Category: Beef/Bison

Woh Bah Tong

My apologies for my lack of posts during break. I was renewing friendships and catching up on life with everyone, so blogging was on the backburner for a while. Now that I’m back in NJ though, I will return to writing somewhat regularly! (I’ll try to, anyway.) :D

I don’t know if I’ve ever talked …

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This is one of my favorites of my dad’s concoctions! :D


Ingredients: -beef, shredded -1 tbsp cornstarch -1 tbsp chicken essence -soy sauce -sugar -sesame oil -salt -frozen vegetables (e.g. corn, green peas, carrots, etc.) -rice cakes -tofu

Instructions: 1) Shred beef and marinate with cornstarch, soy sauce, sugar, …

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