CollectiveBias #ad In this post, I will only be discussing Plan B One-Step!

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! I’ve discussed birth control options before-as you may know- especially if you came across my Day in the Life in Women’s Health post. So, I thought I’d come back today to talk about a form of emergency contraception–Plan B One-Step!

Emergency Contraception with Plan B One-Step

As a family medicine resident physician, I’m a big believer in/advocate for medically and scientifically accurate sex education, and I spend a fair amount of time talking with my “reproductive-age” female patients about their pregnancy intentions and, if they’re interested, counseling them on birth control options.

Sometimes though, even the best plans fail, and accidents can definitely happen. Emergency contraception is an important option for all women and their family planning efforts.

What is Plan B?

Plan B One-Step is a form of emergency contraception to prevent unplanned pregnancy. The active ingredient is levonorgestrel, which is the same ingredient found in many common oral contraceptive (birth control) pills–just at a single, higher dose.

When should I take it?

Plan B should be taken within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. The sooner you take it, the better it works!

How does it work?

Plan B works primarily by delaying ovulation. It helps to prevent pregnancy before it occurs. It can also alter the lining of the uterus and inhibit implantation of a fertilized egg, but is not effective once the implantation process has already begun.

What are the possible side effects?

The most common side effects are nausea, vomiting, and lower abdominal pain. Irregular bleeding is not uncommon in the month after treatment.

Other less common side effects include dizziness, fatigue, headache, and breast tenderness.

…Muffin has to inspect everything before it’s allowed into the house.

Who can get Plan B?

You do not need an ID or a prescription to purchase Plan B.

It is available over-the-counter (OTC) without any age restrictions.

Where can I get it?

Some of the retailers where you can find Plan B include Target, CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart. You can get $10 off with this coupon.

Some stores will have it on the shelf and others will have it behind the counter (when I went to Target, this was located in the Family Planning section)–if you aren’t able to find it on the shelves, you can always ask the pharmacist and they’ll be able to help you out!

Take it over to the regular Target checkout area to pay! If you don’t feel like interacting ‘with society’, you can also go through the self-checkout area.

How much does it cost?

~$40-50. (But with this coupon you can get it for $10 cheaper!)

Is there anything that might decrease its effectiveness?
  • Certain medications that you are taking at the same time: anticonvulsants (seizure medications), antiretrovirals (HIV treatments), oral antifungals, antituberculosis agents, and St. John’s wort products (herbal supplement).
Dispelling Common Misconceptions
  • Plan B is not an abortion pill, and will not work on or affect an existing pregnancy. (The medical community defines a pregnancy as established once implantation occurs. Implantation is what triggers your body to start producing beta-hCG, which has to occur before a pregnancy can be recognized–beta-hCG is what the pregnancy test checks for! In that regard, however, if you define pregnancy as beginning before implantation, at fertilization/contraception, then this, along with IUDs and low-dose oral contraceptive pills would all be considered abortifacients and would not be a good choice for you.)
  • Taking Plan B One-Step will not impact a woman’s future (or long-term) fertility, and there has been no evidence to suggest that it causes medical harm.
  • It should not take the place of regular birth control.
  • It does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If you are concerned for a possible STD, please see your doctor to get tested.
  • You do not have to be female to buy Plan B and men can buy it for their female partner.

Online Resources

  • Have you ever heard of Plan B One-Step? Get $10 off with this coupon!
  • Was there any information you learned from this post that surprised you?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/emergency-contraception-with-plan-b-one-step/


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  1. Never have I ever had to worry about this. I prided myself in being walking birth control. I am actually not, considering I am pregnant now, LOL… But when I REALLY was not in the position to be pregnant, I never got pregnant despite birth control that I used or did not use … I guess this was just the way of the universe telling me that IT IS TIME! I’m glad this sort of option is out there for those who need it though.
    GiGi Eats recently posted…Pizza Night… With A Focus On Pasta!My Profile

    1. haha, agreed! I guess your body knew what you wanted/didn’t want! :P It’s definitely nice to have options available though!

  2. Great review of this important product! Thanks for sharing love

    1. Thanks for reading! :]

  3. I think the biggest misconception about Plan B is the most people are so uneducated about the product that they think it’s an abortion pill and it simply isn’t. I truly think that this is something that everyone should be able to have as an option because as well know, things just happen. Thank you so much for raising an awareness around what Plan B One Step really does!

    1. Agreed! It’s unfortunate because it stops a lot of people from using it when it’s not something that would’ve gone against their beliefs and would be a good option to know about if they ever end up in a situation where they need it!
      Farrah recently posted…Seitan Satay with Southeast Asian-style Peanut SauceMy Profile

  4. I am so glad you are openly reviewing this product – good for you! I think it is so important to openly share and educate others in this way. I had taken birth control for so many years, but there were 2 or 3 instances where I knew I needed to take Plan B to be safe and ensure I wasn’t surprised. Great post – also that coupon?! – awesome savings!
    Whitney of WorthyStyle recently posted…#CLTforCharlotteMy Profile

    1. haha, agreed! It’s a product that I wouldn’t recommend reaching for habitually since it’s not what it’s marketed for (and imagine the cost o_o), but it’s really nice to have that option available if the need ever arises!

  5. I’ve used Plan B a couple times since I was a teenager and I’m so thankful I was able to get it! I hate seeing the “Plan B is an abortion pill,” argument because it’s false and drives me nuts. Thank you for including that part, especially, and explaining how it works!

    1. Thanks for stopping by to read this! It’s sad to see that misconception being propagated everywhere!

  6. I had no clue how this product works or where it was available. Thanks for sharing the info!

    1. I only semi-recently found out that it was available over the counter! I thought you at least had to ask the pharmacist about it, but I apparently thought wrong!

  7. Great information! I (obviously) do not need this anymore, but I do wish a backup plan had been available when I was younger.
    Debbie recently posted…So You Say You Hate ExerciseMy Profile

    1. I’m definitely glad for medical advances–it’s nice to have backup plans if other measures fail!

  8. Great information! Helpful to know where you can buy it (exactly where!) and what it costs. Also good dispel misconceptions about how it works. Thanks!

    1. haha, when I was sent to look for it for this post, I completely missed it the first couple times! :P I thought I’d have to ask the pharmacist, but there it was!
      Farrah recently posted…Seitan Satay with Southeast Asian-style Peanut SauceMy Profile

  9. I think it’s great that people have all the information they need to make informed decisions for themselves. Great job getting the facts out

    1. Thanks, Deborah! :]

    • maria on August 20, 2018 at 10:32 pm
    • Reply

    Informed decisions are important. Thanks for the information.

    1. Thanks for reading, Maria! :]

  10. Thank you for sharing this message. This is definitely an important option that’s now available to women!

    1. Agreed! :]

    • Ricardo on August 21, 2018 at 12:05 am
    • Reply

    When I was a hs football coach, one of our talented players talked with a couple of us on the side saying that he needed assistance in purchasing Plan B. Now thankfully the other coaches and myself were educated enough to be able to handle the situation by taking him to Rite-Aid and getting a box. We threw in there some massive life lessons about teenage pregnancy and essentially throwing his future away so quickly. He was a great player, but his education was far more important. I’m glad to say that he is a college grad and working with his now wife (while he’s 24, he’s still and adult and can marry young if he wants to) but who knows what would have happened if he didn’t have anyone worth talking about it to back then. Like you said, it’s important to be educated about it, especially if kids think it is like abortion. Thanks for today’s topic!

    1. That’s awesome that you guys were able to provide him with counseling and options and it’s great that he was able to continue his education (+ yay for a good, more planned-out future!)! I bet he’s really glad you were around, because you’re right–it’s hard to say what would’ve/could’ve happened and where he’d be now.

  11. Good to know about this contraception option. I have never heard of this before. Will consider using this in the future.

    1. It’s good to know what options are available! :]

  12. This is such great information! Plan B is such a great option, and I hate that there are so many stigmas around it. There definitely needs to be more education about what this contraceptive does (and does not do)!

    1. It saddens me too that there’s still so much stigma around it, but I suppose the best we can do is continue to educate and counsel on options!
      Farrah recently posted…Seitan Satay with Southeast Asian-style Peanut SauceMy Profile

  13. I saw a thing saying this may be taken off shelves soon, and it has a shelf life of 4 years so stock up. So sad that they’re so anti women’s rights, but good on you for talking about this.

    1. It’s definitely disheartening how the current…climate…is so anti-women’s rights. I’m glad things like IUDs exist, and yay for this having a shelf life of 4 years! Hopefully some positive changes will be made by then!

    • Diana Tidswell on August 21, 2018 at 11:30 am
    • Reply

    I always see this product all over the social world and it looks a great option but definitely, it is better to be more careful and responsible if you really don’t want to have an unplanned pregnancy.

    1. I definitely agree that it’s better to be careful and responsible too; it’s nice to have this for if that happens to fail though!

  14. Hi Farrah! I’ve never taken Plan B but I’m brought a few for my friends and since we are all still childless I guess it works. Thank you for sharing this post, I’m going to share it with my girlfriends :)

    1. haha, I guess it does! :P Glad to hear that it worked for them, and thank you! :]

  15. I landed myself in a position to be in need of Plan B once when I was in college, and I was very glad that it was available at the time. While it continues to be a highly controversial topic, the product itself is something that I am glad that women have access too.

    1. I’m really glad it was available when you needed it! It’s sad that it’s still such a controversial topic, but I’m still somewhat hopeful that that’ll change someday!
      Farrah recently posted…Seitan Satay with Southeast Asian-style Peanut SauceMy Profile

  16. I don’t really know much about contraception.Your post was really educational. At the moment, im trying for a baby but i will hold onto the information for when I need it.

    1. Thanks! I’m glad it was helpful. Sending you my best wishes, and if you haven’t started already, I’d recommend starting to take a prenatal vitamin! The folic acid helps to prevent against neural tube defects during development, most of which happens in the first several (4-ish) weeks of pregnancy before most people realize that they’re actually pregnant!
      Farrah recently posted…Seitan Satay with Southeast Asian-style Peanut SauceMy Profile

  17. Very informative post for those who need such things. I suppose it’s good that they’re just there available, no prescription or third-degree required.

    1. Agreed! It’s nice to have these options available if the need arises without being shamed/questioned about it!

    • Szebastian on August 22, 2018 at 3:31 am
    • Reply

    Knowledge is everything and the myths around the Plan-B are the dumbest approach people take. Thank you for spreading the information that this world needs so much. Going to share with a few female friends of mine who are the power house of Girl Power and will spread it in their network. BTW the kitty made me giggle so much!

    1. Thanks so much! I think it’s sad that there’s still so much stigma around this medication, so I wanted to at least clear up the misconceptions. Thanks so much for sharing!

      haha, she’s the best!

  18. Important information with pros and cons.
    I have not had a very good experience with the morning after pill… and I really hope I never have to take it again.

    1. I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t have a good experience with it! I hope you don’t have to take it again either!

  19. Thanks so much! I think it’s sad that there’s still so much stigma around this medication, so I wanted to at least clear up the misconceptions. Thanks so much for sharing!

    haha, she’s the best!

  20. It’s so great that we’re talking about these topics. I wish there was more open dialogue around this when I was younger.

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