Celebrate Your Victories

Hi everyone, and welcome to Medical Mondays!

I don’t know how it goes in other cultures, but for me, there has always been some crazy major emphasis on humility. You show people your abilities and qualities through your actions and the work that you do, not what you say. Your actions and your hard work speak for themselves.

celebrate your victories

Case in point, I am pretty darn terrible at “selling myself,” and I rarely talk about my accomplishments unless I’m directly asked about them. I think my interviews went well because I was able to have engaging + interesting conversations with my interviewers (and because they actually took the time to look through my file!). :O My parents are very much the same way.


As important as it is to be able to discover your flaws so that you can work to continually improve, it’s equally important to celebrate your victories as well, and to recognize your strengths!

I don’t make resolutions every year, but if you’ve ever noticed the 101 in 1001 (2014-2016) hanging out under my “About” tab, this was a list of goals that I wanted to be able to accomplish in ~2.75 years!

I grouped them under the following categories:

  • Health + Fitness: Some of these got massively derailed due to traveling all across the country for rotations and interview season…plus a broken hand. (What can I say? Twas an eventful final year of med school…)
  • Giving: I managed to knock both of these out! Now that I finally have an income (at long last), I can actually donate too! :]
  • Academics/Career: I managed to accomplish all the ones I had under here! <3!!!
  • Budget/Finances: I still need to massively declutter my life and donate and/or sell everything I don’t want/need anymore. That one ends up on my list every time I do one of these 101 in 1001 lists…
  • Learning/Hobbies: I need to think up some new ones for this that’ll work in my schedule!
  • Travel: I managed to do most of these (yay!), and now that I can actually schedule real vacations, that’ll help a lot with being able to plan other trips!
  • Family/Friends: I got to see my family/friends more in the past year (well, at least the first 4 months-ish of the year) than I did in the last 8 years combined. <3 I’ll consider that a win on all levels.
  • Purchases: Should I get myself Tales of Phantasia to complete this list!?
  • Food/Blog-Related: I tend to always be overly ambitious with my blog because it’s the only way I really ever get anything done. I didn’t manage to accomplish all the things on here, but I gave it a good run!
  • Miscellanous/Fun: Time to dream up new random things to do! :P

celebrate your victories

I came up with this design ages ago for our class t-shirt contest! :]

  • What victory in your life would you celebrate? It can be a post you’ve written, a recipe you’ve made, a new PR, makin’ it through a rough week…share it with me in the comments! :]
  • What would you put in your 101 in 1001 list? What categories would you have? (My new one for 2016-2019 is coming out this Saturday!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/celebrate-your-victories/


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  1. You’ve had an incredible year, you have so much to be proud of, I hope that you are cheersing to those victories and many more to come your way!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…That Last Deep Breath: Georgia Christmas 2016My Profile

    1. Thanks so much! <3 I'm definitely cheersing to those and fingers crossed for an awesome 2017! Happy new year to you! <3
      Farrah recently posted…2016 Foodie Friday Favorites RoundupMy Profile

  2. 2016 –> the year Rebecca and Farrah finally hung out ;) That’s the biggest accomplishment! Bahahaha! ;)
    I think I should make a 101 in 1001! That seems much more fun and doable than only 1 year and more “realistic” than just a plain old bucket list with no deadline!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 12/23/16My Profile

    1. Forreals!! <3 We need to get together sometime when we're both back to make more foods and boost morale for winter! ;_;

      That'd be cool! :D Let me know if you do! :] I'm excited to get to work on mine!
      Farrah recently posted…2016 Foodie Friday Favorites RoundupMy Profile

  3. What an amazing year you’ve had!!! I am looking forward to some big changes for us in 2017 and a lot more travel!
    melissa recently posted…Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!My Profile

    1. Yay! I hope you have lots of fun on your travels!!
      Farrah recently posted…2016 Foodie Friday Favorites RoundupMy Profile

  4. I love this! We all need to celebrate our victories and be kinder to ourselves more!

    A victory in my life I would celebrate… hmm! Probably working my butt off all year and getting some seriously great clients onboard!
    Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…A Very Southern In Law Christmas – 2016My Profile

    1. Yes indeed! :]!

      That’s really important and super awesome! Congrats on getting amazing clients! :D
      Farrah recently posted…2016 Foodie Friday Favorites RoundupMy Profile

  5. I love the idea of 101 in 10001. It’s good to have bucket list type of goals – and other smaller things -but with a greater time limit of getting them done. Congrats on all the things you’ve achieved so far!

    ShootingStarsMag recently posted…12 Days of Christmas Swap Reveal!My Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Lauren! :D! I love making lists and crossing things off so this caters to that as well! ;P
      Farrah recently posted…2016 Foodie Friday Favorites RoundupMy Profile

    • Sam on November 14, 2018 at 12:20 pm
    • Reply

    I keep two lists of my greatest achievements from childhood to now – one for professional achievements and the other for non-professional “bragging rights” such as # of pull-ups, difficult hikes, countries traveled, etc. It gives me confidence and happiness whenever I look at it – guess it’s a way of counting your blessings.

    1. Awesome! Wanna let me look at it when I get back? I need inspiration!

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