
Hi everyone, and welcome to Medical Mondays!

I’m super excited about this one–not just because I love food/it’s an extremely important subject, but also because it’s the first time I’ve ever had anyone guest-post on my blog! :O

Med school unfortunately didn’t teach me as much as I would’ve liked in terms of being able to counsel my future patients on healthier dietary habits, sooo…

Please welcome Emily from Zen & Spice!

I discovered her blog last year through The Recipe ReDux, and  adore her recipes (e.g. these super-cute Individual Meatloaf Cups and these delicious Raspberry Chocolate Cheesecake Bars). <3

Hi everyone, I’m Emily, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist & healthy living blogger over at Zen & Spice! I currently work at a cardiovascular disease specialty hospital in Texas doing nutrition counseling with congestive heart failure patients and in my spare time I’m working on recipes and posts for my blog. I love cooking, yoga, painting, being outside, and playing with my five month old schnoodle puppy!

I am excited to be here on Fairyburger for an “Ask the Dietitian” segment! Farrah sent me a series of nutrition questions she felt would be beneficial for her readers. Let’s jump right in!

ask the dietitian
What’s your healthy eating motto?

I am a firm believer in the 80/20 rule. No one can eat perfect all the time, not even a dietitian! Being too strict with your diet just leads to frustration, cravings, and eventually just ditching the whole diet altogether. By using the 80/20 rule, 80% of your meals should be whole, unprocessed, and include lots of fruits and veggies. The other 20% can be indulgences—dark chocolate, sweets, maybe a small salty snack.

If you eat three meals per day, that means four meals per week can be a little indulgent. If you eat three meals and two snacks per day, that means seven meals or snacks can be indulgent. I wouldn’t recommend going completely crazy and eating large amounts of fast food, candy, etc, but this does allow you some wiggle room for your favorite treats without feeling guilty!

What’s your favorite healthy meal?

I am a big fan of Skinny Taste’s Spinach Lasagna Rolls. They’re really easy to put together and cook in less than 40 minutes. Two of these rolls plus a side salad is less than 500 calories!

What should be included in a healthy diet? In terms of serving sizes, what’s the current recommendation for each of the food groups?

If you think about setting up your plate, you want half of it to be filled with non-starchy vegetables (spinach, kale, broccoli, green beans, zucchini, carrots, etc), one-fourth filled with lean protein (chicken, turkey, seafood, lean beef), and one-fourth whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat pasta, couscous, quinoa, etc). Serving sizes of lean protein and whole grain carbohydrates should fit into the palm of your hand.

How can someone improve their overall nutrition?

I’d say making sure you are eating from all five food groups, avoiding processed foods, eating more at home, portioning your plate correctly, staying hydrated and getting plenty of physical activity.

What types of beverages would be considered healthier alternatives to soda/pop/juice?

There are several great soda replacements out there—Zevia is one of my favorites. It’s soda made out of stevia, which is a completely natural zero-calorie sweetener. I also like Le Croix carbonated water; they have so many different flavors. Flavoring your water with lemons, limes, cucumber or strawberries tastes great and is really refreshing!

What would you recommend for someone trying to start a weight loss plan?

Start tracking your food—my favorite app for this is MyFitnessPal. Keeping a food diary really opens your eyes to how you’re doing intake-wise. Put together a physical activity plan with activities that you actually like. Make sure every meal and snack has a source of lean protein and plenty of non-starchy vegetables!

What would you recommend for someone trying to gain more lean mass?

It all depends on how tall you are, how much you weigh, and what your weight gain goal is. But general recommendations are to increase your calorie intake by 200-500 calories, mostly from lean protein and heart healthy fats. Lifting weights is key to adding muscle—make sure you stretch, hydrate and eat/drink your protein afterwards!

What are your thoughts on supplements (e.g. protein powder)? Vitamins?

Multivitamins aren’t really vital if you’re eating a well-balanced diet. But if you’re vegetarian or vegan, I would recommend taking B12, calcium, vitamin D, iron, and omega-3’s (from flax or chia). Protein powder is a smart addition if you’re physically active and/or lifting weights.

Are artificial sweeteners safe to consume?

Artificial sweeteners get a bad rap—there are so many different opinions out there. Some say they are cancer causing and can hinder weight loss. Some say they can cause migraines. They’re still FDA approved, however. I say use them minimally—substitute stevia instead!

Is organic food better for your health?

Organic food can be so expensive. It’s no wonder the nickname for Whole Foods is “Whole Paycheck”. If you’re trying to eat healthier, in my opinion, any form of fresh produce is a step in the right direction. However, if you’re really worried about pesticides, refer to the Dirty Dozen (image below) and buy these organic.

What are some tips you’d recommend to someone who wanted to start eating healthier?

Shop the perimeter of your grocery store—fresh produce, fresh meat, eggs, and dairy are all healthy choices. The center is where all the cans, boxes, processed foods and snacks are. Go in for cereal, nut butters, dried fruit and canned beans/tomatoes. Read the label—if anything has more than 5 ingredients, put it back on the shelf!

shop the perimeter
If you are interested in an “Ask the Dietitian” segment on your blog, send me an email at zenandspice [at] gmail [dot] com! You can also subscribe to my weekly newsletter to stay up to date with my latest posts and recipes, and you’ll also get my free, ten-page clean eating toolkit sent to your inbox!

Follow me on social media!

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Thanks for letting me take over your blog today, Farrah! I’m excited to get to know your readers!


I came up with this design ages ago for our class t-shirt contest! :]
Disclaimer: The statements made on this blog should not be taken as medical advice to treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please contact your own physician or health care provider before starting a health or fitness/wellness program. (See full disclaimer here.)

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  1. That last diagram of the shopping market is so accurate! Thus why I always stick to the sides and never go in the aisles unless I’m looking for spices or some other shenanigan like that.
    Linda @ The Fitty recently posted…THE 100 WORKOUTMy Profile

    1. Agreed! Shopping the perimeter has saved me so much money too! :]! Win-win!

    2. Yep, that’s one of my favorite tips. All the fresh stuff is on the outside. I only go into the aisles for low sodium canned beans/tomatoes, pasta, rice, grains, spices, and baking items :)
      Emily @ Zen & Spice recently posted…Oma’s German Cucumber Salad [Spiralized!]My Profile

  2. Great post, Farrah! Thanks to Emily for some solid advice!
    Erica @ erica finds recently posted…Stay Healthy and Hydrated with Ohyo Bottles #GiveawayMy Profile

    1. Thanks! :D Emily’s awesome! I’m glad she didn’t mind me bombarding her with so many questions! :P

  3. Love all of Emily’s advice. Agree 100% with everything she said :)
    Elizabeth @ Enjoy Every Bite recently posted…Elizabeth’s Weekly Menu 2/9 to 2/13My Profile

    1. Definitely! :D I definitely laughed about the “Whole Paycheck” nickname; I’ve heard that many a time, haha. :P

  4. This is going to be a fantastic series, Farrah. And thanks, Emily, for sharing this with Farrah’s readers! I laughed at the Whole Paycheck. I have to say though, I do miss having a Whole Foods around now we live in Thailand. I’ve started buying everything organic because I have no idea what the hell they do with their pesticides here…
    jess meddows recently posted…Ethical Jobs and Lock The GateMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Jess! <3 Agreed about Whole Paycheck--I actually never got a chance to go to one much because by the time they got one in my town, I'd already pretty much moved across the country for grad/med school. Good call though--I have no idea what Thailand does either with their crops. :x

  5. I love “shop the perimeter.” I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve said this to someone and you literally see the lightbulb come on! It’s a wonderful teaching tool. Great post!
    Pragati // Simple Medicine recently posted…Tomato Slice Pizza BitesMy Profile

    1. Agreed! I’ve saved so much money/time since adopting that practice too! :]

  6. What a great post! I follow the 80-20 rule and shop the perimeter. Great tips!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…One “Wicked” WeekendMy Profile

    1. Agreed! :D!

  7. I am always up for advice from the experts! I love the 5 ingredient rule! ;)
    Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness recently posted…3 Health and Fitness Finds that Sparked My CuriosityMy Profile

    1. Same here! I hadn’t implemented that one before, but it’s definitely a good one! :]

  8. I love this! I always enjoy hearing what a RD has to say about nutrition. My hubby is a nutrition professor so we talk a lot about it around the house- I find it fascinating!
    Annmarie recently posted…FreeMotion 790 Interactive Treadmill is All Tricked Out!My Profile

    1. Same! I figured I’d pull in an expert since I’d learned so little about it; I wish I had an expert in my family! :P

    • Ricardo on February 9, 2015 at 9:29 am
    • Reply

    So, bcaas, protein powder, and 1 solid meal a day is a bad idea?

    1. hahaha, what goes into that solid meal, and is that really all you consume? :O

  9. Another great Medical Monday! It’s so true, education on nutrition is really lacking in medical school, this really needs to change. I love Emily and her answers are all so great!
    Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Dining with the Doc: Cheesy Sweet Potato Coins with Chipotle CremaMy Profile

    1. Seriously! It’s such an important part of preventative care + helping patients to lead healthier lives; I wish there was more of an emphasis in it! :[

  10. Thanks for having me, Farrah! :) Excited to meet your readers!
    Emily @ Zen & Spice recently posted…Oma’s German Cucumber Salad [Spiralized!]My Profile

    1. :D! Thanks so much for such an awesome post! <3

  11. What a great post! Thank you to Emily for sharing this awesome stuff :) The world of nutrition is SO complicated these days and it’s tough to know what’s right, what’s wrong, what’s going to kill us, what’s going to give us super powers :P

    It’s nice to hear from a dietician that sticking to the basics is where it’s at!
    Ariana recently posted…Five Reasons to Run a Half MarathonMy Profile

    1. Agreed! I think keeping it simple makes it way easier for everyone to stick to it! :]

  12. Eating whole foods from all food groups and shopping the perimeter is such an easy first step to healthy living!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Strawberry Mocha GranolaMy Profile

    1. Yes indeed! That’s how I started as well! :D

  13. What a great series, Farrah! I love the “shop the perimeter of your grocery store” tip. It’s on point! Looking forward to reading more of these. :-)
    Erica recently posted…Love Series: Romance Films to Watch on Valentine’s DayMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Erica! :]! That’s one of my favorite tips that I pass on to every patient that I come across who shows any inkling of wanting to adopt healthier dietary habits! :P

  14. Great guest post Emily! You did a really great job of answering common nutrition questions. I really agree with tracking your food intake. It’s amazing how people don’t realize what or how much they are eating until they track it.
    Jen @ pretty little grub recently posted…#MotivateMe Monday, muffin tin omelette & weekend happeningsMy Profile

    1. Definitely agreed with the food-tracking! A lot of patients I talk to don’t realize that the snacks that they eat (and the soda/pop that they drink) add to the total amount!

  15. I love your medical mondays! I seriously learn so much. I am going to avoid the aisles unless it is protein, nuts and things like that. I never even thought about that! I just started a whole new lifestyle change (slowly lol) like my whole diet… this will be good to know!

    1. Yay! I’m so glad that they’re helpful! :] And don’t worry about the change being slow! Small steps often make it a whole lot easier to implement/integrate new changes into your lifestyle! :] If you make a bunch of huge changes all at once, it can be harder to stick to, and sticking to it is what counts! :]!

  16. What a great post! Enjoyed reading this Q&A. Thanks so much!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Link Love #4 and a taste of ThailandMy Profile

    1. Hooray for Emily! :D I’m so glad I got to trade guest posts with her! :]

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