Category: Food


Salmon-Potato Pancakes with Tartar Sauce

I made these with my super-awesome Davis roommate a couple years back (we lived together for all 4 years! :O ). We’ve actually known each other since 6th grade and we’ve been married on facebook for about 5 years now. ;]

In my whole-hearted (stomached) opinion, these are amazing. I made …

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Mozzarella-Stuffed Bruschetta Turkey Burgers with Balsamic Glaze

Presentation isn’t usually my strong suit, but I’m super-proud of how this one turned out! This is one of my prettiest foods I’ve ever made. :O It’s also the last thing I made with my two running/jogging buddies, Mekala and Sylvia, before Mekala ran away to get her PhD in Neuroscience and I …

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Family Night Dinners #1

Melanie apparently used to have “Family Dinner” nights on Sunday where she’d cook food and they’d all eat together. This tradition was broken last year because everyone would “no thank you” her and go to their rooms to eat their already-made food. I found this somewhat disheartening, so here’s a conversation from Saturday! H: Hey, …

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