Tag: Medical Mondays

Take Care of Yourself Before You Take Care of Others

Welcome to Medical Mondays! This week’s topic is more of a public service announcement and storytime for the people out there who, possibly like me, tend to put everyone and everything else before themselves. Brace yourselves–it’s a long one. ._.

Last weekend was somewhat of a dumpster fire and I was pulled from …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/take-care-of-yourself-before-you-take-care-of-others/

Day in the Life: Dermatology

Hello and welcome to Medical Mondays! So if you look at my “schedule” of sorts for my second year of residency, you might note that I am hopelessly behind on my Day in the Life posts–I’m catching up on em’ slowly but surely! I’m skipping Evidence-Based Medicine (my least favorite) for …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/day-in-the-life-dermatology/

Day in the Life: Geriatrics

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! I’m not entirely sure if I’ve ever mentioned this here (probably because I usually only talk about my love for sports + community med), but I really like working with old people. I’ve actually legitimately considered also pursuing geriatrics but I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/day-in-the-life-geriatrics/

Day in the Life: Women’s Health

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! Considering my complete lack of interest in obstetrics, it may come as a surprise that I’m actually really interested in women’s health (clearly not as much as with working with under-served populations + sports medicine, but still)!

Day …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/day-in-the-life-womens-health/

Day in the Life: Neurology

Hello and welcome to Medical Mondays! It’s kinda been ages since I’ve done a “day in the life” and I’m super behind the times on these, so my Neurology rotation was actually all the way back in…December. #dontjudgeme It’s been a packed couple o’ months. ._.

Day in the Life: Neurology

7:40 am …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/day-in-the-life-neurology/