Tag: quotes

lovely parental gems

This is probably the first of many. My dad has a ridiculing sense of humor that I’ve come to appreciate (y’know, now that I’m not a spineless wretch :O ), and if I’ve never mentioned it before, my mom is really sad that I’m not super girly. I think she was really looking forward to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/lovely-parental-gems/


Our quiz [mainly] on male repro is tomorrow.

“Ashley, can you hand me that penis over there?”

F: There was a really good one here. …Where did the penis go? It was here earlier… A: I think a group came by earlier and took it. S: How could you let someone take your penis away? …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/overheard/

decided against it


M: So I was watching you yesterday from far away. F: That’s not creepy at all! Were you behind a tree too? M: And breathing really heavily. F: How did I not notice this? M: I’m kidding. But I was at my seat yesterday and saw you across the room, but I didn’t have my …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/decided-against-it/

that sounds like a bad idea

“I just had a bunch of margaritas and now I’m gonna go work out!”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/that-sounds-like-a-bad-idea/


I was going to call it revenge, but that sounds a little too extreme. Ever since my study buddy and I divorced (don’t worry, nothing catastrophic happened; we’re still friends and we still trade food [more accurately, he still gives me food]/notes and hang out/talk regularly–it’s just that I really can’t function without sleep and …

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