Bamboo Shoots with Pasta

My dad concocted this one because he’s super cool. I am unfortunately not within walking distance of an Asian supermarket here, but one of these days, I’m sure one of my housemates-with-a-car will go! :O

In any case, I’m too uninspired to come up with a name for this one (or more accurately, to dig up Chinese characters for it). This is a super-easy/fast recipe. :D

Bamboo Shoots with Pasta

-chili bamboo shoots (yay for Asian markets!)
-chicken, shredded
-sesame oil

1) Cook pasta. Cook chicken. Throw bamboo shoots and pasta in with the chicken. Add a little sesame oil. Mix.

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  1. I’m a big fan of bamboo shoots, i never thought of incorporating them in pasta dishes. Great idea. Your Dad is VERY COOL!
    Mary recently posted…Challenge MondayMy Profile

    1. hahaha, this was definitely one of his more successful dishes! :D (The time he fed me mustard pasta made me just a tad wary/trust-issue-ridden! ;P )

  2. helllllo easy! love this!! I never really eat bamboo shoots, but you’ve inspired me to try them!
    Sarah Grace recently posted…Pumpkin Gingerbread Cornbread {GF, DF}My Profile

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