LUSH Haul From Back In The Day

Much as I wanted to participate in this week’s optional theme for The Fit Dish (hosted by Jessica and Jill), life is being just on the slight side of super crazy busy (e.g. I traveled/lived through 3 states in the past 3 days), so you’re getting one of the [many] posts I wrote and never published back in the day for exactly this purpose!

Some time ago, Jess (Hello To Fit) posted about the No Drought dry shampoo at LUSH, which is a store that I love and adore, but, aside from earlier this year, I hadn’t stepped foot into since around 2008. Why is this, you ask?

It’s because I lack restraint when it comes to LUSH. ;_;

(It’s also because I haven’t lived anywhere close to a LUSH store in the past half-decade.) Self-care is rather important to your general health and well-being, and this is very much a store that you visit when you’re in need of retail therapy and want some awesome pampering in your life (+ have some money to spare). :O


Back in 2008, I tried out several different products:

  • Buffy the Backside Slayer (Exfoliating Scrub)

    I love this stuff, and I made it last for as long as humanly possible (e.g. kept it in the refrigerator and cut it into 9 smaller squares–a little goes a long way). There’s no packaging for it, so find a container for it! In a sense, it’s so exfoliating, it almost hurts, but on the flip side, it leaves my skin feeling so soft/smooth, it’s unbelievable. I got a bunch of compliments on how awesome my skin was whenever I used it.The only downside was that I’d hate cleaning the tub afterward (I lived in an old apartment at the time, so the drain was slightly messed up), but it’s definitely worth the trouble.

  • BIG (Shampoo)

    The shampoo I usually buy is $3, tops, so to me, this was extremely expensive ($27–I think it was $20 back in the day!). …But I got it as a gift, so I can’t complain. It makes my hair feel extremely clean and lathers really well, and I actually really like the texture of the shampoo…although as I was shampooing my hair, it felt almost as though it’d stripped my hair of all moisture–I had to condition like no other afterward. It  smells awesome though (I love citrus scents), and my hair is softer than ever before/actually isn’t lifelessly flat. <3 The whole lack-of-moisture feeling worked itself out after I started using it just once a week.

  • Angels On Bare Skin (Facial Cleanser)

    It smells nice, does well with mild (non-abrasive) exfoliation. It cleared up my skin, and is gentle enough for everyday use. The packaging is somewhat inconvenient though and it gets a little messy (it’s also kinda hard to get it into paste-type consistency), and when it’s not on sale, it’s pretty effing expensive. However, a little goes a long way, and it lasts for a good while (I keep it in the fridge), so that makes up for the price!

  • Twinkle (Bath Bomb)

    I picked this one up because I was employing girl logic and  taking advantage of a sale. (The ones I wanted were gone.) It’s nothing too remarkable in the sense that it didn’t really moisturize my skin or turn the water a pretty color (basically didn’t really do much of anything). It smelled kinda nice and I noticed later that my skin was veryy faintly shimmery (hence, the name ‘Twinkle’?), but I think there are better ones out there! (It has been so darn long that I believe this one’s actually been discontinued! :o )

  • Avobath Ballistic (Bath Bomb)

    I really liked this one. It turned the water a light green-ish color; there wasn’t any mess to clean up afterward, and it smelled faintly of lemon. It left my skin feeling very moisturized and a lot softer (same with my hair!), and I could see hints of glitter in my skin after I got out of the tub. It’s one of the cheaper LUSH products, but all of their products tend to be rather pricey; I’d probably buy this again if I were feeling a little richer than right now.

Why do I still remember it to this level of detail, you ask? I’m not actually that awesome–it’s because I’ve always loved to document things, so I wrote reviews about them on MakeUpAlley, otherwise known as my go-to resource for skincare products and the like!

Stay tuned for this year’s haul! (It shouldn’t take me 7 years to post it this time! :P)

  • Have you ever been to LUSH?
  • What’s your favorite skin care product?
Dish The Fit

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  1. I’ve been in LUSH a number of times and I’m so attracted to it….but I’ve never bought a single thing because….money. It’s a lot. I probably would get something for a birthday or Christmas but they don’t have it in Malaysia.
    Rachel G recently posted…Leaving HomeMy Profile

    1. I’m definitely with you there! That’s why I banned myself from there for so long–there are so many things I want from that store! *-*

  2. I have never been to LUSH! Sounds like a great time!
    Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete recently posted…When you shouldn’t go the extra mile. Or two.My Profile

    1. I have to stop myself from going there, haha. All that temptation! *-*

  3. Is it bad to say that I’ve never been to LUSH? These all look absolutely amazing!! {And I think they’d make great Christmas Gifts, too!}
    Rachel @ recently posted…Healthy Pumpkin Pie RecipeMy Profile

    1. haha, not at all! i haven’t had the chance to go back in a while, but I love em’! (Completely agreed on Christmas presents too–they make such cute themed things + gift packages! <3)

  4. Lush is my vice too. Can’t walk out of there empty handed!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Charleston Day TripMy Profile

    1. The struggle is real! :P

  5. this sounds like a fantastic store- I will keep my eyes open for one!
    Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Hunting Widow Week 2!My Profile

    1. Hope you find one near you! :D!

  6. Bah, apparently I am behind the times and have never even hear of Lush! Haha…but, by the look of these fab products, maybe that’s a good thing. Haha. I love how you refrigerated that scrub to make it last as long as possible. SO WISE! I love your frugal smarts. And, it’s also great to get honest opinions on products. Thanks for sharing, and good luck with all the traveling and busy-ness. I know you’ll though. #fitfamlove Farrah! Xx
    Jessica Joy recently posted…How To Stretch While Getting Stuff DoneMy Profile

    1. hahah, this store is definitely a slippery slope for me–so many temptations! The only downside is the price, so I like to find ways to make it last as long as humanly possible, hehhe.

      Thanks so much! <3 It's been pretty hectic so far, but also a whole lot of fun--yay for adventures!

  7. Aw, thanks for the shout out :) I’ve only tried that one LUSH product (No Drought dry shampoo) but would like to try a bath bomb!

    1. Anytime! ;P Your post kinda revitalized my love for LUSH in the sense that I uh, went a little crazy when I came across a store again (could also be the fact that I haven’t been in one in the past 5-ish years ._.). The bath bombs are a lot of fun! :]

  8. I love Lush so, so much! Like you, I do not have one any where near me (Like the closest one is in Pasadena two hours away) They have the best natural products!
    amber recently posted…Steak Panini with Wasabi Mayo and Pepperjack Yogurt CheeseMy Profile

    1. Agreed! :D I hope wherever I end up has one a reasonable distance away! :P

  9. I adore Lush! My favourite product of theirs is the sea salt scrub! LOVE!
    Charissa (@ColourfulPalate) recently posted…Healthy Halloween GoodiesMy Profile

    1. I haven’t had a chance to try that out yet, but it sounds awesome! <3

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