Tag: running

Getting Back Into A Fitness Routine

Are you coming back from a break from exercising? I definitely experienced this a lotttt throughout medical school and residency, so I put together some tips for getting back into a fitness routine again after a couple months away!

Trying to get back into a #fitness routine after a break? Check …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/getting-back-into-fitness-routine/

A Summer Fitness Challenge with Amazfit

As you may already know, I love a whole lot of different activities. My last (and only) fitness tracker was a Fitbit Flex that I got way back in 2015 (2014?)–it unfortunately met its untimely demise when I went to the beach earlier last month and jumped into the ocean without remembering to remove …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/summer-fitness-challenge-amazfit/

Rutgers Unite 8K 2018 Race Recap

Who ever thought I’d be doing another race recap again (the last and only one before that was 8 years ago)? I’ve been talking about starting up running again for the longest time since it’d probably be good for rounding out my workouts and building my nonexistent endurance, so I’m back today …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/rutgers-unite-8k-2018-race-recap/

Defy Limits with Gixo

Happy New Year! I’ve beenĀ slightlyĀ MIA-ish on social media, which was semi-expected because of the holidays, but twas mainly because I was back on hospital service for the past two weeks, and it tends to sap all the life and energy out of me. (You can read about what it was likeĀ when I was an …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/defy-limits-with-gixo/

Fitness Goals 2018

Linda @ The Fitty tagged me in this questionnaire and I thought it’d be a fun end-of-year questionnaire to do! I did a “10 confessions” a couple years ago that she tagged me in too, but this one’s focused on fitness goals!

What are your #fitnessgoals for the upcoming year? #fitfam …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/fitness-goals-2018/